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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I never drank alcohol or set foot in a disco until I was 30. I got a job as a government casino inspector then based mainly on the fact that I had never been to a casino. I set about making up for lost years as a hippie. Glad I didn't miss Black Sabbath while tripping though.
  2. Put what at 60 to 75 a year? Girls? What would you do on the other days?
  3. We just get continued fanciful versions of the events from people who refuse to watch the evidence..
  4. During the disco era, I played chess and bridge and read Carlos Casteneda.
  5. She said the morning will be fine, she will sleep now she said. Shame I bought fake sidegra today, though.
  6. Survived both of those plus rogue cops. In AC I was robbed at knife point by trike drivers in 1985. I employed the local police captain's basketball team as security guards for the bar group I manged. They took care of the regular extortion attempts.
  7. Tested negative for HIV and Hep C three times in the last couple of years.
  8. Doubtful, most of mine were in the Philippines. Holidayed in Thailand during the eighties, while working in a casino with nothing to do but walk around in a suit and pick up Asian girls. After marrying and divorcing the Thai sisters within a year, I changed focus to the Philippines. I ran a hotel and a group of 5 bars for a year or so in AC, then a factory for 5 years, in Philippines on and off for 24 years, more there than not. Never had another girlfriend, barhopped and short timed every day. I Changed focus back to Thailand about 4 or 5 years ago.
  9. I do sometimes, I need to make it more of a habit for sure.Tried keto for a while but couldn't come at all the red meat.
  10. I am healthy and well. Kind of but <deleted> keeps happening to me for no apparent reason. In Pattaya 3 years ago, I developed abdominal pain and couldn't eat or <deleted> for 3 weeks. Took a plane back to oz and was hospitalised for a week. 30 blood tests later for everything they could dream up they found nothing. Next year, I urinated dark red blood. Frank haematuria they called it.. Twice. Off to ER. "Interesting", she said. The urologist tells me "Unfortunately, we treat these as cancer until proven otherwise". An ultrasound, an MRI and a cystoscopy later they found... nothing. Next I go for cataract surgery, they do both eyes on subsequent days. I get herpes in both eyes with inflammation the opthalmologist says she has never seen before. Antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eye drops every hour for six weeks. Full recovery. I thought I'd never get back to Pattaya. I get here and get covid. Two or 3 bad days and that's all gone, tested negative after 5 days. My bro was accidentally killed when he was 20. My father died of stroke at 50. I've been on blood pressure tabs and statins for 25 years and now on anti-coags for 3 years. No chronic diseases and walk 10,000 steps a day. If I took life too seriously I'd probably regret it. I've probably had 5,000 girls. At least. I'm not exaggerating.
  11. Not exactly at the same time. Not exactly at the same time. Yes. They don't talk to each other now, one lives in the Gold Coast, the other in Perth. I talk to neither except the younger recently tried to get me to rent her sister's condo across the river in Bangkok for 1,000 over the going rate. That was our first contact in 30 years.
  12. I had 3 divorces, lost nothing. Two Thais, sisters, and a Filipina.
  13. They're the only ones who succeed.
  14. My time is almost up. Oh, wait I'm here in Pattaya with an 18yo nymphomaniac on her first date with a farang. Momentarily, I'll need to go escort her down to receive the kanom jeen she's ordered from grab food. I might have blown my 40K budget this month though. I guess that's why I still work hand to mouh full time at 67 with no assets at all. Hedonism is the only lifestyle that makes sense.
  15. From the Murdoch owned N.Y. Post editorial: "Meanwhile, reports that Trump was pleased that the Jan. 6 crowd chanted for Vice President Mike Pence to be hanged — a truly reprehensible sentiment — makes him unworthy for the office. Trump can’t look past 2020. Let him remain there." https://nypost.com/2022/06/10/trump-and-dems-remain-obsessed-with-2020-republicans-should-look-to-the-future-instead/
  16. perfectly, I was mooching around the old Thermae Cafe more years than that ago. I yearn for the days when the urinal at the only entrance was the place to be and provided the perfect introduction for each new arrival walking in after soi cowboy closed. The occasional but real chance of finding a virgin sleeping in a quiet corner and giving her a place to sleep for the night and 500 in the morning. Or being followed home by a barely legal girl who wouldn't give up. It's still like that, right? Right?
  17. They don't have the power and nobody on the planet suggested they might do that.
  18. Don't get your hopes up. Finding a senate super majority to impeach both Biden and Harris would be extremely difficult and would likely doom the GOP at every election for a generation thereafter. It would also require both to be impeached simultaneously for the same crime and that isn't going to happen.
  19. There's hundreds of furnished studios for 5,000 or less in Pattaya. You'd need to live in a virtual ghost town and have transport.
  20. not really, I didn't see the word "girl" anywhere in there.
  21. You'll probably be able to watch the replay on Russian state TV. They've replayed Carlson before. https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-state-tv-features-tucker-carlson-and-rep-madison-cawthorn-2022-3
  22. I suspect that most of those have been scalped by the forces of evil.
  23. 68 in 6 weeks. I'm generally healthy but had a couple of scares and false alarms recently.
  24. I'm here because I worry that health might force me to stay home in future.
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