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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Almost any drug store will sell Sidegra. 250 (or slightly less) for a card of 50mg or double that for 100 mg.
  2. The joke would be Pompeo not being able to travel outside the US until he complies with a subpoena if they issue a red list notice.
  3. Here's some more panic about monkey pox. I have no clue why they are requiring precautions against covid other than the stated and obvious objectives. Why don't you tell us, with links to support your argument?
  4. no, this thread is about gun control of high capacity weapons. Nothing else. Specifically, the proposals for gun control in the light of recent shootings has been about restricting access to teenagers. You are engaging in whataboutery to deflect from the carnage being caused by mass shootings and the reluctance of under armed cops from engaging in heavily armed shooters. It isn't at all about hand guns if you read the article. NY already has hand gun laws. "Younger people would still be allowed to have other types of rifles and shotguns under the new law, but would be unable to buy the type of fast-firing rifles used by the 18-year-old gunmen in the mass shootings in Buffalo and at a Texas elementary school."
  5. I put on a parachute and jumped out of a plane. I wasn't injured, next time i won't bother wearing the parachute.
  6. Those that quote the 2nd amendment as an absolute right fail to explain why fully automatics aren't allowed.
  7. I believe the prediction to be right on the money considering most of the bar girls I have spoken to have had covid.
  8. There is no point in operating a fighter jet at all without stealth tech so if they are going to operate any fighters at all they need the tech.
  9. Getting even further off the track now. I am at a loss to understand what BLM protesters and this topic have in common. The gun controls proposed relate to AR15's.
  10. Precisely why they don't need the weapons while still getting pilots trained on latest generation fighter aircraft.
  11. The topic is about gun control of high capacity and high powered weapons so I guess you had to have been suggesting the BLM protesters were armed with these. If not, you were off topic and trying to stick something on them which wasn't true.
  12. I don't believe that it has to be in hand. Having a firearm on your person while threatening someone is aggravating behavior in and of itself. It doesn't have to be in the aggressors hand.
  13. I didn't realise the BLM protesters were armed with AR 15's.
  14. There is also a great deal to distinguish them, most notably that the F-35 is a fifth generation fighter while the Gripen E is a modernisation of the fourth generation Gripen and is considered a ‘4+ generation’ design. Where the F-35 was developed under the world’s largest weapons program, and it is expected that over 2000 will be built despite possible deep cuts, the Gripen E is unlikely to see more than 200 airframes built with limited orders from the Swedish Air Force and only one success on export markets. https://militarywatchmagazine.com/article/swedens-lightweight-gripene-vs-americas-stealthy-f35a-pros-cons
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