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peter zwart

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Posts posted by peter zwart

  1. 9 hours ago, seajae said:

    this is expected with the attitude of many here, like the road laws etc, following the regulations  is all optional especially if it stops you from doing what ever you want to

    And that is exactly what i love about Thailand. Freedom with a bit of own responsibility.

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  2. 19 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

    Since March 2020, all the lockdown measures and restrictions have shown that the virus cannot be stopped with the new waves that keep appearing, worldwide. The only thing that has been achieved at best is a time lag. Perhaps a rethink now makes sense and mankind should now - to all appearances - 'sweat out' the milder virus variant. Better to end with horror than horror without end.

    Good to read that more people now finally realize that all the measures wont stop this virus. all we can hope for is that the virus mutate itself into a kind of flu. In the mean time, deal with it. If you scared....stay away from public places. If youre not.......enjoy the relative freedom and be careful.

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