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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. Install spittoons every 10 feet.


    On 5/26/2017 at 9:09 PM, JAG said:

     Have you ever seen a Chinese person shit on the street?

    Have you ever been to China?


    I have. It ranks right up there, I'd say 3rd in place of the nastiest countries I have spent the night in & I've been to 45 countries.


    Yemen & Bangladesh are tied for 1st in my book.


    Had Chinese food, which was absolutely HORRIBLE one night in Beijing.


    Next day we were out 2 hours away from town, and my stomach/err...large colon, was screaming for an exit.


    Like I say 45 countries & this gas/petrol station outside Beijing was the most vile thing I have ever encountered in my half century all over this planet.



  2. 11 minutes ago, sn1per said:

    It has everything to do with bikes on the expressway, bikes are not allowed on the expressway, if she was on a normal road she would not have even been noticed and there would be no story here

    Riding a bike down an expressway is common practice in most of the "developed" world. Granted, this was a moped with a woman who wasn't right in the head/refused to stop, as you stated.


    There's also the argument that cops have bikes powerful enough to keep up w/ the traffic flow, like my 70,000 baht Kawasaki Boss could do (Not sure of what the cops ride?) Probably over-priced BMW's (nice bikes BTW).


    I got pulled over on my Boss on Ratchadapisek Road, & the fairly nice cop stammered out "Must to keep bicycle in left lane"....Even though it was log jam traffic.


    Utter and total idiocy w/ Thai road "rules".





  3. 1 hour ago, robblok said:

    I don't agree, I drive a 135 cc and a 650 cc... a 135 would be hopelessly under-powered on the expressway. The speeds that are used there are often far in excess of that of what a 125cc can get to comfortably.

    I had a Kawasaki Boss 170cc. It topped out at 120 kph. 


    It should be allowed on the expressway, though I wouldn't advise it, as you'll likely get run over by someone speeding at 180 kph.


    What grinds my teeth are the idiots who drive in the fast lane, at 60 kph in a vehicle capable of doing the speed limit.


    Here's my old Boss. My wife cried when I sold it. Tender-hearted lady.



  4. 1 minute ago, mikebell said:

    There are so many stories, Jaywalker.  Mine occurred as I waited to turn right & two boys: under-age; no licence; lost control at over 90kph and smashed me amidships.  My insurance, Thanachart, paid all expenses; + compensation + repairs or replaced motorbike despite the boys being 100% in the wrong and their client (now ex-client) 100% in the right.

    Meanwhile the bent cop who fabricated the charge got paid off both ends.

    I have a friend, turning right on 3rd Road Pattaya off Pattaya Klang. He had a green light to turn right.


    He was new to Thailand at the time, A moto came zooming around and hit his right front fender, flew over the handlebars, jumped up and ran away.


    He got charged, protested, and got to spend the night on Soi 9 till his wife could cough up 50K baht the next day.


    NO, the brown envelope posts never get old. They are sadly all too true.

  5. 13 minutes ago, mikebell said:

    Totally agree with the cranky old bugger above.  Mr Gamini, until you have suffered injustice at the hands of Thai police, I suggest you quit posting about fantasy brown envelopes.  They are REAL.  I frequent six bars regularly and ALL pay 'protection' money to the police.  A personal friend has just closed and sold up as he could no longer afford the 24,000 baht demanded every month.


    I used to be like you; gazing at the Thai world through rose-coloured glasses but my encounter with a bent racist cop has cost me about 80, 000 baht + an undisclosed sum (from my wife who pawned her gold) to ensure the trumped up charges were dismissed.

    Cost me 10K for a traffic accident my wife was involved in....Because she had a farang name. Accident, err, wreck was caused by a speeding idiot on a moto that was passing in a no passing zone. No license, no insurance. My wife had both.


    Cop said, "You have farang name. Must pay me 10K baht or I make big problem for you".



    A nice Dutch guy I met ran a family friendly pool/restaurant & sold a few beers & an occasional shot of whiskey. I took my 5 year old daughter there regularly.


    He was open 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM off Soi Khaotalo in Pattaya. He played really nice classic rock music on outdoor, waterproof speaker from a radio station in Germany that he got via satellite.


    Cops raided & took his 100,000 baht sound system because he wouldn't pay them off. He hung it all up & sold the place shortly after. Last time I saw it, it was an empty shell and an empty pool.



    I was involved with an RTA potential parts purchase & saw the agent handing over a brown envelope just for the contract to be considered.


    I did some work for the agent, and he told me he wished he could pay me more, but he had to pay off the RTA officers a LOT to get the contract.


    He & I walked into an RTAF maintenance facility once. He told me "It's much nicer here, because the Air Force general doesn't take so much money away like Army chief does.".


    General P was Chief of the Army at the time........So, no, the brown envelope posts will never get old.


    Was it not the Erawan bombers that got in by bribing immigration with 18,000 baht?

  6. 10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Reading some of the posts on here, it appears that some have never been to the Thai islands. None of the boats I've used, other than the big tour boats are maintained or safe. Even the fast ferry to Samui never used to have life jackets till one sank and people drowned.

    Ever been on the rust bucket Chinese rejects that are used as car ferries to Samui? The inflatable life rafts obviously would be unable to be used.


    Perhaps the government would do well to start issuing licences for ALL vessels used for passengers, including the unmuffled longtail wrecks that are used all over the islands, subject to passing a proper inspection, requiring lifejackets, motor maintenance, and radios for all vessels going off shore.

    On Phangan in Jan 2005. I could see the lights of boats at night zipping back & forth at incredible speed.


    Luckily I was on Had Leela, over the hill from the madness of the "party" over there....Yes, I wound up there on a full moon by accident.


    One of the boats had 3 outboard engines installed, but was only licensed for 2 engines. The steering cable broke, at speed, & the boat capsized, killing 3 tourists.


    Safety-schmaftey. It's all about the baht.

  7. 11 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

    Her husband Buntham, 64, said the effect was immediate and that she was on the loo all day suffering.

    Reminds me of many a night and day in Thailand.


    Thai's eat rotten fish and worms all the time. What's the big deal?


    Pretty sure my wife is part ostrich and could live on a steady diet of broken glass and peppers.

  8. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

     I get the drift part but how does a failed motor cause a boat to sink?

    It could drift onto some rocks, or take a big wave on the side & down it goes.


    Sounds like the latter happened over in the Chumphon section of the forum about this & all say the seas have been quite heavy in that area recently = they probably should have stayed at the dock to begin with.


    There's a reason boats have motors.



  9. 14 minutes ago, WhizBang said:

    Wow, talk about breaking news.   July 19, huh?  Today is July 28.


    Just curious, how deep was the water in the tunnel?

    Pattaya Mail is just that... Like waiting for snail mail to reach the USA from Thailand.


    No idea how they stay in business?

  10. 16 minutes ago, hargri said:

    All that is happening to date is a case of dealing, not very efficiently, with symptoms of the underlying problems. Until they effectively resolve waste and sewage disposal issues any cleanup will be merely cosmetic and temporary.

    Sent from my Moto G (4) using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

    That would mean any money that's supposed to fix the problem would not find its way into the correct pockets.


    Not likely to happen anytime soon.

  11. 1 hour ago, ksamuiguy said:

    PEA Samui inaction to potential hazard and safety concerns.

    For months a tree has been against the High Voltage cables to one of the villas we care for. The tree is over the public Soi. I have personally talked to PEA at their office here, provided photos of the problem as well as the location. The issue is that it is a hazard not only to PEA lines but causes loss of  power, blown fuses and phase loss to the house.

    Single phasing the load, low voltage and power loss problems in the house.


    The complaint was made in person to Engineering counter at PEA office 3 months ago and again last month so far nothing has been done to remove the tree limbs touching the H.V. Cables.


    How do I get this obvious safety hazard resolved?


    When the fuse/fuses do blow it takes PEA well over an hour to respond and replace the fuses. The last time the response was 12 hours.




    Probably have the wife find the guy that would actually do the work & pay him 500 baht (for doing his job).


    I Once had to pay 300 baht to get my internet connected. Otherwise it was going to take 3 weeks...maybe. This was AIS!

  12. 1 hour ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:


    I have nightmares about that place.

    I have mixed dreams about it.


    Have not been there in years.




    A couple Limey buddy's were in town & we went out. One started complaining about jet-lag...said he was was going back to his hotel.


    Fair enough. The other guy and I started a bar trawl, when I came up with the bright idea of stopping into a Katoey bar. Hell, I was just curious, figured it was good for a beer.


    We went in, & there was our "jet-lagged" buddy with two katoeya on his lap!


    Neither of us cared, but the look on his face when he saw us was beyond hilarious!!!


    We were "On the piss" but he was getting down & dirty with them!

  13. 1 hour ago, jenifer d said:

    all over the world, prostitutes cheat people and steal things, and the same in Pattaya, wherever there are poor people who are essentially forced into sex work by dint of lack of education or other gainful employment

    there will be thefts and such; this is compounded for trans as in many places they are not allowed to have 'normal' employment- and many men DO love to indulge their bisexual side by having romp w/katoey...


    to tar ALL the members of ANY group due to the bad actions of a few is unfair and specious...

    there are 10's of thousands of katoey throughout Thailand, and the vast majority are NOT thieves; one is more likely to be cheated by the bar they're drinking in and/or the bargirl they're hiring for sex (or marrying while thinking that they love the foreigner for anything but their money)

    They sure do make the headlines though.



  14. 1 minute ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:

    The ID card was the only way in some cases to be 100% sure if the girl you were seeing/talking to on an app/about to sleep with, was definitely a girl.


    If that changes and they've already had surgery, then you've only the voice to rely on, and some new guys to south east asia might not be clued up on that.


    I've met a girl who was an actual girl who had a voice a bit like a ladyboy.  I'm yet to meet a ladyboy who has a voice like a girl.

    Son, you need me to take you for a trip around Nana Plaza to show you the ropes.

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