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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Is that how I managed to drop 10K baht last Saturday? I thought I must have been robbed. Oh, wait... I'll just have one or two beers I said...
  2. We will become a democratic republic, just as the US is. https://act.represent.us/sign/democracy-republic
  3. Yes, but I never suggested he was a psychopath. Don't misquote me. He doesn't possess the military capacity to do so. He's barely making ground against a much smaller army in the east of Ukraine despite much larger ambitions.
  4. Blame the Murdoch press. Referenda don't usually pass in Australia. One the next attempt it probably will. At this point nobody is saying anything while the Queen is still alive.
  5. My friend told me today that his son, who is a doctor, contracted covid some months ago from one of his patients. He used to run 10 Km a day but can't manage even 3 anymore. He frequently become breathless and regularly has surges in blood pressure to dangerous levels. Long covid is also known to affect cognitive mental functions. The doctor would be in his 40's and without any chronic medical conditions.
  6. Does a dying despot who wants his own mausoleum and place in history as a Russian patriot care about that?
  7. You're kidding, right? What happens to Russian media organisations and journalists which fail to toe the party line?
  8. They tried diplomacy. It didn't work. If memory serves, both Macron and Scholz went to Moscow to read the riot act to Putin before he invaded. Furthermore, Putin undercut the diplomacy attempts by denying that he was planning to attack Ukraine. Up until the Chechen War, Russia could have applied to join NATO but never did as its expansionist plans would have been curtailed by membership. https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/russia-could-have-joined-nato-but-why-didn-t-they-do-it-55561
  9. Russian talk show hosts read strictly from the Kremlin script.
  10. NATO was not creeping up on Russia. Nations which felt they had reason to fear Russia sought to join NATO. Poland is the latest example of a nation directly threatened by Russia despite having never attacked that country. This propaganda talking point that somehow NATO provoked Russia and justified Russia's invasion and subsequent war crimes is equivalent to justifying the holocaust.
  11. Harry is still a prince by birthright and is still in the line of succession to the throne, https://britishheritage.com/royals/harry-duke-sussex-prince
  12. I'm still trying to figure out how to use the old ones...
  13. The Queen didn't help the UK win too many world cups. Fortunately, Harry and Megan have strengthened the gene pool somewhat.
  14. The majority of US terrorism crimes are domestic terrorism and overwhelmingly perpetrated by far right white supremacist extremists. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/08/post-911-domestic-terror https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/22/white-supremacists-rightwing-domestic-terror-2020 https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/547731-white-supremacists-drive-us-domestic-terrorist-attacks-to/ https://www.afsc.org/blogs/news-and-commentary/problem-labeling-violence-domestic-terrorism U.S. active-duty military personnel and reservists have participated in a growing number of domestic terrorist plots and attacks, according to new data from CSIS. The percentage of all domestic terrorist incidents linked to active-duty and reserve personnel rose in 2020 to 6.4 percent, up from 1.5 percent in 2019 and none in 2018. Similarly, a growing number of current and former law enforcement officers have been involved in domestic terrorism in recent years. https://www.csis.org/analysis/military-police-and-rise-terrorism-united-states
  15. yes and yes. I meant 1975. 1973 was when Whitlam was elected. Those powers have never changed.
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waiting_for_Godot
  17. Sovereign nations have every right to form an alliance with any other country they feel like. NATO's mission is to defend against Russia, not attack it and It has never done so. Suggesting that Russia is justified in committing massive and horrific war crimes because Ukraine proposed joining NATO is just propaganda of the worst kind. In any case NATO has never shown any inclination to allow Ukraine to join. https://theconversation.com/whats-nato-and-why-does-ukraine-want-to-join-175821
  18. Lets get this right, it is Russia that is pro war, not the US this case. It was Russia which attacked without any provocation. Sovereign countries have allied themselves in NATO to protect themselves against the Russian threat which has seen it invade a number of countries in recent years.
  19. GOP Senator brags gun control ‘not gonna happen’ amid at least 60 separate shooting incidents in just one day https://www.rawstory.com/gop-senator-brags-gun-control-not-gonna-happen-amid-at-least-60-separate-shooting-incidents-in-just-one-day/
  20. No it doesn't. Despotism reared its ugly head in 1973 when the Queens representative decided he could overthrow the elected government. The single most shameful period in Australian politics. I support a republic fro oz but I also think we should acknowledge the Queen's service in her twilight years. After she's gone it's all gonna change and change quickly. Not many will support Prince Charles.
  21. and now, unlike in Ukraine, most UK citizens think brexit was a mistake. Poll results previously posted.
  22. exactly how does mandating masks control the public. What does any so called control set out to achieve? Medical experts recommend masks against covid infections., That's sanity and rejecting the advice of the medical experts is insanity.
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