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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The point the poster was trying to make is that Trump is free to just say he didn't believe anybody. I pushed back against that. It's just not how jury trials work. The principle of mens rea isn't that you can just say you didn't know it was illegal to rob a bank, you have to make a reasonable case that you didn't know.
  2. said it before and will say it again as you keep not getting the point. It's what a jury believes Trump knew and believed, not what Trump says he believed.
  3. I'm now in two minds about the merits of removing the hate speech. I was dead against it at one time but I read and posted an article which supported allowing it. The upside is that more people would read and understand just how off the rails the GOP and the Trumpians have become and wake up to themselves. The downside is that someone might actually act on that hate speech in much the same way as some idiot attacked a pizza shop wanting to know where the basement was. Also, I'm convinced that Gabby Giffords was shot as a result of hate speech, in particular the targets published by Sarah Palin. The irony is that if such an event were to happen again, law enforcement would have no choice but to purge their ranks of the domestic terrorist sympathisers and act against these elements. Far more people would be in jail now if the insurrectionists had actually managed to lay a hand on Pence. Certainly, many of them would have been shot. The Trump sympathisers unfortunately have the luxury of a narrative of denial because the violence was limited and did not involve Pence.
  4. Tuesday’s focus will review how Trump was repeatedly told his pressure campaign could potentially cause violence against the local officials and their families but pursued it anyway, according to a select committee aide. And it will underscore that fallout from Trump’s lies continues to this day, with elections officers facing ongoing public harassment and political challengers trying to take over their jobs. While the committee cannot charge Trump with any crimes, the Justice Department is watching the panel’s work closely https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-capitol-siege-biden-donald-trump-presidential-70b3fad9f2b3d990c2e097c3d1143f1a
  5. The irony is that the "MAGA crew" are likely to jump ship to DeSantis soon.
  6. In an interview with right-wing talk show host Wayne Allyn Root, Trump praised "great warriors" in the GOP House such as Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Jim Banks (R-IN), and bemoaned the fact that they weren't getting equal time with the House Select Committee hearings. "Unfortunately a bad decision was made," said Trump. "This committee was a bad decision not to have representation on this committee! That was a very, very foolish decision!" https://www.rawstory.com/trump-january-6-committee/
  7. When the court allowed Texas' six-week abortion ban to go into effect, her anger was palpable. "The court," she said, "betrays not only the citizens of Texas, but also our constitutional system of government." In January, when the court once again ruled against abortion providers in the state, Sotomayor went even further. "This case is a disaster for the rule of law and a grave disservice to women in Texas, who have a right to control their own bodies," she wrote in a scathing dissent joined by Justices Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/16/politics/sonia-sotomayor-supreme-court-clarence-thomas/index.html
  8. QAnon influencers are now reportedly defrauding their followers via cryptocurrency scams Using their large followings on Telegram, QAnon influencers Whiplash347 and PatriotQakes have promoted numerous fraudulent tokens to their followers on the messaging platform. The two, along with other leaders in the chats, frequently weaponize QAnon conspiracy theories in order to sucker their fans into investing in their various cryptocurrency schemes. https://mashable.com/article/qanon-influencers-crypto-scams
  9. I think the R's are more likely to sweep that issue under the carpet if they win the house in the mid terms. The suspicion is that right wing sympathisers within the fbI and police dropped the ball due to their inherent biases. Who ran interference from higher up is another matter that needs to be explored.
  10. I completely agree but there is such things are happening in France on a significant scale and it is off topic here. This topic is about far right outrage over a swimsuit.
  11. This article may provide some clues. It's not surprising there have been calls to defund the police. I don't agree with them but some funds could be redirected into reforming police and FBI culture. https://www.lawfareblog.com/policing-and-siege-united-states-capitol
  12. It's still a matter for the Muslim community itself to sort out. Imagine what would happen if Muslims started telling Christians what to wear? It's also off topic here because the "burkini" doesn't resemble a burqua headdress at all, it's really a hijab.
  13. I guess this is one of the issues which prompted Clinton's comment. The Texas Republican Party over the weekend voted in favor of a platform that refused to recognize the legitimacy of President Joe Biden's 2020 victory, while also declaring that homosexuality was an "abnormal lifestyle." Appearing on CNN Monday, conservative commentator Margaret Hoover acknowledged that the Texas GOP platform was a significant problem for the party, although she tried to distance it from the views of run-of-the-mill GOP voters. https://www.rawstory.com/texas-republican-party-platform/
  14. Fan always but I spent my entire life in the tropics. I think the dry air from aircon isn't healthy.
  15. If population is causing climate change then it's due in part to deforestation. The major cause if CO2, methane, etc. Don't throw out partisan suggestions without making at least some attempt to substantiate them with a rational argument backed with links.
  16. Imaginary lynch mobs don't build real gallows and parade the halls of the Capitol chanting "Hang Pence". Furthermore, members of this mob of deplorables pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy.
  17. The Washington Post reported on April 19 that District of Columbia Chief Medical Examiner Francisco J. Diaz found that Sicknick suffered two strokes nearly eight hours after being sprayed with a chemical irritant during the riot. Diaz told the Post that Sicknick died of natural causes, but “all that transpired played a role in his condition.” Four other police officers committed suicide in the days and months after the riot. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/
  18. I think the Republicans will be very worried by the prospect of Assange at trial. LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump offered to pardon WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange if he said that Russia had nothing to do with WikiLeaks’ publication of Democratic Party emails in 2016, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-assange-idUSKBN20D2A2
  19. There's almost no masks in sight on soi moo cow, LK, walking street or soi 6. Either in the bars or on the streets. The only people wearing masks are the occasional vendors and motorbike taxi riders.
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