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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Durham spent $2.36 million in tax-payer dollars over the course of three years, doing nothing other than making wild accusations in court filing documents, according to Sussmann's lawyer. https://www.rawstory.com/john-durham-loses-trump-russia/
  2. They won't use it themselves? It doesn't matter who they sell it to, we all live on the same planet.
  3. And the action is the world's largest investor in green tech.
  4. You're intent on not providing links to evidence for your misinformation. High CO2 levels cause plants to thicken their leaves, which could worsen climate change effects, researchers say https://www.washington.edu/news/2018/10/01/thick-leaves-high-co2/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ask-the-experts-does-rising-co2-benefit-plants1/
  5. I know exactly why China's emissions are rising. It's related to the speed of their economy. I also know that they have pledged to have zero net emissions by 2060. You still haven't shown that China doesn't care.
  6. How does that translate to the non sequiter "China doesn't care about emissions."?
  7. No link? China is the world's largest investor in green technology. You're citing discredited hacks and spreading misinformation like the above lie. https://www.csis.org/east-green-chinas-global-leadership-renewable-energy
  8. No scientist ever said any of those things and the statements predate the era of modern science.
  9. So, you're trying to suggest that scientists can't reach a consensus and if they do then that consensus isn't valid and carries no weight? This is completely illogical.
  10. cyclical pressure pattern could combine with man-made climate change to exacerbate severe weather and flooding trends.
  11. That's garbage. Science and statistics can extrapolate from data to measure stuff like atmospheric CO2, temperatures, sea levels and ocean acidity with a high degree of accuracy https://www.science.org/content/article/new-climate-models-predict-warming-surge https://scied.ucar.edu/learning-zone/climate-change-impacts/predictions-future-global-climate
  12. In Australia they have found that sheep produce better quality wool when grazed in paddocks with solar panels. https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2022-05-30/solar-farm-grazing-sheep-agriculture-renewable-energy-review/101097364
  13. Yep, over millenia, what it hasn't done is warmed at a rate even approximating the past 200 years. The rate of increase of warming has not been seen for a very, very, long time. Not quoting the time period makes your statement misinformation, let alone the lack of substantiation. Furthermore, the natural cycles would have the Earth's temperature cooling this past 100 years but human contributions to global warming has seen it increase instead. Modern human civilization, with its permanent agriculture and settlements, has developed over just the past 10,000 years or so. The period has generally been one of low temperatures and relative global (if not regional) climate stability. Compared to most of Earth’s history, today is unusually cold; we now live in what geologists call an interglacial—a period between glaciations of an ice age. But as greenhouse-gas emissions warm Earth’s climate, it's possible our planet has seen its last glaciation for a long time. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/whats-hottest-earths-ever-been Nor does the fact that it has been warmer in the past mean that future warming is nothing to worry about. The sea level has been tens of metres higher during past warm periods, enough to submerge most major cities around the world https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn11647-climate-myths-its-been-far-warmer-in-the-past-whats-the-big-deal/
  14. You have completely misrepresented the data by cherry picking one particular year which was an outlier. The data clearly shows ever increasing warming at a faster rate.
  15. The human impacts of climate change in Thailand remain dependent on the approach to adaptation adopted, but there is a significant risk that the poorest and marginalized groups will experience disproportionately greater loss and damage. Asian Development Bank https://reliefweb.int/report/thailand/climate-risk-country-profile-thailand
  16. You got the cart before the horse. Gun control = gun safety. yeah, like the Russians are gonna invade the US and the citizens will stop then with .223 semi-automatics and Glocks, lol, It used to be the tyrannical government, what happened to that?
  17. but if we compare our body to any other animal we can see there is not. and if there was, which and whose god is the right one?
  18. Exactly. So if you obtained one it would be confiscated, right? Thus, the second amendment does not convey an absolute right to own any guns. If a machine gun can be made illegal and still conform with the second amendment then any gun can similarly be made illegal.
  19. Australia has guns. Who has machine guns in the US? How much is an M 16 at your local gun store?
  20. You do realise that Trump has a platoon of armed to the gills security guards everywhere he goes for life paid for by the government?
  21. Narcissism is not just learned. https://psychcentral.com/disorders/what-causes-narcissistic-personality-disorder#genetics
  22. The coward thinks it's fine for other people to have guns everywhere but when it comes time to walk the walk... not so much.
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