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Posts posted by WHansen

  1. 8 hours ago, EricTh said:

    I won't bet on all these plans. Their plans have been delayed or changed so many times in the past that nobody believe them now.

    In the past, they proposed tourist bubble, then it was scrapped.

    If the European countries find more adverse effects of Astrazeneca, then everything will be delayed again.

    Do you not read the news ? There are NO adverse effects. A few countries in Europe were stamping their feet and throwing their toys out of the pram

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  2. 5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Indeed.... certainly no whinging, just high-lighting that in the UK the passports are a lot more. 


    Same Day passport in Thailand : 3500 baht /  UK:  £177 (7560 baht)

    Regular passport renewal in Thailand: 1500 baht / UK: £85 (3650 baht)

    Lots of whinging there Richard, and you backed up the post from Tingtong.

    Tingtongs point was that it costs  4/5 times as much to get a passport in TL due to the wage difference. Which is correct.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

    Thailand isn't dragging it's feet, the planning cronies are.


    When you consider the strength of the Thai baht, you'd think they'd have been throwing money at it months ago

    They have been Richard, throwing money at the pharma company which will make everyone money and make Thais feel superior and important. Just like the plan to buy subs and make a moon landing

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  4. 31 minutes ago, George Bowman said:

    I keep reading about people coming from abroad and then it appears that they test positive upon arrival. I thought they had to be cleared of the virus before entering Thailand. Doesn't say much for whatever country is issuing the test results. Just thankful that Thailand is on the ball. Or am I missing something?

    It may be due to the fact the test day is not the negative result day.

    Recently, to work at an oil refinery in the UK i was required to show a neg test result 72 hours before i entered site. I was tested at 8 am on a Saturday morning, got my result Monday evening, forwarded the result to the site safety office and was allowed onto site a few days later. My neg result actually only showed i was Covid free over 6 days before i was cleared for entry. 

    If the airlines are working to the same timeline, a passanger is "Covid free" 6 or 7 days before the flight, not 3 days before the flight.

    Not sure if that is also the airlines way of thinking or if it is test and neg result within 72 hours.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 32 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Maybe this is why Thailand fell behind the curve on purchasing vaccines.  They wanted to show the world that the center of the Universe could take care of itself with its own vaccine, its own space shuttle, its own submarines, and for the world to fear them and their technological advancement over falangs and migrant workers.

    You have hit the nail on the head there mate.

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