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Posts posted by bangkokrick

  1. Well America was built on dreams if you remember. Walter Mitty a fictional character also built on dreams. The cynicism on this site is just unbelievable, but I guess you know best eh!

    If the dream was based on competent engineering and astute business practices, you might have a hope. As it is, it is based on the alleged want of a rich woman with no experience, a history of disastrous policies, and to be paid for with other peoples' money - that is if the intention to build it is there, rather than a pretense for a huge loan to enable even more corruption.

    Masturbation will not get you any closer to shagging Miss World.

    Has anyone seen a cost/return estimate? How many people paying B150 a trip will it take to pay for a trillion+ capital outlay and huge operating expenses? Or doesn't details like that matter in dreams?

    I remember when the sky train was never going to happen and also the underground it did and thats a fact. This will happen like it or not. Cash does not come in to it. Like the tallest building etc its all face. You should know that.

  2. No the Chinese do not want to build a HST to Chiang Mai they want to build one from Singapore to Peking.

    The government has no plans to build one from Bangkok to Chiang Mai either. They have a plan to build it part of the way and they are hoping private industry would build the next two phases.

    I estimate a HST from Bangkok to Chiang Mai to be completed some time in the neighborhood of 2045. By then there will probably be a need for it.

    The Chinese line will begin in Chengdu and carry on through Laos and south. There is more than one way to build an empire.

  3. Can anyone name a country that has HSR in mountainous areas similar to Chiang Mai. Baht 2.2 trillion will not be enough to build this line because of all the viaducts over valleys and tunnel through mountains. This line will never pay for its construction costs not to mention daily operational costs. It will be operated by SRT, the most incompetent of all government agencies. There is no way that trains can compete with airplanes on this route. This article will give readers an idea of the engineering challenges this project faces: http://articles.latimes.com/2012/nov/12/local/la-me-bullet-mountains-20121113

    Frankly speaking, this California project will not happen so what are the chances in Thailand?

    The chances are that the Chinese want to build it and build it they will.

  4. I just got off the High speed train from Suzhou to Shanghai and it took around 40 mins mall for the princely sum of 150 Baht. This makes life a lot easier and quicker when travelling in China and I really hope that Thailand goes along with the planned routes. It would be a boon for the people who originate from the North but work in Bangkok. 350 Kms an hour, no noise and state of the art carriages. Awesome.

    Dream on, never gonna happen
    Without dreams there is no life. I hope you are proven wrong.

    Tell that to Walter Mitty.

    Well America was built on dreams if you remember. Walter Mitty a fictional character also built on dreams. The cynicism on this site is just unbelievable, but I guess you know best eh!

    • Like 1
  5. I just got off the High speed train from Suzhou to Shanghai and it took around 40 mins mall for the princely sum of 150 Baht. This makes life a lot easier and quicker when travelling in China and I really hope that Thailand goes along with the planned routes. It would be a boon for the people who originate from the North but work in Bangkok. 350 Kms an hour, no noise and state of the art carriages. Awesome.

    Dream on, never gonna happen
    Without dreams there is no life. I hope you are proven wrong.
    • Like 1
  6. I just got off the High speed train from Suzhou to Shanghai and it took around 40 mins mall for the princely sum of 150 Baht. This makes life a lot easier and quicker when travelling in China and I really hope that Thailand goes along with the planned routes. It would be a boon for the people who originate from the North but work in Bangkok. 350 Kms an hour, no noise and state of the art carriages. Awesome.

    • Like 1
  7. This is great news and quite right in my opinion. We have already paid into the system so we deserve to use it when needed.

    Sorry about slight change of topic, but OAPs have paid into the system all their working lifes, and still don't get their annual increases. Pure theft by the UK Government.

    Well being someone who has done that I have to agree. Dick Turpin's

  8. according to my wife and what she heard on the news the victim asked the cabi to stop because the fare had jumped from 35 bt to 50bt very quickly, words were exchanged, the victim got angry and threw bottled water at the cabi, cabi goes crazy and turns into a ninja

    I presume this is down to the murderer's take on what happened and no one elses (hardy witnesses at this stage of the altercation)

    Perhaps a good Thai lawyer can convince him to say that he thought it was acid in the bottle and he was acting in self defense. Case dismissed.

    So the poor guys life was worth just 15 Baht. Amazing Thailand.

    • Like 1
  9. Right then chaps. Enough of the mud slinging etc. Everybody has the right to their opinion and as long as it is kept civil, that's fine but I'm gonna start clamping down on insults.

    Well said, that man!

    That includes you.

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