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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. placeholder: you said “ Basically 100% is the rate at which unvaccinated people die and are hospitalized. So for vaccinated people the rate would be 10% of that.”


    Now I could have misunderstood that first sentence…..its now less clear what it means although I accept 2nd sentence but cant manage the reverse thinking needed i think to properly understand 1st sentence……


    your preceding attached article said 

    “Pfizer vaccine 90% effective against hospitalization, death six months later, study says

    The Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine continues to be 90 percent effective in protecting against hospitalization and death ……”


    Hence I challenged this in my original post as it could have meant as little as 90% effective against only Death, which case would have been wrong.



  2. placeholder: i meant “ no real vax rates and no real death rates”, sorry, sometimes over-summarize.

    think we’ve established that all s..thole country official stats. are lies….brazil exceed uk stats.for covid deaths but only 0.025 vs 0.03 % ……politics again…….


    and no we wouldnt necessarily know about Chinas real covid deaths….. bodies quickly gathered at night and secretly burned in mass crematoriams…..natives & foreigners lives threatened …….…...

    from Wuhan we had those reports of many thousands of urns containing human ashes when they officially reported a few hundred deaths…..and then….nothing…..no further reports.

  3. placeholder: no. i discovered a glaring flaw in the Headline & Article referencing the study. study says 90% effective against Hospital but says Nothing ( from your extract) about DEATHS Protection which must by rough extrapolation be up around the 95-97% mark, being forced to guess, despite this marvellous but incomplete study. you also need to retract your ludicrous post statement that all unvaxxed die. 

  4. placeholder: its clear from my stats that ALL these specified “developing” countries have (politically) falsified their covid death rates to almost exactly match death rates in developed nations, i.e. around the 0.025% mark.Except China who have opted / suceeded to completely conceal their true figures from all. Just try finding anything on the internet.Nothing but their stupid 4,636 deaths figure……..

    Their true covid death rates, with Delta rampant, with their inferior vax / vax programs, with their awful health,housing,  poverty & congestion, I’ m guessing, must be at least 3-4 times western covid deaths,off the charts & through the ceiling…..this will emerge in several years and topple govts, including CCP, I hope.


  5.  “Wrath of Man” seen today at SFX. Menacing Guy Ritchie/ Statham Crime Action Drama. Zero Wokeness. Great Gunfight scenes. Unmissable.


    Tomorrow Bond Is Back: “ No Time To Die” at SFX Big Screen !

    First Showing here I come… 


    “Foundation” series on Apple TV+ looking quite good after first three episodes, fourth available tomorrow. Asimov sci- fi classic set 22k years hence in human galactic empire (appears the later Dune pinched this idea somewhat ! 


    ” DUNE” understand at SFX 13 Oct…..hearing its riddled with wokeness.

    Still a must see though. Herberts sci- fi masterpiece set 10k years hence.



  6. UK adult vax rate overall probably around 90% now.

    Thailand real fully vax adult rate probably near 20%, mostly Sinovac so only perhaps 15% x that 20% = 3% overall vax protection from Delta.

    UK not talking about herd immunity, read that might be done at 95% vax.

    Dont forget our strong natural immunity. Covid Death Rates, with Delta, appear still around 0.03% population, maybe 85% of those over 75. 





    • Confused 1
  7. on Fox I must (reluctantly) agree with my usual foes here,  Atlantis and GP…..

    Fox, (& GB News) , in my opinion, are the “ least worse” MSM and do cover subjects of major public interest ., which dont fit the woke / lefty narrative, so ignored by CNN / BBC / MSBC etc,. ( left wing Dem. supporters).


    Huge examples: 

    black -on -black statistical crime analysis, and all black conservative opinion, prove / demonstrate conclusively that the evil black worshipped “gangster / rapper / drug” sub - cultures are entirely responsible for 99% black crime, and so can be fixed only by blacks, not more White Welfare.


    Corrupt black politicians and race- baiters like Sharpton / Waters are never exposed by the CNN crowd.


    Police Brutality is Real but the stats. show no discrimination towards Blacks.


    etc, etc.


    Recommend that the (black) conservative commentators are listened to…MSM is now Entertainment.

    Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder KNOW their stuff. Candace Owen is fine for me but too strong for some.

    Sam Harris is great. Shapiro & Peterson excellent in their specialty fields ….. but embarass themselves when introducing their religious beliefs as fact…….


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  8. Reuters: major s..thole chaotic countries/ covid Deaths.

    Brazil ; pop. 215 mill, fully vax 57 % ; covid deaths 600k, about 0.3% pop.-  very roughly same as UK !

    Mexico; pop. 130 mill, fully vax 40%; 280k dead; about 0.2% pop.- very roughly same as UK /USA !

    India: pop. 1390 mill, fully vax 4% ( despite producing vax) ; dead 450k, about 0.03%pop- r. same as UK

    China: pop. 1402 mill, no real vax/death rates; massive internet concealment conspiracy” 4636 dead” !


    Key Western Organized Advanced Vax Producing Nations: 

    UK : pop. 67 mill, fully vax around 90% ? 137k dead, about 0.025 % pop. same as USA

    USA: pop. 333 mil, fully vax : unknown / over 50% surely; 704k dead; about 0.025% pop- same as UK


    Assuming Delta everywhere at same time.

    Death Rate EVERYWHERE within 0.02-0.03% range.

    BUT the S..thole Country Data is / must be, of course, way understated (outright lies)

    Obvious Question IF Above Data Correct  : ( it simply cant be)

    What Difference Does Vax REALLY Make (in general populations )? Appears to be NONE ( cant be)
    India Data looks way understated though. Deaths have to be WAY Higher with that very low Vax Rate.

    • Haha 1
  9. richard & jing: you have both lost the stated context here. my post  starts with word in caps ASSUME.

    ( after the Keep It Simple Stupid acronym) . My idea is to provide simplified basic assumptions for sufficient clarity and peace of mind to people here like OP confused by too much and conflicting data. Standard educational technique to presage absolute unconditional statements when presenting simplified Concept with Assumptions…….end of my post does modify by gently indicating there is still risk but less than everyday hazards.


    Do you have any facts supporting that fully western- vaxxed people have died or been Hospitalized ?

    Genuinely curious…….haven’t seen any reports so reasonably assuming its near or actual Zero.

  10. thanks Jeffr. I will examine this further. Provisional Finding: Reclassify Fox/ TC under “Entertainment”.

    Now that only leaves the Daily Mail for my News…….oh, wait a minute…..no, thats Entertainment too…..



    TC colleague Hannity is certainly a clown, a religious nutjob like most of them. remember his classic interview with Chris Hitchens who tore him to shreds. Hannity was saying we should all be “sorry” about the death of “Reverend” Jerry Falwell, a “religious “ shuster of the highest order. Hitch famously said that Falwell was so full of s..t that “if given an enema he could be buried in a matchbox”.


    Hitch refused to be sorry as Falwell was an utter charletan and because his family would inherit his lucrative fraudulent “business”. Hannity almost had a heart attack……now THATS Entertainment.


    • Haha 2
  11. K.I. S.S / ASSUME :-

    Everyone Gets Exposed /Infected / Diseased / Symptoms.

    Everyone Western Vaxxed Does Not DIE or get SERIOUS Disease.


    Thats It. Simply Get AZ / Pfizer / Moderna / Johnson.

    Then Stop Worrying. You are now Covid- SAFE. Even with Conditions.

    DO also Improve Diet / Health / Weight for Best Overall Fitness / Immune System.

    You have then completed a Maximum Covid / Illness Prevention Effort.

    Now far higher Death / Disability Risk from Normal Hazards ( Road / Assault / Cancer / Stroke, etc.).

    • Like 1
  12. all vax in history require boosting…… follow mfr.guidelines……. does not matter if booster required after seven months or seven years…. booster will be improved and protect better against latest variants….

    covid is different…get used to it…..be flexible in your thinking…...this is not the 1960’s …...covid is being mastered ….scientific miracle being performed here…….be grateful…… originally “they” said no vaccine possible ! now we’re moaning about early boosters !

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