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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The latest COVID-19 subvariant, BA.5, is the most highly transmissible to date, Jha said. It’s also “immune-evasive,” leading to high levels of reinfection and breakthrough infections. Vaccines are still effective at staving off severe illness, he added, but they’re not as protective against BA.5 compared to other iterations of the virus. “If you got your booster, let’s say, last November or December, you don’t have as much protection against this virus as you’d like.” Jha added that it’s “absolutely critical” for those over 50 years of age who have not received a shot this year to get one as soon as possible. https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/3563141-white-house-covid-19-coordinator-says-virus-still-evolving-rapidly-from-transcript/
  2. The expanded use of drop boxes for mailed ballots during the 2020 election did not lead to any widespread problems, according to an Associated Press survey of state election officials across the U.S. that revealed no cases of fraud, vandalism or theft that could have affected the results. The findings from both Republican- and Democratic-controlled states run contrary to claims made by former President Donald Trump and his allies who have intensely criticized their use and falsely claimed they were a target for fraud. Yet conspiracy theories and efforts by Republicans to eliminate or restrict them since the 2020 election persist. https://apnews.com/article/voting-rights-2022-midterm-elections-covid-health-wisconsin-c61fa93a12a1a51d6d9f4e0a21fa3b75
  3. I thought we'd dealt with the short / long term outlook quandary.
  4. "quit while you are behind" isn't a personal insult? On what planet?
  5. Is that you crying "uncle"? The best way to defeat me is to put up a cogent argument demonstrating that I am wrong. Personal attacks undercut your credibility on the issue in question.
  6. "That is what the Republicans are saying in Washington. They are scared to death that Donald Trump is going to declare before November. because it absolutely changes the conversation for them. This is a very effective political environment for them right now, where they can have a wave again because it's just not been such a great year for President Biden, whether it is his fault or not." https://www.rawstory.com/dopnald-trump-2024/
  7. From the same article. I found it an interesting read. Apart from some east coast coal fanatics, Australian industry knows it must decarbonise. The stick is to avoid an inevitable carbon cost of some type, and the carrot is capturing new opportunities available only to the cleanest and greenest products. For Forrest, the prize is tackling the eight per cent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions from making steel.
  8. My links addressed that issue. More and more electricity is being generated by solar and wind at low cost. Large scale solar provides the means to produce green hydrogen. Mining billionaire Andrew Forrest has turned the first sod for construction of the world's largest electrolyser facility in central Queensland, where he also announced a $3 billion investment in a wind, solar and battery farm. Fortescue Future Industries' Green Energy Manufacturing (GEM) Centre will build equipment to make green hydrogen, including electrolysers and wind turbines, with stage one going up at Aldoga, west of Gladstone. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-02-28/andrew-forrest-begins-work-on-green-hydrogen-hub-in-gladstone/100865988
  9. Try this one. Green hydrogen will obviously only be viable when electricity production becomes cheap enough. https://earth.org/green-hydrogen-energy/ Green energy is already competitive with fossil fuel power. Nuclear won't make the cut because of it's high cost and lead time apart from the waste and risk considerations. https://www.statista.com/statistics/493797/estimated-levelized-cost-of-energy-generation-in-the-us-by-technology/
  10. In the short term, hydrogen will be applied first in those sectors that are under societal pressure to decarbonise - likely those closest to the customer. Interest from the market is coming from consumer goods companies in Europe which can obtain a premium from consumers substituting their energy needs in production and distribution. Think about a car from green steel (produced with the use of hydrogen) and hydrogen trucks to distribute consumer products. In the medium to long term, industrial feedstock and electricity buffering are also likely to be decarbonised by hydrogen, as well as potentially some niches in other mobility applications and the built environment. https://www2.deloitte.com/nl/nl/pages/sustainability/articles/creating-a-viable-hydrogen-economy.html
  11. https://www.rechargenews.com/energy-transition/how-to-make-expensive-green-hydrogen-commercially-viable-today-without-subsidies/2-1-1142848
  12. It's possible but climate change will become more intense and I believe that will ensure the demise of fossil fuels.
  13. I did and I acknowledged that fossil fuel usage was increasing in the short term. The tide will start to turn soon when the reality of climate change becomes an imperative and governments who fail to act will be voted out or face sanctions from countries who are making sacrifices. A world trade tariff against recalcitrants is also on the cards. Key findings Power consumption to more than double by 2050 as energy demand electrifies Green hydrogen will become cost competitive by 2030 - a game changer for the sector Low-cost renewables will dominate the power market by 2030 as they become cheaper than existing fossil plants Almost half of global capacity will be in solar and wind by 2035 https://energydigital.com/oil-and-gas/mckinsey-aggregate-fossil-fuel-demand-peak-2027
  14. For this reason I will always buy an Android phone below $500 (way below) every 3 years. If you really needed the extra power of an expensive phone you'd also know exactly why. This built in obsolescence is a curse. Serious photographers will still get much better use from a stand alone camera. Video watchers will normally use a tablet. Serious gamers will use a desktop rig.
  15. They did, the fossil fuel industry was listening too. They spent trillions in lobbying to prevent any meaningful action to curtail fossil fuel use.
  16. True in the short term but the long view is for fossil fuels to decline. They have to if the world is to combat climate change which it will be increasingly forced to do. https://www.gisreportsonline.com/r/peak-oil-demand/
  17. The very reason Russia invaded Ukraine is because it's a failed state. Russia needs Ukraine to diversify it's economy away from just fossil fuels and gold. With fossil fuels in decline the future for Russia looks bleak. Ukraine's agricultural, mining and manufacturing sectors are crucial for Russia to reverse the slide.
  18. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-55b856fc5d338fb2b97d5b639d8258a2
  19. You know that people aren't going to take you seriously when you try to claim the mantle of free thinker and suggest that anyone who disagrees with you, or agrees with scientists and medical experts is not a free thinker. And yes, to be absolutely clear, I think those who refuse to wear masks when recommended or required and refuse to get a vaccine without proper medical reasons are murderers. That people die as a result is demonstrably the case.
  20. Just like 2 + 2 = 4. Some facts get hard wired in easily. That masks work in reducing transmission is about as basic as 2 + 2. It is not a propaganda lie as you imply.
  21. You claimed they don't prevent you from getting covid which is misleading. Pedantic uses of the word "prevent" to imply that because they don't work 100% then they are ineffective is misinformation. If you don't qualify your claim then it's false.
  22. They work both ways. Certainly, they are more effective at preventing others from getting infected but they reduce the chances of the wearer being infected as well. Significantly. They also reduce viral load in all cases of transmission. Suggesting they don't work at all in preventing the wearer from getting covid is misinformation.
  23. What's the exact problem with being what you want to be and let everyone else be what they want to be?
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