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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You have no issues with hate speech, child exploitation, suicide and self-harm on Twitter?
  2. Never once have I see the narcissists here propose actually doing anything about the root cause of the problem. I guess Col. North poisoned the well for the US and they don't want to get burned again. "They don't let you work if you're part of the opposition," explained Ms Wells, herself part of an earlier wave of Nicaraguan refugees from the 1980s. "They won't renew your business license. Or, if you're a farmer, they won't buy your product to be exported. That's part of the reason Nicaraguans are leaving the country". https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61735603
  3. They sure are! Elon Musk’s Twitter has dissolved its Trust and Safety Council, the advisory group of around 100 independent civil, human rights and other organizations that the company formed in 2016 to address hate speech, child exploitation, suicide, self-harm and other problems on the platform. https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-twitter-inc-technology-business-a9b795e8050de12319b82b5dd7118cd7?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_01
  4. Nobody is saying that. The problem is the number of people saying there's nothing to see here despite scientists trying to sound the alarm.
  5. SAD! New York is designating an entrance in its famed Central Park in honor of the five teenagers wrongfully convicted of a brutal 1989 beating and rape. The gate is so named in reference to the Central Park Five, who spent time in prison for allegedly assaulting a young woman jogging in the park before they were exonerated by a confession from convicted murderer Matias Reyes and subsequent DNA evidence testing. Former President Trump famously took out full-page ads in local papers to call for the death penalty for the five. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3772691-new-york-to-name-gate-after-exonerated-central-park-five/
  6. How does this support your argument that covid is in the rear view mirror?
  7. If you're going to call BS then have the good grace to actually do some research first. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/dec/07/elective-surgeries-in-australia-drop-to-10-year-low-due-to-covid-measures-report-finds https://www.aap.com.au/news/health-ministers-to-meet-on-virus-surge/ https://english.news.cn/20221213/1ae0537611f146f786c0938f377a0314/c.html
  8. We can prevent covid, it's still not seen as a permanent fixture. The medical advice is predicated on this assumption.
  9. Covid has killed millions ut still a tiny fraction of the planet's population. Your comment is self evidently wrong. A version so lethal as to kill half the population would end economic life as we know it.
  10. Millions dead, especially from the early mutations and you claim no good reason? That's just insane.
  11. The wingnuts didn't read it the first time, what makes you think they will this time? Stupid is repeating the same thing and expecting a different result ????
  12. Whether paid or not, it's undeniable that this hurt TSLA shareholders. The company constitution says the board can't do anything to harm their share prices. They clearly have done so. TSLA stock price reflects this.
  13. This just makes me glad I didn't go the cinema this year. I thought the original version was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, including spaghetti westerns.
  14. Care to produce any credible evidence that most scientists believe that climate change is not an existential threat?
  15. Trump on 'Fast Track' to Prosecution as DOJ Gets Documents Needed to Indict Attorneys representing the Department of Justice (DOJ) will likely soon get their hands on a number of classified documents necessary to bring charges against former President Donald Trump, legal observers contend, after a judge's ruling removed a Trump-appointed arbiter that could have withheld those documents from evidence in a trial against him. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-fast-track-prosecution-doj-gets-documents-needed-indict-1766518
  16. The conventional wisdom is not "betting" their economies on renewable energy so much as they know they will have no economies without renewable energy. The calculus is can the human species even survive without drastic action.
  17. You will never ever get the fact challenged to read links from MSM. They are only interested in the echo chamber.
  18. If anyone can beat 180 baht for 50 mg from a pharmacy in central Pattaya please post it here. Spending 100 baht in travel to save 50 baht is a fool's errand.
  19. So many brain dead, science denying, mindless lemmings here just want to kill people in the name of their religious and political affiliations. Disgusting.
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