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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 5 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


    I congratulate your honesty.


    Many others have tried to claim that what he is doing is 'legal' or 'moral' or 'legitimate'.


    You recognize that it is simply oppression.



    If there is a group possibly plotting civil unrest or even civil war, possibly trying to get arms to supply a possible armed uprising, if there is a group even thinking about breaking up the country, yes, it may be called oppression, but it certainly might be called needed.

  2. On 7/8/2017 at 8:56 AM, mark5335 said:

    Re: No 4, I worked in a Thai bank in Bangkok 8 years ago. Back then, a local EVP at head office in charge of department had a base salary of around 300K baht per month (depending on the dept function), plus a BMW 5 series with driver, health insurance, and annual bonus. That bank, whilst local, had a major foreign shareholder so the salaries compared well to international banks. Having said that, the bank employed hundreds of plodders of questionable productivity that would have been earning less than 30K per month.




    You forget to mention the  plodders employed by the bank of no productivity  nor quality, at all, that would have been paid high salaries for just being there, being family members of higher ups also not worth the money they get.

    Banks, as it is said, are legalised criminal institutions.

    Remember that, next time you feel the urge to lower the worth of underpaid people doing their job.


  3. On 1/16/2016 at 1:11 PM, Gulfsailor said:

    The star ratings of these 5 mentioned Thai airlines does surprise me somewhat. If I had to predict beforehand, based on my experience flying them all numerous times, I would have gone with;

    Orient Thai: 1star

    Nok Air: 2stars

    AirAsia: 3 stars

    Thai Air: 4stars

    Bangkok Air: 4+stars

    What might have skewed the results is the difference between long haul fligh and only short haul flight airlines. Short haul airlines are generally a lot more dangerous due to the inherent risk of take of and landing and use of smaller (prop) planes.

    Anyway, still plenty work to do for all Thai airlines!

    Prop planes are less safe?


  4. 4 hours ago, Thaiverymuch said:

    OMB I hope they put the dog to sleep, this must never ever happen to anyone again. The poor little boy, I hope he recovers well. Bless his heart emoji120.pngemoji257.pngemoji173.png

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Put the dog to sleep?


    My father, breeder of German shepherds and Bouviers, always killed any of his dogs that attacked a human.

    The can never be trusted again and will attack again he said.

    He shot them.

    And that is what should have done when the dog attacked before.

    The soi dog population in Thailand is a danger to humans and a health problem.

    Something should be done about it, urgently.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Honeybugs said:

    KittenKong wondered which "upstanding citizen" filed the complaint, and offered several suggestions. There were, I thought, some options missing from his list.


    Could it be

    1. a farang who can tell right from wrong?

    2. a farang who lives in Thailand because his pension won't support his lifestyle back home?

    3. a farang in whose home country there are no hookers, ladyboys (I believe you call them transvestites), pickpockets, drug dealers, shady taxi drivers, and the like

    4. a farang whose home country is so perfect that it offers itself as a model to other societies

    5. a farang in whose home country they don't arrest people cavorting naked in public because it is the norm, a way of life


    There might be other options...

    Oh dear.......

    I presume you classify two nude farang as a crime of the first order and all the things mentioned as minor disturbances?

    Indeed, silly behaviour of the two farang, but I guess the other things border on the criminal side?


  6. 3 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    I wonder which upstanding citizen filed the complaint about this appalling behaviour at that time?


    Could it be one of the hundreds of overweight and ugly hookers who line the beach all night?

    Or one of the many lady-boy hookers who will grab the crotch of any male passer-by (whilst often also grabbing his wallet or gold necklace)?

    Or one of the many Thai men who call out offers of drugs for sale?

    Or one of the many pickpockets and ride-by motorbike snatch artists?

    Or one of the fake watch vendors who beats up anyone who doesnt want to buy their wares?

    Or one of the taxi drivers who refuse to use their meters?


    At that time of night it cant have been one of the jet-ski scam artists as they are all at home and drunk by dusk.

    Priorities, Sir, priorities.

    All you mentioned above is not so hot as some farang tourists having a nude swim.

  7. 3 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    So does that mean if the fatality numbers were tweaked to give a more accurate reading like the story is suggesting then Thailand could be No.1on the world road fatalities/per capita list? 


    If so then that world record could probably be counted as PM Prayut's greatest ever under achievement. He is personally in charge of everything in Thailand from the attire of twerking dancers to road safety and corruption. The buck stops with him on every little thing even though he habitually passes the blame on to someone else.

    Blaming the latest PM of Thailand for the carnage on the roads is a bit silly.

    How on earth can he change the state of mind of the Thai people.

    This state has been growing for very long, and I guess is quite difficult to change or stop within a couple of years.

    The blame lies divided by the police not doing their work and the gods, ghosts or whatever that might change the mentality of road users in Thailand.

  8. 49 minutes ago, mikosan said:

    Whether you like it or not, the proposal to bring in compulsory health insurance for visiting Thailand is maybe not such a bad thing?  For starters it would cover idiots like this one, when they run up large medical bills, be they 90000 or 4000000 THB.

    Well, I guess you are right.

    However, insurance is age related, pre existing  problems related, and in general  difficult to obtain when you  are on insurance company's  s**tlist.

    Don't forget expats living in Thailand for years, not able to get any insurance, or a greatly reduced insurance, or loosing the insurance reaching 70.

    Time to implement the planned state insurance maybe?

    A plan that would probably be rather profitable.

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