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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I'm not attacking you. When is misinformation not stupid?
  2. Misinformation does concern me at all. You can't stop stupid. The traits I defined are human traits, not mere words like misinformation.
  3. I wouldn't think two partisan secret service officers are going to debunk her evidence. There are plenty of other reasons to believe that Garland should act against Trump and his inner circle. They have asked for the transcripts so I don't think that because they have run out of bedside reading material.
  4. Congressman wants to know 'Where is Merrick Garland?' after Cassidy Hutchinson testifies The fact that the White House was talking about the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers days ahead of the attack made the congressman think, "there's no way there's this many coincidences in life. The fact that the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, they all showed up, they had weaponry that they had to stick outside the magnetometers, the fact that he knew that they weren't dangerous [to him] — we don't even know where Roger Stone is involved in all of this — the fact that he was trying to get to the Capitol to try and lead them into the Capitol tells you that this president had insurrection on his mind, was try to interfere with Congress duty to certify the election." https://www.rawstory.com/january-6-merrick-garland-gallego/
  5. Using big words to say absolutely nothing. Oxford dictionary: aware of social and political issues, especially racism
  6. Nothing triggers me like intolerance, bigotry and xenophobia.
  7. Ken Starr investigated Clinton for seven years. The Benghazi inquisition went on for 3 years. The argument that because no crimes have been charged for 18 means none were committed is risible. We do know that the DoJ is watching these proceedings and that several grand jury subpoenas have been made and phones, etc seized.
  8. This video shouldn't even be controversial but its interesting that the same usual suspects who have a history of pushing intolerant views come out to bitch about it.
  9. They used to use it but now don't? That suggests they perceive that you are offended by the term and so they refrain from using it around you. The term farang is very widely used in Thai conversation and in isolation is not derogatory. Some people misconstrue it to be derogatory because it may be used in a sentence which is derogatory in context. edit: I learned to speak and read Thai 40 years ago. You?
  10. The Oxford dictionary expanded its definition of the word “woke” in 2017 to add it as an adjective meaning “alert to injustice in society, especially racism”. https://theconversation.com/where-woke-came-from-and-why-marketers-should-think-twice-before-jumping-on-the-social-activism-bandwagon-122713
  11. It may have been invented by Black Americans but it has been hijacked and used as a pejorative more recently.
  12. Old white men (like me) are NEVER targeted because they are old or because they are white. They are labelled "angry old white men" when they express intolerant views. It's also a statistical fact that the people most like to express intolerant views are old and white. You only need to watch Fox news for confirmation.
  13. No, he hasn't. Ukrainian has been mandated in schools and government. They remain part of Ukraine, they are occupied by Russia. Even if what you claimed was true it isn't justification for invasion and war crimes. I'm sick of Russian astroturfers who keep repeating the same disinformation over and over again.
  14. I've never been accused of any of those things. I speak enough Thai that I would know. Similar sentiments are directed at foreigners by xenophobes in every country. This video attempts to combat that xenophobia.
  15. Have you never read on this forum that Farang is NOT a derogatory term? I hear the word used in Thai conversation among Thais constantly. Think "foreigner".
  16. Perhaps they are only targeted when they express intolerant views?
  17. Are you playing the victim card because you are white? Is there a reason that people should take an interest in you? Have you frequently been the victim of racial abuse for no reason? Are you homeless on the streets or living in a tent? Are you in need of some empathy you are not receiving because of your situation in life?
  18. They should anger us if we want to live in a civil society based on mutual respect.
  19. This guy is the antithesis of an angry white man. The video should be required watching in schools as a prelude to critical thinking. Just like him, I get angered by the bigots who coin terms like "woke" to attack people like this guy who are enlightened.
  20. He is not advocating the right of people to disagree on the concepts he's mentioned, quite the opposite. Nobody hates heterosexual whites. They hate negative attitudes to those who aren't.
  21. Macron says Russia can’t win in Ukraine after strike on mall https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-politics-united-nations-terrorist-attacks-be890f11b0a5abfb41ddb1cfc8d5b212
  22. Masks are better at protecting others than oneself. Everybody wearing a mask in an enclosed space provides the most protection. Many people will not display or suffer covid symptoms but may still transmit it to others. I have no way of knowing from day to day if I'm infected, reinfected or not. I wear a mask in public indoor and outdoor crowded areas because I know that I have taken every reasonable step to save other people's lives. People in Thailand are still dying from covid on a daily basis.
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