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Posts posted by Naam

  1. 21 hours ago, mike787 said:
    On 6/4/2019 at 7:36 AM, Naam said:

    my time is too valuable to discuss "investments" pertaining to the peanuts amount of THB 800k throwing in "since inception", mutual funds (yuck!) and ol' Warren Buffet.


    There are people that cannot meet the Visa requirements or continue maintaining a living in Thailand due to inadequate finances.  Mathematics demonstrates one may want to consider "options" which are dependent on the choices one makes, and this is all very important because "...time is too valuable...(borrowing from your statement)" to waste. 

    that there are people who cannot meet the visa requirements is very unfortunate (especially when family is involved) but besides the point. if they can't afford the cash which immigration requires they can't afford to invest cash that does not exist.


    hence... there's no such thing like discussing options.


    Just as many TVF members are engaging in an inteletcual exchange in deciding where to live out heir lives; while striking a balance of quality of life, finances, and etc.  It is obvious none of this matters to you, WONDERFUl.  We are all thrilled. 

    i am thrilled that discussing options that don't exist matter to you and yes you are right, i admit they don't matter to me. my comments in this thread do not pertain to any intellectual exchange on quality of life, finances or any other topic than the [in]famous "800/400k".  

    • Like 1
  2. On 6/4/2019 at 11:27 AM, Pharoticus said:
    On 6/4/2019 at 7:36 AM, Naam said:

    my time is too valuable to discuss "investments" pertaining to the peanuts amount of THB 800k throwing in "since inception", mutual funds (yuck!) and ol' Warren Buffet.


    Yeah right -- your time is so valuable you've made over 36,000 posts on this forum.

    Thanks for the comic interlude.  

    i don't mind posting if it's worthwhile. but i'm not willing to waste more than a minute on THB 800/400k visa requirement bitchings and the alternatives of using that cash to make a fortune instead.

    • Like 1
  3. 12 hours ago, mike787 said:

    Sure!  If you are an investor you would not be asking. So let me pull out my crayons and explain.  Here are the financial FACTS (not my fairy tales).   

    Step 1. Grab "any" amortization investemnt calculator.

    Step 2. plug in your values you are to invest, ie 800K baht or 400K.

    Step 3. Fact the S&P 500 since inception has returned 10-11% compound interest per year.  That is a minimum ROI (return on initial investment).  Berkshire Hathaway, BRKA or BRKB stock trading symbol (warren buffet, 3rd richest man) has generated 20% average since inception beating the S&P 500.  (you with me so far?).  Even investing 800 or 400K into a bond fund that matched inflation at about 2-3% is better than Zero which is what you get for leaving your money in a Thai bank.  Your are not even beating inflation.  That perhaps doesn't not matter to you. Excellent!  Stop reading at this point.  


    Ok. step 4. you plug in all those parameters.  

    Step 5. Determine the amortized period of time.  That is subjective, however it can be as short as 1 year or as long as you like.  The value generated will show the amount of money your initial investment of the (laundered) funds to the Thai bank 800/400K could have generated BUT did NOT because your ROI was ZERO.  The Thai banks made money on your funds (or did what they want) that you provided. 


    To help you see the light, or NOT is your choice.  I personally (no offense) do not care what you do with your money because it is yours.  My position is only about "informed consent"  


    RE:  BRKA performance relative to S&P 500...just google for more fairy tales...LOL! 

    I can continue, but will choose not too.  Likely your are very happy with your choices...to continue would be to bore you, which I have exceeded at doing.


    my time is too valuable to discuss "investments" pertaining to the peanuts amount of THB 800k throwing in "since inception", mutual funds (yuck!) and ol' Warren Buffet.


    • Sad 1
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    • Haha 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

    Its not baseless mate , sooner or later it will start to shift and crack because of rain , soft ground , hard wind , so then the plasterwork will crack 100% . He says you won't see anything of the bad brick when it's plastered , thats treu . Untill your plasterwork starts to crack and that will be very soon after it's done you can count on that more then you can count on these unlisenced crap workers .

    i completely forgot that you tested the ground and found it soft. i also did not consider that an inside non-bearing wall will start to shift because of rain and hard wind and fall down after the plasterwork cracks.


    am i right in assuming you lectured construction science at a famous university during your professional career?



    • Haha 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Enoon said:
    6 hours ago, Naam said:

    relax mate, it won't make any difference.

    Until those bricks start to crack away, and separate, from the load bearing wall.

    I guess your comment is a translation of what the Thai "craftsman" said to the unfortunate commissioner of the mess.

    i guess you need reading glasses.

    1. my comment pertained to the assumption of not being soundproof because of the shoddy job.


    2. your assumption "bricks will start to crack away and separate" is baseless.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Benroon said:

    What are you talking about - you're talking utter nonsense. Thailand has one of the largest cash reserves in the world - Last year it stood at $455,000,000,000 (that's BILLIONS) - and its grown since then.


    Stop making it up just because you want it to be the case.

    there... there... :smile:



    Foreign Exchange Reserves in Thailand increased to 211000 USD Million in April from 209700 USD Million in March of 2019.


  7. 46 minutes ago, oxysong said:

    Load of rubbish.    There are other figures out there too stating diff amounts  bottom line  nothing is getting sold/exported  rice rubber cars   whatever  because ...let ne guess

    more büll from you!


    Total exports from Thailand by value in 2017 amounted to 236.69 billion U.S. Dollars. this was 9.89 % higher than exports in 2016 at 215.33 billion U.S. Dollars.

    In 2018 total exports from Thailand were valued at 252.486 billion U.S. dollar, an increase of 6.7 % compared to the previous year.

    Below are listed the most important export products by value in U.S Dollar for 2018.
    Some comments :

    Car exports, including accessories and parts, motorcycles, have are main export products from Thailand. The country was listed as 12th in the list of countries with the highest car (including commercial vehicles) production in 2014.

    Computer related products (automatic data processing, electronic integrated circuits), as well as chemical products (when including ethylene and propylene) are major export products. Export of chemical products by value increased by more than 20% in 2017 (compared to 2016), and again by 23 % in 2018 (compared to 2017). Ethylene and propylene products increased exports by 19 % in 2018, indicating the importance of Thailand petrochemical industry.

    Rubber and rubber products feature large, Thailand being the prime rubber producer in the world.

    Compared to industrial manufactured goods, exports of food products (while a big chunk of the population is still working in the food industry) are more limited in value : fish (tuna, shrimp), tapioca and rice are most prominent.


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  8. 3 hours ago, Farang99 said:

    And 39.5 to the £. I think that is the first time it has gone through the 40 floor

    but that will change with Brexit when the revived British Empire, free of the EU shackles, will deal with the rest of this world and most probably the alpha and delta quadrant. then one Pound will buy 4 €URos or a fistful of US-Dollars. Captain Picard and the crew of Enterprise are standing by to explore new trading horizons once Downing Street #10 gets its gear together.


    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, madmen said:

    I think it may end up testing that low within a few years. I have a condo ready to sell in BKK for a big profit on exchange rate alone but now is not the right time.

    When it does happen I will head back to oz where the dollar is still worth a dollar and Im guessing many here will do the same thing

    and find out that the "dollar now" does not buy what the "dollar then" used to buy. yawnnnn...:coffee1:

  10. 8 hours ago, DonDoRondo said:

    The accommodations are inferior and nothing like the value and service you can get in Thailand.  Many more street dogs.

    Feces on the street.  They've abolished the 1000 rupee note for the 2000 - try paying for a 100 rupee lunch with a large note - good luck.

    inferior accomodations are in line with restaurants serving 100 Rupee ($1.40) lunches.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    The rating is actually BBB+

    this rating is from the Thai agency "TRIS" which is for international standards irrelevant as are the domestic rating agencies of other countries.


    Moody's last rating is B2 which corresponds to S&P's and Fitch's single B.



    Moody's Investors Service has withdrawn True Corporation Public Company Limited's B2 corporate family rating with a stable outlook.




    Moody's has withdrawn the rating for its own business reasons. Please refer to the Moody's Investors Service's Policy for Withdrawal of Credit Ratings, available on its website, www.moodys.com.


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