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Posts posted by Grover

  1. Thanks, LookSaMoon, for your comment.

    สำหรับผู้ถือศีลกินผัก <---- Isn't ถือศีลกินเจ? Or ถือศีลกินผัก is formal?

    We in the South are very informal about our langauge. As far as I know there are three Thai expressions: 1. "มังสวิรัติ [( มัง-สะ-หวิ-รัต- ) mang-sà-wì-rát] [N] vegetarian"; 2. "กินเจ [gin jày] [V] practice vegetarianism; eat vegetarian food; abstain from eating meat or fish" and 3. กินผัก [gin pàk], the simpliest, "eating vegetables." [Definitions 1 and 2 from Lexitron.]

    In Phuket Thai, we just say, กินผัก [gin pàk]; we are just "ตาสีตาสา". Any thoughts on the differences between the three phrases?

    Im vego, I usually say :




    seems to have more or less the same effect.

  2. The old saying "Out of sight out of mind" seems to be firmly entrenched in the Thai mentality, how many times have you noticed oncoming pedestrians look at you then look away and continue straight at you,as if thinking "I dont see you so you better move aside".

    The same applies to their behavior on the road .

    So move out of the way then, problem solved.

    sometimes there is no room to move without bumping into someone else.

  3. I've not yet come across anything in the pitakas or commentaries extoling the spirit. Rather than separating the spiritual from the non-spiritual, the Buddhadhamma teaches kusala vs akusala, skilful vs unskilful.

    Along these lines, in Buddhism the mind is given far greater emphasis than the spirit.

    Thus, the question can be turned around... "Are you mindful?"

  4. I was recently warned by a Thai fitness instructor at my gym to be careful about street food. He agrees that it's tasty, cheap, and even fairly nutritious, but he warns that if it's being cooked right out on the street a lot of pollutants are falling on the food. He connected this with rising rates of cancer in a lot of very healthy Thais who don't even drink or smoke (he's in a community of fitness freaks, remember) and recommends eating in markets or food courts rather than on the street.


    it sounds like the guy is more interested in impressing others in a one upmanship of "im more healthy than you" than in actual health.

  5. one would think that they are attracted to the same good qualities they have in themselves :D

    So most Farangs are looking for women who get pizzed up regular, smoke like chimneys and dress in clothes that a charity shop would refuse, and do nothing but whinge ?

    I doubt that Groover. :o

    I agree, but thats nothing to do with what I said.

    hint, the key word in my post was "good"

  6. He should look for a girl that has a Bachelors Degree, maybe a teacher or some sort of normal employment. Find a girl that does not go for nightlife, does not smoke or drink and dresses modestly.

    As for speaking English - I think it is a plus.

    good advice, definitely help to screen out the scrubbers

    I wonder how many Thai women find a Farang with the same qualities ? :o

    one would think that they are attracted to the same good qualities they have in themselves :D

  7. He should look for a girl that has a Bachelors Degree, maybe a teacher or some sort of normal employment. Find a girl that does not go for nightlife, does not smoke or drink and dresses modestly.

    As for speaking English - I think it is a plus.

    good advice, definitely help to screen out the scrubbers

  8. :o I looking around form my son to find any good honest women around 28-33 years old with no children up till now he was always fooled by those he encountered, so what to do?


    Firstly, teach your kid to smarten up.

    this is the age bracket Thai women start panicking to get married, so at least that is in his favour.

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