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Posts posted by redwood13

  1. can anyone provide a contact address of Air Asia in Bkk ? on their web site I only found phone number 02-5159999

    Found this address at: http://tinyurl.com/3o8pt Scroll to bottom of page for Low Cost Airlines in Thailand.

    Address: 3300/98-99 18th Floor Block B Elephant Tower Phaholyothin Road, Ladyao Chatuchak Bangkok 10900 Thailand

    Tel: +66 (0) 2515 9999 (open from 8am to 9pm - Monday to Sunday)

    Website: www.airasia.com


  2. Hello all,Contacted the N.O.consulate today to begin the Non.Imm visa based on retirement,I was told the following:

    Standard"O" visas can only be issued to those either doing someth ing like"missionary work", or if married to a Thai national. I do not qualify,in either case. Aside from tourist visas(up to 3 entries given)

    the only choice I have is to for the OA based on retirement while still here in U.S. I will need the following: 1.A "Personal Data Form",listing my education and work backgrounds. (This can be handwritten much in the format of a resume,with my name and phone# attached.)

      2.A statement from my bank/or brokerage firm stating that I currently have at least$20K in a cash/money mkt. acct.

      3. A pension letter stating that I will be getting"at least $1,600,per month". She wants BOTH 2and 3,not one or the other.

      4.The standard form from the local police stating I havent been involved in any criminal activity.

      5.Medical certificate from my doctor stating no communicable diseases,etc.

    3 copies of my visa application along with my Passport and 6 photos

    (2 for each visa application)

    Also,and I made sure of this, the OA visa will indeed be a MULTI entry,and NO notarizaton of said documents will be needed.

      Looks like I should have no problems with any of this,and since the standard O(single or multi) is not an option ,I really see no viable alternative.

    I do have 2 ??s for the forum: First I plan on returning to the U.S.late in the summer to visit relatives,etc.for a couple of months or so,upon reentry into Thailand will I be given 1 year or just 90 days??(the original OA still being valid)  I think Jim Gant or Redwood 13 may have a say on this one..

    Also,(off topic here)A poster once suggested.I think to mgnewman,that he could "pop down to Penang" and get a non Imm O there,Are Non Imm Os easy to come by there??

    Just as an aside,I mentioned in passing to the lady at the N.O. consulate (her name is Stephanie) that the stated policies at the various Thai consulates/embassies can vary considerably,she was quite surprised/baffled to hear this....Little do they know! Well there you have it,Any and all comments/suggestions welcome.

    Oh ,1 more thing,A link posted here on Thai Visa showing Arthur Q Davis as the Honorary Consul General here in N.O. is outdated as he has'nt been there for a couple of yrs. now. Will be updating later,The Harpman.

    On re-entry your "admitted until" date should be either the same as the date given to you on your first entry into Thailand using the O-A visa OR you will receive an new "admitted until" date of 365 days. I've had two re-entries since I obtained my O-A and in both cases I received an additional 365 days. I know of others who've had the same experiece. On the other hand some have only received the same date as given at their original entry. There doesn't appear to be any pattern as to why one or the other is given.

    I've no knowledge of Penang's policies.

    Regarding your initial comments, you can download a copy of the Personal Data Form from the Los Angeles Consulate website.

    http://www.thai-la.net/visa/non-o-a.htm Scroll down to item 2.3.

    And you SHOULD only be required to provide proof of US$20,000 in a US bank OR a monthly income of US$1,600 OR a combination of the two to equal 20,000 per year. Since you can meet both the savings and income requirements you're fine but other potential applicants thinking of using New Orleans should keep this in mind since this isn't what they want.


  3. I looked into the Hutch Sierra Aircard earlier this year. I contacted the distributor in Bangkok at logcorp.com in mid-May and posted the following on another board.

    "Got a reply from Dao re the Hutch service. Very discouraging

    She says the Sierra card only works on some desktops. Most of the time it will have a hardware and system resources conflict.

    They do have an adaptor but it has to be configured correctly and they no longer have installation & configuration service available given how time intensive it can be. And after all that it may not (i.e. very likely won't??) work. Price for the adapter is 4900 baht + the price of the Aircard - which is around 18-20K baht.

    She suggests buying a laptop."

    I see that www.logcorp.com is now "Closed for maintenance".

    Someone also stated they were requiring a work permit for Hutch service but I didn't bother to confirm that as I finally was able to get a land line.


  4. Lets start a new topic on Pattaya TV channels again, i have loads of ammunition, starting with that bloody Shagwells interview, the 2 most annoying people i've ever seen.

    I was at Shaggies a couple evenings ago and the two guys who did the interview were pissing themselves laughing - at themselves! Self proclaimed WOODENTOPS :o


  5. I was told by the Thai Consulate in Portland Oregon that they could issue me the Retirement Visa based upon meeting all of the requirements, and that I would need to only report my address every 90 days for the first year..  Upon applying for the 1 year extension, I would need to show the sums deposited within Thailand and from outside of the country to obtain the extention...  Thus avoiding tying up the 800,000 until the end of the first year...

    Any comments???


    Quite true. But you will also need police clearance and US medical, and a notary public.

    Notarization has not been a requirement at this Consulate.


  6. Well, I received my OA visa today from LA so I guess I did everything right.  If anybody wants any info just ask.  Now if I understand how rhis works I will receive my one year visa at BKK airport?  Anyway thanks for all the info.

    Congratulations on getting the O-A :o It's really nice knowing that when you arrive at Don Muang you're all set for a year with the exception of having to report to immigration every 90 days. If you didn't get a multiple entry be sure you get a re-entry permit prior to leaving Thailand otherwise you visa is cancelled.

    Yes, confirm that the "admitted until" date is correct as soon as you step away from the immigration desk at Don Muang. Occasionally they make an error and you'll want to have it corrected on the spot rather than having to go to Suan Plu later.


  7. Once when I was at Immigration, I asked how far in advance I could renew my one-year retirement visa.  The answer was "one month in advance".

    Now I'd like to plan out-of-country travel during that one-month window.  Has anyone heard of an exception to the one-month in advance rule?  That is, could I renew 2 months in advance?

    If no one has heard of anything other than one month in advance, is there a formal procedure for asking for an "exception" to the rule?


    A guy on the nanaplaza board says he got his retirement visa renewed 70 days early at Suan Plu. He said he felt one important factor in the positive outcome was his abililty to show airline tickets for his trip.


  8. I have talked to the lady twice and she said only the originals must be notarized and the health and police letter should be signed by me certifiying that I am the person that the letters are about and then my signature must be notarized . I did all that and sent it UPS so I know that they recieved it.  I am going to call in the morning and find out what if anything is going on.  48 is birth year

    This is interesting. Everyone I've talked to has interpreted Item 8 at:


    "8. Evidence as stated in Nos. 5, 6 and 7 above must be certified by a Notary Public"

    to mean that the authorizing signature - the physician and law inforcement authority - must be notarized.

    This of course was major problem for potential O-A applicants. Now they're saying it's the applicant's signature. Sounds as if they're dealing bit more realistically with this.


  9. I'm surprised that your doing this transaction via mail, I've tried calling the Consulate in L. A. and all I get are pre-recorded messages. Maybe you could answer my questions, do all three copies of the required forms of a O-A Visa have to be Notorized or just the originals  ? I also checked the http://www.thai-la.net/visa/retire.htm  web site and didn't see where the Personal Data Form is did I miss something.


    Item 2.3


  10. I got connected to Jinet Compax 512/256 about 2 month ago in my house in Jomtien.

    Since a couple of days the connection is dead most of the time. DSL Light just blinks all the time. Once or twice a day it connects, though, for some time.

    Soft reset, power on / off the modem,

    no help.So far I was not lucky getting an english speaking Helpline at the Jinet Office.

    Anyone got a number for a Hotline or other idea whatto do?


    There was a post Nov. 24 on the computer forum from another ji-net user re similar problem. I had problems connecting from Friday Nov 19 through the following Monday and then again for brief periods this past weekend and again Monday evening I couldn't connect for several hours. I'm off Soi Arunothai near Nirun Granville Condos where a friend lives and he's having the same problems during the same timeframes.

    If it's TT&T at fault why does it appear only ji-net users are affected? Are we just a bunch of whingers :o


  11. on the routers set up screen its all up and running, it just says page can't be displayed.


    thanks i will try .

    I had a friend come over and got the drivers downloaded and installed but eventually we had to call jinet tech support. Surprisingly helpful!

    Had to change my username and password and ended up with username@jicompax as my log-on to get connected. Very satisfied with the result.


  12. Pantip Plaza - the big shop on the 2nd floor (Brit 1st floor) at the top of the escalators that overlooks the ground floor area. They sell copies of XP that they've pulled from complete computer packages. 4K baht as of a few months ago.

    I've got a Pro copy I bought here in Pattaya for a lot less. I've loaded SP1 & SP2 using the free disc I got from MS without any problems though there are apparently some copies about that will not allow these updates.


  13. A Thai acquaintance who has a internet shop has simply been unplugging everything in the shop each time there's a thunder storm. That is he simply does no business until the storm passes and is obviously losing income in doing so. This is exactly the time when folks are likely to pop into the shop to get out of the rain so he's losing those potential customers and he's also likely pissing off the customers in the shop when he pulls the plug on them. He seems pretty technically clueless - even more so than myself! I suggested maybe he look into the possibility of using surge surpressors and he had no idea what I was talking about.

    Any suggestions I might pass along to him so he can stay in business?


  14. I have an O-A multiple entry visa  issued by an honorary consulate in the US on 14 Oct. 2003.  I first utilized the visa when I entered Thailand on 25 Oct. 2003 and was admitted until 24 Oct. 2004.

    In February of this year I went to Cambodia for about 2 weeks and when I flew back to Bangkok on 18 Feb. 2004 I was given an additional 365 days, i.e. admitted until 17 Feb.2005.

    Then last Thursday I flew to Singapore and returned Sunday and was given a new admitted until date of 25 Sept. 2005.


    Now that is interesting. Perhaps a slip up on the part of the officer who admitted you in Feb , but maybe not as it was repeated in September.

    Does the O-A visa say Multi-entry?

    Did you have a re-entry permit

    I had assumed that after the first year you would be on the same rules as everybody else and have to re-confirm you financial status, to get the next year.

    Yes, the visa states good for multiple entries.

    No, I did not have a re-entry permit.

    Yes, I too assumed I'd be on the same track as the holders of extended O visas after the first year, so in February after the first instance of extension of 365 days I went to Pattaya Immigration and they verified that the added extension was indeed correct.


  15. and to extend it for another 12 months.

    Yeah, but this he now doesn't have to do until Sep 24, 2005 -- just a few weeks shy of his 2-year anniversary of his multiple entry O-A. Probably a quirk, since most O-As seem to be single entry. But what a nice -- and interesting -- quirk.

    I too assumed my holding a multiple entry O-A visa was the reason I was given extensions of my admitted until date, but in a thread posted in August on the nanaplaza board 3 people holding O-A visas report being given admitted until dates of an additional 365 days on re-entering Thailand at Don Muang. Two of the 3 did not have multiple entry visas.

    One of the guys says on checking with Suan Plu re the correctness of the new date he was told to go buy a multiple re-entry permit which he did. But he also admits he had trouble communicating with the immigration officer, so I wonder if there was some misunderstanding re his linking the new date with obtaining a multiple re-entry permit.


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