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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 20 hours ago, saakura said:

    Quite true. The natives are no longer in complete awe of the almighty white skinned farang. Globalisation, internet, cheap air travel has levelled it a lot. 

    The natives, he says.......

    The almighty white farang, he says.......

    Never in my life was I confronted so little with discrimination during the twelve+ years I lived here.

    I am a guest here, I behave myself like a guest, I don't feel discriminated against and never had any aggression vented on me.

    Quite different from my own country.


  2. 5 hours ago, Wiggy said:

    One thing I'll never understand here.....why does the victim have to do the job of the police?  


    "The victim was expected to come with the report to the police station at 10am this morning."


    Why can't the police visit the victim as in civilized countries?

    I know of a country where one has to make an appointment to file a complaint, while the police station is only open during office hours Monday to Friday.

    Civilised countries?

  3. 13 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Seeing as a marriage between two members of the same sex isn't recognised by law here, I can't see how he's breached any 'regulations'. But then again, it did say 'unspecified' meaning 'made-up-as-we-go-along'. 


    Can anyone name any powerful male figure here who's in the army, police, politician, etc, who is openly gay? Not an actor or singer. Thailand may seem like a very open society when it comes to homosexuality, but it's still way behind in my opinion. How many times have I heard "He's not a real man" meaning he's gay. That expression should be reserved for men who beat their partners. 



    Thailand is not a very open society, at all.


  4. 3 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Well done President  Macron - great news. All the best for building a stable and successful nation.

    You probably mean great news for the Europhiles in Brussels.

    Building a stable and successful nation?


    The unelected, undemocratic clique in the EU will do anything to unbuild all the nations in Europe and by means of the sh*t euro make all the people poor.

    Do remember the euro is only meant for big business, not for the common man.

  5. Living in Khon Kaen for nearly 12 years now, and was surprised by the change from a biggish village to a big town in those years, and still growing.

    Big shops, a mall, small shops, restaurants, pubs/bars, hotels, condos for rent, houses for rent, it is all available.

    Within the city limits there are many moobhaans, quiet and secluded, town houses and even bigger homes.

    Airport a few kilometer away, bus station near the ring road and the main road to Bangkok and Udon, railway station in town, songtaews, new airco buslines in town.

    Even bars plus the attached social workers are available.

    A not too big expat community.

    Schools, private and state.

    Hospitals, private and state.

    Academic hospital and very good academic heart centre.

    Good taxi service, use the phone to order a taxi to be certain of meter.

    It is all there!


  6. 12 hours ago, Artisi said:

    for me, I wouldn't take 1 satang off the scumbag, I'd rather die destitute than touch any of their blood money. Let this excuse for a human rot in jail.

    Now, suppose you have nothing.

    No money, no job, nothing.

    Would you still take nothing from the perp?

    Would the choice between an uncertain legal process and a certain monetary payment be difficult?

  7. 4 hours ago, billd766 said:


    Can you tell me where they can actually learn where to swim?


    I live in rural Khampaeng Phet and the nearest swimming pool is 15km away. There is a reservoir about 5km and another 20km away. In KPP there is only 1 school that I know of with a swimming pool.


    I agree that all children SHOULD learn how to swim but who would be qualified and where can they learn. Ideally they should be taught at the school under supervision by qualified teachers, but the cost of installing a swimming pool, maintaining it, keeping it clean and hygienic, keeping it secure out of hours will tax the average school costs.


    Unlike the west there seem to be very few public swimming pools available and probably even less with qualified staff.

    Well, you said it yourself.

    I presume there are more families with children around your region.

    All parents together hire a swimming teacher, and on to the nearest pool.

    It is all about not panicking and learning how to float.

    And for that a western style pool is not needed.

    I learned to swim in a canal, from my father.

  8. 39 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    Maybe not the death penalty but at least 20 years.


    The public having gunds is illegal in Thailand (with a few exceptions. IMHO it's criminal that anybody can buy guns and that the police lost control of gun sales etc., years ago.


    Anybody recall the incident about 3 years ago, an ex cop (dismissed from the force for a serious offence) was caught openly selling handguns in Pattaya, he admitted having sold 152 guns to local Pattaya teenagers. 

    The police, everywhere in the world, did not loose control of firearms.

    They never had and never will have control.

    Any success in finding illegal weapons is just having luck.

  9. 3 hours ago, HooHaa said:

    I think you had better re-read the op. You are managing to jump to conclusions regarding the attitudes of thos polled that simply arent there. 


    In fact places mentioned like lumpini park, massage parlours and the mae hong son scandal all point to the domestic trade.



    Right, the domestic trade.

    Seen the 5% share of the sex trade in Thailand for the tourists and 95% for the Thai, it is a domestic "problem".

    But it seems to run parallel with the idea to blame tourists and expats for all wrongs in Thai society.

    Thereby forgetting the amount of money from abroad brought in by tourists and expats.

  10. 3 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    Apart from locking up everyone in jail who disagree with them and telling you who you can read and share on FB and cut the power of the much needed newspaper criticism, there seems to be a lot of neg and none of the other

    Please explain how many are in prison?

    Newspaper critics, so called independent journalists are a thing op the past, worldwide.

    Most, if not all, just repeat the news feeds from Reuters cs.

    While most news is then presented as 3-minute infotainment flashes, or less.

    Although I really wonder if Chinese subs can do some good for the Thai military, as China is in fact the problem in Asia, I think The Thaksin Club should find something else to nag about, or even better contemplate what went wrong during their governmental periods.


  11. 14 hours ago, Becker said:

    That will only happen when Thailand has a dedicated and honorable elected government who have the people's mandate to rid society of the Sakdina system and of graft, and to purge the public sector (especially the armed forces, police and judiciary) of the worst offenders.

    In short; not anytime soon.

    I seem to remember there was a "honourable" elected parliament that formed a government, some time ago.

    I have that stupid idea what you expect from that kind of government, did not happen also, then.

    In short, it is not really depending on any sort of government, but on something entirely different, the acceptance of "squeeze" by the people in general and the rich and powerful in extremis.

    Don't wait for change.

  12. 3 hours ago, colinneil said:

    So any rapist/ murderer can get a license to drive a taxi.

    Unbelievable bloody unbelievable.

    No proper checks/safeguards.

    All this nonsense we keep hearing about the good taxi drivers in Bangkok, and how authorities are striving to make things better.

    Yet they allow scumbags like this to ply the taxi trade looking for women to rape.

    Wake up you thick buggers and start regulating things better.


    Think about the countries image. Looks good for the tourist figures dosnt it.



    The creep had no taxi license.

    The company did not check that.

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