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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. For me it's the opposite. maybe why we argue so much ???? I just give them their marching orders if they give me too much grief.
  2. Never been able to make myself do it, like drinking Chang because it's cheaper. It's the princess or nothing.
  3. I've been wondering about that. The other night I offered a 10/10 GoGo girl 30K to come live with me. Stunning, 23, no kids. I mean model stunning. She agreed and seemed quite serious. Next day, her friend had decided she'd be lonely living alone and put the kibosh on the whole operation. I think now it's too late because I haven't been able to get out and see her due to covid and she's avoiding questions on line containing the word barfine. As it happens, I found another fresh off the farm girl on TF yesterday and she came to visit me today. She would have done the ST but I said no and kept her at a distance. She stayed for several hours and chatted and was quite keen to have a boyfriend. I offered her 20K and she seemed quite pleased with that. She's about to turn 19, no kids or tatts, never been with a farang and had only two causal boyfriends in her life. She's pretty but a little heavy (not fat but not far off it) but not the model style pretty like the LK girl. She lives with her sister who is ten years older and works in an OnlyFans bar somewhere. The sister has an Aussie boyfriend who's not here. No parents in the equation, she sends 3K a month to Korat for her auntie. We'll see what happens. I've tried this many times in the Philippines in the past and it always turns to trash so I'm not expecting too much. She wouldn't want to put on much more weight either and I'll put that on the table from the get go.
  4. Living in Australia wouldn't be on the list. 40K there would have you living under a bridge.
  5. Hardly a BLM false flag operation as alleged. The real travesty there was the failure of the police to use lethal force to defend the constitution. They seem to have no trouble in using lethal force on other occasions.
  6. The outcome isn't really the thing. It would be a surrender to fascism not to have the committee. In the event, fascism will likely win in the US anyway. There's no way the GOP can remain in power otherwise with a dwindling base of white power and privilege. Offshoots of delusion like right wing Cubans Vietnamese relics of the Vietnam War only serve to muddy the waters a little.
  7. They put themselves and power before truth and the nation. Had they impeached Trump they'd be in a worse situation politically than they are now. Poltically, the GOP is in quite a good situation which says a lot about the poor state of American politics.
  8. The obvious solution to that would be to do what we do in Australia. It's illegal not to register and vote. Problem solved.
  9. Protests against ballots should be made at the ballot box. That's exactly why Trump lost despite getting more votes than any sitting president, the size of the protest was bigger than his support. An insurrection (now proven) is not the way.
  10. What should happen is that it will be pinned on Trump. Adequate evidence for this exists. At that point he can be disqualified from public office.
  11. They haven't happened yet. The evidence produced could drive DOJ prosecutions and civil lawsuits. They will also silence the GOP apologists for Trump who think it was just a picnic on the lawns. Those who have a genuine interested in the truth will also be convinced one way or the other. Sunlight is an excellent antidote for and against conspiracies.
  12. any excuse not to watch the video? I think all those who went to the Capitol on that day or supported them since are traitors to the nation. Everybody should watch those hearings. You spend far more time arguing on this forum than it would take you to inform yourself of the truth of what happened. How can you possibly argue credibly on these hearings without actually watching them?
  13. I agree with you. Countries are happy to avoid training staff by poaching them from other countries but then they bitch when companies set up shop in third world countries to avoid paying higher wages.
  14. There's a link at the bottom of this article asking readers to report doctors who provide ivermectin https://www.businessinsider.com/doctors-prescribing-ivermectin-covid-misinformation-2022-2
  15. Both the Intel NUC and ASUS PN-51 recommend 32Gb RAM to run 4 monitors. Not that you need to but 8Gb is way under powered these days and would soon require and upgrade. The price of 16Gb RAM is very cheap these days. The same goes for SSD's. 1Tb nvme drives are quite cheap.
  16. Perhaps not quite Armageddon but the UK economic outlook post Brexit is not pretty. https://www.piie.com/research/piie-charts/uk-and-global-economy-after-brexit
  17. “I have found myself, especially since January 6th, thinking often of my great-great-grandfather and of the Union he fought to defend,” Cheney said in a recent speech. “The question for every one of us is, in this time of testing, will we do our duty?” she asked after receiving a 2022 Profile In Courage Award from the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation in Boston. “Or will we look away from danger, ignore the threat, embrace the lies?” https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-capitol-siege-donald-trump-wyoming-presidential-4fd397e5ba68de1924f52c79507eff2f
  18. Because it happens all the time, right? The reason they don't have "friendly" repubs on the committee is their own fault, that's just a Trump team talking point.
  19. I bought a Chinese one on Alibaba it fried after a few months. Now I run an ASUS PN-51 and would recommend either that or an Intel NUC 11. The NUC is fanless so likely better.
  20. Here are the real culprits The former top leader of the far-right Proud Boys extremist group and other members were charged Monday with seditious conspiracy for what federal prosecutors say was a coordinated attack on the U.S. Capitol to stop Congress from certifying President Joe Biden’s 2020 electoral victory. https://apnews.com/article/capitol-siege-biden-congress-proud-boys-government-and-politics-7b27b6550bd0f400aa61893df3386f38
  21. Yes but Boots and Watsons probably wouldn't carry it. Not sure.
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