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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 22 hours ago, cmarshall said:

    I'll bet it's a lot closer to 50k foreigners.  The 38 million tourist visits as a whole contribute between 6% and 10% of GDP.  No way the expats amount to half that.

    The number of foreign expats living in Thailand is somewhere between 400,000 and 500,000.

    On average each foreign expat brings 50,000 Baht per month into the country.

    If 400,000 do this, that would mean a total of 240,000,000,000 Baht.

    Plus 2.7 jobs per farang, plus investment in houses, cars, motorbikes etc.

    All this spent in the local economy and slowly reaching big companies, also employing people.

    Rather more as the OP states.

    • Like 1
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  2. On 1/22/2020 at 12:52 PM, JustAnotherHun said:

    Look at the street, dumbhead.

    Maybe he never drove a motorbike before. Plenty of old farang here tumbling around on ther Honda Waves without having a DL.

    But as always: The Thais are to blame.

    Oh, come on, maybe the man had a driving license, maybe a steel plate over a hole in the road without any signs is a very bad idea, maybe yes, the Thais are to blame?

    How are things done in JustAnotherHun country, then?


    • Sad 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Muzarella said:

    The reality is that the World is ruled by a Clown..and its will be re-elected just because its a Good Clown easy to be manipulated by the real rulers, the World´s Big Bankers and Corporations and the US Military. Good luck!

    Like his predecessor?

    Who brought danger to the world on a grand scale and paid the crazy ayatollahs huge amounts of cash to further their goals.

    And of course, it is money that governs the world, not the people.

    It has always been so, and will always be so, the only influence of the people, anywhere in the world, is purely cosmetic.

    Blaming the current president is rather stupid, he is just a sideshow for the big money.

    Like those who went before him.


    • Thanks 1
  4. 7 hours ago, pegman said:

    As the Thai economy tanks these protests will ramp up.

    Yes, probably.

    Anyway, these people want to exchange the current government by a new government lead by a guy who bought a political party, and declared he does this for the people........

    What is so difficult to understand, politicians go into politics for money and power.

    If the politician has plenty of money, then it is power he seeks.


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  5. On 1/7/2020 at 12:21 PM, lordblackader said:

    The baht has appreciated by 20-25% against some currencies and yet the price of imported goods from those countries hasn't moved - this guy thinks big Thai companies really give a <deleted>? The same companies that back the ruling junta - that's all you need to know about crony capitalism in the LoS. 

    The same big companies that supported the former governments, all of them?

    You really think the TS governments were interested in the people, if only for their votes?

    Where did you ever get the misguided idea governments, anywhere in the world, will do something for the general poorer people besides some cosmetics?

    Wake up!

  6. 23 hours ago, RotMahKid said:

    Let's do the same with Thai People! Thailand is not going to discriminate foreigners right? Oops they already do!

    I say, why he doesn't put a sign in the entrance with "No foreigners allowed to enter" and see what that will do to his sales.

    I guess his shop will have to close soon.

    If he hates foreigners, dont want to sell to them, way to go.


  7. On 12/27/2019 at 11:45 AM, ToYoungToRetire said:

    Newyork less than 10000 years ago was covered in a Glacier a  scamile thick.  

    Global climate change is real, Humans causing it is a laugh. 

    So is that little irritating Scandinavian gnome.

    • Haha 2
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