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Posts posted by redwood13

  1. Was up in Bangkok last weekend and spoke with an American who'd just done his retirement visa extension. He said he has a monthy pension in excess of 100,000 baht but in addition to that Suan Plu wanted to see a letter from his Thai bank with a deposit of not less than 200,000 baht. So, it was off to bank to get the paperwork done. Not the first time this has been reported here.


  2. I honestly don't know why everyone on this thread is praising the place...  :o

    It's for tourists... mediocre food served with a gimmick... tourists love all that cr@p.  :D

    Yes, highly overrated IMO, but perhaps that is simply indicative of the generally low standard of food and service at reasonably priced restauants in Pattaya.


  3. second - will there be a problem getting my art supplies into the country?

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Wouldn't think there would be any problem bringing in art supplies for a painting holiday. But, one thing to consider would be airline rules re transporting solvents and hazardous materials.

    "Despite the fact acrylic and oil paints are non-flammable, it's best to pack them into your bag that will be checked in rather than carry it in your hand luggage and risk having some overjealous security guard confiscate them because they don't believe you. Also put your brushes and palette knives in your checked baggage as they could be considered potential weapons. Mediums, turpentine, and mineral spirits should generally be regarded as hazardous and not be taken on a plane; buy them at your destination. If in any doubt, try to get hold of a product information sheet and check with the airline."

    [source: http://painting.about.com/library/aa032899b.htm ]

    I asked about sources for art supplies in Bangkok on another board and a farang painter in Bangkok states that art supplies are expensive - as you might expect with most anything imported - especially paints above the quality of student grade. I'm told China Town is a good source for canvas and that pre-stretched canvas is difficult to find. Sources for supplies include the Emporium, B2S at Chit Lom, Old Siam Art Shop and as mentioned here Silpakorn University Art Shop.


  4. Hi does anyone know the best schools in Pattaya for a 4 year old I would like him to learn English aswell as the normal stuff could you also let me know the prices



    I asked a similar question for a friend about 6 weeks ago. See:


    And in that thread "madsere" noted this older thread:


    Some of the schools have websites giving more information.


  5. Problem connecting up my new Ji-net ADSL account. I'm using a Zyxel 630-11 USB modem with XP Pro on my desktop PC. Per the instructions on the Zyxel website and the Ji-Net site, the Windows Hardware Wizard is not used. As expected after plugging the ADSL line into the modem I get a "Found new hardware" message balloon. I then cancel the Add New Hardware Wizard.

    But at this point I get a message balloon stating, "A problem occured during new hardware installation. Your new hardware might not work properly."

    No kidding :D

    I continue with the custom install per the instructions.

    The remainder of the installation seems to go ok, that is there are no further messages or problems, except after I reboot to complete the process, I get a plain white window with the message, "Processing is going on." And then nothing, i.e. on closing the window I get a window labeled "End Program RasXP.exe" with the message, "This program is not responding".

    Note that 2 months ago I used this same PC, same modem and same ISP at my previous house without any problems. Of course a few of you may remember my query awhile back re my PC turning itself on when I turned on the bathroom light in the new place, but I'm not yet ready to accept ghosts theories. And anyway the candles in the bathroom are rather romantic :o

    This is the J-net Startup guide - in Thai only:




  6. Yes, Trainspotting is a great book :D I read it right after it was published and in fact imported a copy by mail from UK as it hadn't been released in the US.

    Being American, when I tell a Brit I've read the book they inevidably ask, "Did you understand it?". And the answer is "yes" because my long time best friend is from Edinburgh :D We shared flats in Saudi in the early eighties and see each other every few years. I learned a lot about life in Edinburgh from him and picked up on some of slang and also the language as he has a fairly broad accent - which he's learned to modify through the years :o So I identify a lot with some of the characters and social issues in the book. I just read Porno last year and it wasn't as good - difficult to live up to Trainspotting - but still enjoyed it.


  7. This problem can occur due to no fault of your own. It occurs when a previous internet user connected to the same dynamic IP address assigned to you by your Internet provider was sending port requests to Google. The best way to remedy this is to reconnect to your internet provider to obtain a new dynamic IP address.

    Yes, last January I had the same problem as the original poster and the answer you've given seems to be the correct one. Virus scans, etc. were all negative. In my case it went on for a few days, off and on and then after that no further trouble. Others have reported similar instances.


  8. I am beginning to think TT&T are more than useless,I have just changed address,and it has taken 3 visits to Carrfour office to simply cancel ADSL on one number and start on another,very frustrating.

    I was told again today to go back Monday ,the new number is working fine,but today they told me the old ADSL is still connected.

    Sorry for the whine.

    The whine is understandable at least to me :o I had the same experience about a month ago when I moved. Went to Carrefour to close my Ji-net ADSL account and eventually had to go to the TT&T Naklua office. They filled out the paperwork but that's in conjunction with phone calls to the Ji-Net office :D

    Then I had to return the next day to complete the process because I didn't have my passport with me :D And no ADSL available for at least a month at the new place.


  9. Despite  what  has  been  posted  i/m  still  of  the  opinion  that  if  you  posess  an  O-A  multi  entry  then  a  multi  re-entry  permit  shouldnt  be  required, its  not  logical  (but  then  when  does  that  come  into  anything).

    My  premise  would  be  this.....all  the  re-entry  permit  does  is  protect  your  years  stay  stamp  and  since  you  would  recieve  a  fresh  years  stay  for  every  entry  on  the  O-A  multi  there  is  nothing  to  protect.

    What  we  really  need  is  somebody  to  obtain  an  O-A  multi  and  no  re-entry  permit  come  into  Thailand  and  then  nip  out  and  back  in  again  and  see  what  happens............all  volunteers  one  step  forward  please  :o

    Your interpretation is correct as far as I know. I have a multiple-entry O-A and have left and re-entered Thailand on two occasions and have never applied for a re-entry permit during the one year validity of the multiple-entry portion of the O-A visa. Since the multiple-entry is no longer valid, as I've now been here beyond the expiration date of the O-A visa, I will have to obtain either a single re-entry permit or a multiple re-entry permit when I next leave Thailand.

    I believe "shotover" had been here a year on an O-A multiple entry visa and after it expired he purchased a multiple re-entry permit for 3800 baht.


  10. I feel really strange.  Do I have different ears than most here?

    I seem to have noticed that most thais(99%) especially the ones from Isaan are very capable of rolling their tongues and pronoucing the 'r' sound like the french do. 

    What I understand is it is just a habit to pronounce it like an 'l'.


    It's less tiring to pronounce an L versus an R :D

    "Because they're lazy", was the response I heard from a Thai instructor at a language school in Bangkok.


  11. I am on a TT&T line but the 1222 is permanently engaged. Am I missing something here?

    Wilson Steer

    I used it for awhile when I had one of those free accounts that an computer repair shop added on for me. I found I could only connect after midnight until about 06:00. I was living off Soi Arunothai in a townhouse and I suspect the wiring was old. I had a lot of disconnects with any number of the various cards I used. Eventually got Ji-net ADSL but I had frequent down time sometimes lasting an hour or more when I could not connect.

    I recently moved to a Soi near Beach Rd. and had to have new wiring run from the box into my apt. Seems to be more stable than the other place. I used the CSLOX 63 hour card but frequently had to dial more that once to get connected. I'm now using the TT&T T-Net card, 30 days for 335 baht and it's good. I'm on the wait list for Ji-net ADSL.


  12. To Lop,I think (hope!!) you're right that,in essence, the extra $75

    charged for the OA multi is in lieu of the re-entry permit(s) that would be required otherwise,and should be for the duration of the visa's validity(one year from date of issue), with re-entry permits required BEFORE leaving Thailand if one would leave anytime after the initial OA visa expiration date. This ,of course, would be the case when one gets yet another 365 days upon re-entry, since the new "admitted until date" would be later than the "valid until" date of the original OA. (Redwood, wasn't this the case with you?)

    Yes Mike, that is correct. The multiple entry expired one year after the issuance of the O-A visa. But, on the two occasions when I left Thailand prior to its expiration I've been given 365 day extensions at Don Muang on returning :o


  13. Are you looking for a local Thai school, where English is taught / spoken, or a genuine bi-lingual school?

    There are several Thai schools (my daughter goes to Aksorn) which teach English from a young age. But there are few truly bilingual schools. Several claim to be 'International' schools and charge accordingly. But they are little different from the Thai schools.

    If you want a truly International school, then regent's is about the only choice, in my opinion. But it is outside Pattaya, fifteen minutes drive from (say) Pattaya Klang in the traffic. And expensive.

    I think what he's working toward is an overview of exactly what's available here in Pattaya. He's not had the time to investigate the possibilities. The boy's Thai mother recently died and about the same time he was starting a new business, so he's really had his hands full, especially given the fact that there are no relatives nearby to help with child care and he doesn't want to leave the boy in the hands of baby sitters.

    The cost of Regent's and probably the "international" schools is likely more than he can afford. I don't know if he's aware of the range of costs of various schools here or not, but I suppose he does have some inkling. From what you've said it would appear that a Thai school with good English language instruction is his best bet.

    I'd appreciate any additional comments from either yourself or anyone else reading this. Send me a PM if you'd feel more comfortable doing that.

    Thanks for your response.


  14. A friend of mine is seeking a bilingual (English/Thai) preschool in Pattaya for his 4 year old son. Hopefully it will carry on into upper grades as well. Any specific details appreciated. Costs will be an important deciding factor in the selection.

    Thanks for any help offered.


  15. You're not the only one in that confused state, Blondie.

    The one thing I absolutely know for sure about the O-A is that you don't have to pay customs duties on household stuff shipped over when you make the final move.

    Right, George, dr. P.P. :o ?

    Now I am getting confused even more.

    Am in Chiang Mai at the moment to prepare for retirement and asked this question at a couple of shipping firms a.o. Schenker, where the lady spoke good english and was certain only WP or thai wife would do, one year retirement visa was of no use.

    Went to customs at the airport, was sent to 2nd floor of the cargo building and the manager there was also very certain that I would have to pay duties and that only WP or Thai wife would be of any help.

    I think I just give up to get a real answer, it is also odd that I can find no reactions from people who have actually imported stuff on a O-A visa.


    An O-A or an extended O and B is all that it takes.

    Doesn't this have to be done during the first 6 months after the initial utilization of the visa? Seems to me I recall having read that here or elsewhere.

    At any rate I did import personal effects but they arrived some 14 months after I entered Thailand using the O-A visa. Paid duty of approximately 30% on their valuation.


  16. My O-A Visa was issued 14 Oct. 2003, "good for multiple journey (s)" cost was US$125.

    Went to Singapore 23 Sept. 2004 and returned 26 Sept. 2004. Admitted

    Until 25 Sept. 2005.

    I've never had a re-entry permit.


    I assume Singapore was your last trip out of Thailand. And now your multi-entry O-A visa has expired (as of 13 Oct 2004). So I would assume you're out of re-entry bullets (assuming some semblance of the rules, ad hoc as they are here, are being adhered to).

    Have you applied yet for a re-entry permit from Thai Immigration? If so, did they merely grant you one until 24 (or is it 25) Sept 2005 with no questions or scratched heads?

    No current plans to travel outside Thailand, but I too will be very interested to see what happens if I do so before I have to apply for an extension of stay prior to 25 Sept. Right now money's going into remodeling an apartment and buying a bit of furniture. However, I am up for a trip to Macau next month with friends if some of you folks would like to help sponser me. :D Let's call it a fact finding tour :o

    And yes, I'll certainly post an update if I leave and re-enter Thailand.


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