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Posts posted by Grover

  1. I have a question.

    Considering that the goal of meditation is to reach a state of inifinite nothingness where does the art of dreaming with lucidity fit in?

    As cool as it may be, I dont think it does - at least not in Theravada Buddhism.

    BTW, the goal of Buddhist meditation is Nirvarna, which may or may not be the ambiguous sounding "infinite nothingness" you speak of.

  2. I believe in reincarnation, and think that each of life's journies is to master a good trait or overcome a bad one from before, while doing good things for others.

    Sounds good :o

    What was that Sweidsh philosophy book called about the young girl who got mystery letters in the mailbox, like "who are you?" Sophie's World?

    Yes, Sophies world.

  3. try getting a "riap roi" Thai lady to say "peanuts" as in "I like to eat peanuts"

    always brings a smile to my face :o

    Spoken its "falang" (spoken quickly with second syllable dropping slightly in tone), written it is "farang"... IMO.

  4. So, excuse my skepticism when people with far more odds against them even than us try to convince that all is hanky panky and there are no problems whatsoever

    I think you meant "hunky-dory", rather than "hanky panky" :D . (Although you've probably got "hanky panky" on your mind :D)

    Ups. :o

    Not anymore though - the wife is back from voting. :D

    did she say no ? :D

  5. I agree that you have the right (in most western countries at least) "to treat god as a joke" but I don't think you have the right to abuse the religious views of others who have made a decision that for them God exists in whatever format.

    Disagreeing with someones belief is hardly what you'd call "abuse". Distressing maybe, but abuse??? :o

    I'd agree that there is a time and place for discussions about "God" but this is not one of them.

    To add to one of your points, "IMO" is a very underused acronym in these types of discussions (by all sides).


  6. I almost forgot, one of the funniest series I saw was "Scare Tactics" where they set people up and caught them on camera having the <deleted> scared out of them.

    I remember one show where a real gorilla at a zoo was replaced by an actor in a realisitc gorilla suit who started going ape in his large enclosure, eventually breaking down the gate and chasing and cornering helpless victims before revealing his true identity. :o

  7. Many posted which I agree with but really enjoyed Kath & Kim, ABC (Australia).

    i dunno, Kath & Kim never did it for me, although I liked their work in the "comedy company" & "fast forward" all those years back.

    The Glasshouse on ABC was probably the best Australian comedy ive seen.

  8. I casted my vote too :o good to see there are a few other thais on the dorum :D

    oh, a dorum.

    single non-white female thai on expat forum :D whatever that may mean.......

    it means you like chocolate,

    white milk or dark...... fav being

  9. Anyway, what beliefs do Buddhists draw on when the sh!t hits the fan? And I mean everything, I'd be interested in what some rituals that I see (which appear to be superstitious rather than anything Buddhist) have to do with Buddhism, if anything. As well as Buddhist teachings that some draw strength from.

    Some time ago in a chanting thread, and off the top of my head, sabaijai was saying he was in a train when it derailed or shook violently, life threateningly, throwing people around etc. Apparently some devoted Thai Buddhists went on the floor and started chanting, and praying (for the buddha to save them?) !!

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