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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. A few BM's here managed to deny the bleeding obvious and toed the party line when Putin said they were just exercising and then finally claimed they were withdrawing.
  2. Your halitosis diagnosis is probably correct. That's how cancer detecting dogs are able to detect cancer.
  3. Pretty sure the quote was WITH a firearm. The threat is aggravated when there is a firearm involved. I use the term aggravated in its legal sense. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/aggravated
  4. I never suggested it was only with foreigners. Unfaithful girlfriends ripping off their boyfriends happens everywhere. It just seems that many here have been on the receiving end and are all butt hurt over it instead of blaming themselves for their own stupidity. There's a large contingent of BM's here who seem to relish any opportunity to bash Thais.
  5. There might be a way to get some capability. Let me think what that might be....
  6. The US intelligence was spot on when they claimed that Russia would attack Ukraine when Putin and some of the usual Russian shills on this forum ridiculed their assessment. So, I guess that's credibility.
  7. I wouldn't dispute that but this story could and does happen all over the world. Not sure why all the Thai bashing is going on and the reference to incest is out of order.
  8. You just quoted the operational cost. That cost is all up, not just gas. The agreed upon reduction brings Lockheed one step closer to its stated goal of reducing the flying cost of the F-35A to $25,000 per flight hour by FY2025. https://www.flightglobal.com/fixed-wing/lockheed-agrees-to-30000-per-flight-hour-cost-for-f-35a-by-fy2023/145448.article
  9. I guess excluding postal votes would prevent overseas stationed military and Americans working overseas from voting. Additionally, anybody who is unable to attend a voting center in person due to illness would also be excluded. Not likely to happen
  10. They won't be able to last that long. They'll need to plead the fifth which won't be a good look and nobody besides Trump will pardon them because of the political cost. It's also looking unlikely that Trump will get the nomination. His civil cases will be settled by then and there's a non zero chance that he'll be indicted for the insurrection.
  11. The Guardian does not print false allegations. It verifies stories before they go to press. In 40 years they have never retracted it nor has it been refuted. If you have better info you haven't bothered to link it. Instead you have just used the throwaway "There is no proof" The dismissal of Whitlam was devised in secrecy, in collusion with others, implemented by surprise and planned so that no recourse would undo it. One important gap that the book fills is to establish fairly conclusively that Kerr forewarned Fraser of the pending dismissal in a phone call. Kerr always denied having warned Fraser, but the weight of evidence is against him here. https://www.hca.westernsydney.edu.au/gmjau/?book-reviews=the-dismissal-in-the-queens-name Far from endorsing Kerr’s actions (let alone conspiring in them), Palace interviewees regarded Kerr as having acted prematurely; after the dismissal, indeed, the Palace was keen for his early departure from the post. Kerr remained obsessed about his own job security, and this was his main explanation for ignoring the Crown’s duty to warn the chief minister. Only a fool or a sophist could deny that such questions presaged the imminent course of events. https://insidestory.org.au/some-of-the-things-we-werent-meant-to-know-about-the-dismissal/
  12. More deflection, you denied the collusion, I linked to show that it was true.
  13. Deflection, the article alleges and demonstrates collusion between Fraser and the GG. I was 21 at the time, how about you?
  14. The looming 40th anniversary has already given rise to some extraordinary revelations, not least from political scientist Jenny Hocking who has shed further light on just how closely Kerr colluded with Malcolm Fraser before 11 November – and how keenly he apparently kept Buckingham Palace in the loop. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/postcolonial-blog/2015/oct/31/gough-whitlam-40-years-on-the-dismissals-bastardry-still-intrigues https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/oct/26/prince-charles-knew-of-idea-to-dismiss-whitlam-before-1975-crisis-book-claims
  15. The United States and its allies are vowing to hold Russia accountable for crimes committed by its forces since they invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24. U.S. Undersecretary of State Uzra Zeya told a U.N. Security Council meeting Thursday on strengthening accountability and justice for serious violations of international law that in nearly 100 days the world has seen Russian forces bomb maternity hospitals, train stations, apartment buildings and homes and even kill civilians cycling down the street. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-moscow-united-states-39a4e31399665b6fc824fba8a29a3f56
  16. They were consider unethical but I don't think they were illegal other than perhaps the collusion aspect.
  17. It presses the royalist buttons because Harry is Ginger and Megan is black. And I personally admire their conduct in public vs Charles.
  18. In the case of the US, apparently they can't make that call.
  19. “If it’s a level playing field we don’t have a problem with the government moving towards another referendum. The problem we have is that an unfair advantage is being given to the republican side. It’s not up to the government to push a particular outcome on people.” It's typical hypocrisy that they didn't complain about the Murdoch press putting its thumb on the scale during the last referendum.
  20. Nope, you have a habit of putting words into other peoples mouths. Let me be quite clear, criminal behavior, no matter how egregious, is not necessarily an indication of mental illness. I rather think personality disorders are the main cause. That goes for mass shooters as well. Nutcases don't usually get to lead their country. Fascists are just evil people.
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