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Posts posted by Naam

  1. 2 minutes ago, KittenKong said:
    20 minutes ago, Naam said:

    i'm not saying anything but quoting the chap who's girlfriend is not liable to do any 90 day reports.

    I thought that people on Thai Elite visas had their 90-day reports done for them, as part of the package?


    I know people here who have deposit-based retirement extensions done by agents, and they get their 90-day reports done for them as part of the extension package too.

    as the OP's girlfriend leaves 8 times a year Elite Visa would have a hard time to do her 90 day reports but possible if she lived on Jupiter or Saturn.

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, humbug said:

    i for one want foreigners to live on this land, i 'dont' want less foreigners as its patronizing to every foreigner trying to live their lives. I will never be hoodwinked in believing the pension letters was the embassies fault or this retirement new requirements blame on agents or wealth. 


    Its about a nationalist criminal gang backed by the chinese state having one of their booty boys keep looking at ways to reduce long term expats. An absolute disgrace in my eyes but some like you want this, which is perverse

    humbug = nomen est omen! :laugh:

  3. 9 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    Are you saying that it is easier to buy a flight to somewhere, drive to the airport a couple of hours before departure, go thru security a couple of times, queue up to get on, sit in the plane for a couple of hours, queue up to get off, queue up for immigration, and then do it all again to come back....than to drive to the nearest immigration office to show your passport, or do it by post or online.

    i'm not saying anything but quoting the chap who's girlfriend is not liable to do any 90 day reports.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:
    38 minutes ago, Naam said:

    my wife is 0% Thai and her behaviour is "minus 50%" Thai. :smile:


    by the way... for the last 15 years holding THB cash provided a very acceptable yield over most major currencies kept in cash. that's something the resident financial wizzards either don't seem to know or flatly reject because it does not match their perception. for as long as we are resident in Thailand (>15 years) the bottom line was "Baht appreciates" and during this period one finds many dozens, perhaps hundreds of postings with predictions the Thai Baht will crash... any time from now. yawnnnnn...



    +46% above Pound Sterling

    +42% above €URo

    +28% above US-Dollar

    +26% above AU-Dollar 

    1. thats for now , but if uk stays in EU the pound sterling will rise back to 60 baht to pound and your 46% will end up being 20% up and if the pound rises to 80 baht to pound you will be -6%

    2. then you will be wanting to move it back to uk

    1. you have my permission keep on dreaming :smile:

    2. the last time i held GBP (UK sovereign debt) was 1978-1982 when when British gilts yielded 12-14%. by the way, i'm not a Brit, moved nothing out of the UK and have no plans to move anything to the UK. that doesn't apply to my wife's annual trip to London.

    • Haha 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, no deal said:
    48 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

    Good point but most people would keep less than 3 million in a Thai bank account when it could be making more elsewhere. I have high expenses and only keep around 500k max here. I can easily transfer more if needed. 

    that the way to go smart guy!

    indeed smart for some but totally irrelevant for others. it is prudent for those who invest in and trade high yield/high risk assets to keep a rather high cash quota partly in order to balance risk but also being able to act (buy) when opportunity knocks at the door.

    • Like 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, ocddave said:
    12 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:

    i agree with alot of what you say maybe they want to eliminate the companies putting 800,000 in peoples accounts till they get a retirement visa then the company withdraws the cash after this might stop that from happening so only people who have got genuinly 800,000 baht can stay here , but there is also a case for example the pound sterling is only a rip off price of 40 baht to the pound sterling if you kept 800,000 baht in an account over here in a thai bank and if uk stays in EU the pound sterling will go up so lets say it goes upto 55 baht to the pound sterling you will have lost over 30% than if you had left it in your uk bank and at the moment we are at a point where depending what happens in brexit the pound will either go up or down , the experts have said that if uk leaves EU the pound could go down to 29 baht to the pound sterling but then again if uk stays in EU then the pound sterling could go upto 60 baht to the pound sterling we will know soon what happens also 

    I think if I had a lot of money in the UK, I would have moved it out by now to a more stable currency, unless you like playing the odds.

    the problem is that the focus of too many investors is on their "home currency" which is totally irrelevant if their living expenses are in a different currency.

  7. 7 minutes ago, randy723 said:
    48 minutes ago, no deal said:

    I am married and have about 150000 tb a month all that money come from over Europe and America wired to my bank account directly and I never have any problem from immigration,the problem come from people who don't have the money and try any thing they can to pass and that make every thing hard for other people!

    no deal you are full of SH**.

    1. I have a retirement income of over 350,000 baht per month but I do not have it sent here and put into a Thai bank with NO interest. I leave it in my bank in America and draw 1.75% interest so you are very wrong

    2. and should be ashamed of your self or saying people who use the 800,000 are poor expats who do not have the 65,000 each month income. so no deal go craw back into your hole

    1. the 1.75% in your home country are most probably a loss considering the Baht appreciation.

    -you can get the same yields in Baht with Thai banks on fixed deposits and participate in the Baht appreciation. 

    -refusing to keep less than 2½ months income to match immigrtation requirements is ridiculous.

    2. both "no deal" and you have a valid point.

  8. 1 minute ago, MrPatrickThai said:
    4 minutes ago, Naam said:

    that can be easily verified at the next extension.

    If 800k is too much for you, you could borrow it for the time required, wouldn't cost that much.

    i don't think for the last 15 years we ever had less than 3 million Baht credit balance in our Thai bank account. :coffee1:

    next good advice please.

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, HalfLight said:

    Yes, i understand. I'm glad you didn't directly compare the 'civilised' life in Europe with the 'civilised' life in TL though, they don't really compare very well in my experience, but on balance, I don't think I'd be going back to Europe any time soon. Each to his/her own. Though I don't recall seeing any tornadoes in UK. Not recently anyway.

    we also have no plans to go back. can't afford our Thai life style paying 45% income tax. by the way, in Germany we had tornadoes, blizzards and floods. and floods you have in UK too.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, bowerboy said:

    In what way is my statement incorrect? What parts of the statement are not true?


    I said Thailand is good at Prostitution...I did not say all Thai women here are prostitutes. 

    you made a generalising comment insulting all good Thai people and "there" [sic] daughters who are working their àrses off in fields and factories for a pittance. shame on you to deny it!



    There are plenty of poor countries and plenty of Buddhist countries but no country has ever been so utterly willing to sell out there daughters to pay for their lifestyle.



  11. 3 hours ago, bowerboy said:
    7 hours ago, Naam said:

    please enlighten me why it can take a lot of money to move back. all it takes is a ticket, a few days in a hotel/AirBnB and a couple of months rent. please consider my question a rhetorical one if the cost for a ticket, hotel and rent is "a lot of money".


    Really? So you can just turn up in the U.K or Australia or wherever with your Children and Thai wife with no visa? And to the visa do you just rock up to immigration and apply or do you need a job money house etc etc first? Moving furniture etc?


    We are talking of relocating a family here not a single guy...not sure if your intellect can stretch that far to absorb the points of the conversation.

    if you were talking about relocating a semi-Thai family i apologise. however i can't detect any mentioning of a family in your content (see below).



    bowerboy said:

    Again though i do know that it can take a lot of money to get back into your home country if you decide to go back and that it just may not be financially possible for everyone..in that case then the situation is different

    yes, i commented based on my/our personal situation, i.e. neither Thai wife nor adopted Thai children, enough coin for a container, buying two tickets and staying in a hotel till we decide whether to buy or rent. 

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