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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. not living “like this” once over 60 -65, invariably means poor quality health / life ( gut, out of breath, low energy, low mood) and reliance on genetics , medical tech. & getting no cancers / diabetes, for a long miserable life. i couldnt live like THAT.


    at least change DIET by following NO Rule; Sugar,Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, Junk Food, Stress, Snacks,Grain, Carbs,Red Meat.Do No Harm.

    Then easy to add Deep Sleep, Plenty Water, Fasting.


    After losing 10 kg consider EXERCISE (Cardio); Beach Walking, Gym Bike…easy. With Less Weight & High Energy, then move on to Home Body Weight Resistance Work ( Push Ups, Leg Lifts, Planks, NEVER Sit Ups).

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  2. and Cancer……the all meat diet is Complete Discredited BS though…..No Nutrition in Meat you cant get from Plants & Fish. All Protein originates from Plants.High Cancer Risk from Red Meat ( WHO Class 1 Carcinogenic) plus Artery Clogging Fat ….leading to Liver Disease & Diabetes.


    Ecological Damage from Animal Farming is Staggering btw……

    Though for pleasure, cant resist occasional Sunday Pork Roast ( w/ Crackling) or Lamb Chops !


    btw the body building steroids fat % thing is also to be strongly avoided  ! destroys body self - regulation & damages internal organs …. whey protein powder only for best muscle stamina & recovery after gym weights…….

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  3. “Sit with a sour middle aged dowager just looking for something, anything to send you for a copy of this or back home if they have a real win.”


    My Exact Experience at Municipal for Foreigner Yellow House Reg. Book….. EightVisits ! over 12 weeks.

    Add Humiliating Intrusive Irrelevant Questions to Myself AND My Lady. Giant Toad Bitch. Power Abuse.

    Untold Trips to Local City for Documents, Fingerprinting, Translations & Pink ID.

    Estimated 40-45 hours total time.

    Two Goals by All Local Authorities ( comes from Top) re. Foreigners here PROFIT and HUMILIATION.


    • Medicine is prescribed or taken for a symptom or an active illness
    • Health supplement, healthy diet and exercise is used as preventive products.

    exactly. Gottfrid has nailed it.

    people believe & practice all kinds of emotional nonsense, contrary to numerous studies.

    including yes malpracticing doctors whose training / experience is often lacking.

    but hey carry on lazily taking your “short cut” drugs, ignoring clear aspirin risks of ulcers & uncontrolled internal bleeding, instead of proper but “ difficult” preventative diet & exercise.




  4. “……..I would just move there.”


    the massive intl. research, cost, disengaging here, the intl. move and settling in elsewhere, all during a pandemic.the misery here would need to be extremely high to even contemplate “just moving” surely 

    easier though if you already have a second base.

    otherwise easier to fix or accept what makes you unhappy here.

    new woman, new town, new visa, new healthier lifestyle, new hobby, new business, new meditation, new religion, for example………

    • Like 1
  5. lockdown to prevent medical system being overwhelmed.

    isolating the vulnerable old/  unfit / abusers would have done that

    again I ask At What Cost ?…..that massive decision should have gone to Argument & Referendum

    elected reps. failing pop. yet again…… like with unvoted mass immigration…..and unvoted EU political & legal alignment pre- Brexit……. lack of proper Test Trace Isolate pre- covid knowing pandemic inevitable……


    • Confused 1
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  6. neal: one of the best handle pictures here !  how are those & location downloaded here btw ?

    you might add “ and Buffaloes” to your Location ! …. buffalo thing here amuses me no end……as my own handle…occurred to me that my several posted apologies and corrections are the ONLY ones I’ve seen here ! member egos generally large or what …….

  7. Doubt it. In today's world we lock down the fittest so that the least fit can survive a little longer.

    “Yes it is called caring for others, not being an inconvenience for the fittest.”


    Is It though, really ? At What Cost ? some “inconvenience”. unfit vulnerable should have been isolated.  “ Caring for others” has been crassly applied to whole populations without “caring” about the fittest (except vax).Massive Societal & Economic Damage. To protect 0.03% pop. of very old and self abusers. Political Liberal BS. Thats called collective hysteria or “mass psychosis”. Examples: Fascism / Communism / Genocides…….. Covid. that primate genetic flaw will end us humans quite soon I fear.


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  8. police here have little interest in law enforcement unless profitable.

    too busy shaking down businesses and motorists.


    our neighbourhood (far away up the hill from us) unrestrained pit bull mauls someone in the road every month.police called. nothing changes. suspected mafia connection. one legal case in process.

    has generated millions of baht in hospital bills…….member of local chamber of commerce perhaps.


    drunken home fires from fallen cigarettes must be extremely common everywhere though.

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