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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 5 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    The IDF should have a firmer foothold in Gaza after the weekend. Flush the Rats out and terminate the Vermin.

    After the weekend, how many more dead Palestinian children will there be?


    Do you think it’ll top 4,000 by then?


  2. 14 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    MoJo has turned this topic into a history lesson now and way off Topic. Warnings from the Mods to remain on the main Title " Iseael is at War " have been ignored. These warnings have been ignored, spreading false information, blatant lies, and links not allowed on the platform as with forum rules, baiting and flaming members all against the forum rules laid out. So I will start reporting posts I feel are off Topic or breaking forum rules, As long as I stay within the rules I will be using the Report function that is what it is for.

    Who do you think you’re fooling - you’ve been smashing the report button since day 1.


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  3. 13 minutes ago, Morch said:


    As said before, on these here topics addressing the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, drawing the Sand card is usually an act of desperation.

    Even if one took him semi-seriously, disregard his political views or scientific BS - it still wouldn't have much bearing on the topic at hand.

    It's just an off-topic deflection, derailing the topic thing.


    Of course a book detailing the lack of legitimate Jewish claim to Palestinian lands is going to receive negative reviews and more than its fair share of denunciation.


    Funny how you guys posted a bunch of laughing emojis when I quoted the NY Times in relation to the Gaza hospital bombing and now here you are posting your own NY Times link.

    Just because you disagree with something doesn’t make it untrue.


    • Haha 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Much more than Arabs.

    Both peoples should be able to live in peace now in the region  

    But that's impossible with Palestinians more and more having genocidal River to the sea intentions for Jews.



    River to the sea - based upon the belief that the two horizontal blue lines on the Israeli flag represent the lands given to the “chosen people” 

    • Confused 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Morch said:

    Oh, you're a nihilist now? That's interesting.

    You haven't presented any 'facts'.


    The two links above do not support what you claimed.


    The links above represent my governments views, not my views, as that is what your post requested


    9 minutes ago, Morch said:

    And also funny you dismissed governments, then rushed to quote to government types.

    Again, I quoted the government because that’s what was requested.


    Now it appears that you don’t even comprehend your own posts.



    • Confused 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Morch said:

    You calling the IDF 'terrorist' on an open internet forum in Asia doesn't carry a whole lot of weight.

    How does your own government see things? How do Western countries? Any of them share your views?

    Who cares what governments think?

    What are the facts?


    Australia’s position:




    and before the war:



    • Haha 2
  7. 9 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Its not too hard to understand that accusing the IDF of being terrorists is an explicit disregard for the real terrorist acts carried out by Hamas.


    It’s not too hard to understand that excusing the IDF for the terrorist acts they have committed is an explicit disregard for the real human beings that are dead because of that terrorism.


    9 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    On anther note, did the IDF kidnap also over 200 babies, children, young people and the elderly?

    No. They just dropped bombs on them.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Yes, fighting in urban areas is like that.

    Many civilians get hurt.

    Is that new to you?


    If Israel was intentionally out to kill civilians, there would be more dead.

    Not too hard to understand.


    Hamas could always surrender.

    Or ask for a ceasefire, even.

    Or come out and play.

    Or let civilians into the safety of it's tunnels.



    By hurt do you mean dead?

    Why downplay reality.


    Flipside is of course…if Israel cared about civilians there would be less dead.


    Not too hard to understand.

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  9. 1 minute ago, Morch said:


    You can keep banging on about 'revenge' or 'don't care' - it runs in the face of reality. If either was true, the death toll would be way way higher. It's not very hard to kill civilians if that's one's goal.

    Turns out it’s quite easy to kill civilians even if it (allegedly) isn’t one’s goal.


    Have they reached 10,000 yet?

  10. 12 minutes ago, Morch said:


    I did not blame the victims. Hamas leadership aren't victims.


    Murder requires intent.

    If Israel intended to murder Palestinians, there would be a whole lot more dead Palestinians about.

    That you insist on conflating terms, twisting them to fit a false narrative doesn't change facts.


    Hamas was aware of the disparity when launching its attack.

    What's your point?


    I'm not very interested in what you read, or how you choose to interpret things.

    Quite obvious your take is set regardless of facts.



    There is more to the definition of murder than requiring intent:


    The mens rea for murder is: an intent to kill; an intent to inflict grievous bodily harm; or. reckless indifference to human life, where the defendant foresaw the probability, as opposed to possibility, of his or her actions resulting in death.


    Reckless indifference to human life…, is exactly what Israel has shown.


    Glad I could teach you something.

    No thanks required, the lesson is on the house.

  11. Just now, Nick Carter icp said:


      I condemn the Hamas terror attack on Israel, the indiscriminate killing of innocent people, Men , Woman  and children of all ages , the Hamas war crimes and hostage taking and the killing of babies

       Its unfortunate what is happening to the civilians in Gaza , but it needs to be done to eliminate Hamas from any future atrocities .

       You condemning Israel for retaliating against Hamas terrorists makes you a Hamas/terrorist supporter 

    You have conveniently omitted that I have repeatedly condemned Hamas’s terrorist attacks.


    Why is it that I can condemn Hamas for their crimes but you cannot condemn Israel for theirs.


    The best you can do is offer up “unfortunate” before quickly justifying Israel’s criminal and inhuman actions.


    You do understand that your post is the literal definition of being an apologist don’t you?

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  12. 7 minutes ago, Hawaiian said:

    www.oxfordlearning.com/difference-rote-learning-meaningful-learning/     I forgot to add this link.

    Each has its benefits.

    For learning to count and the alphabet, rote is the best method. Once the student has a firm grasp of the basics then meaningful learning comes into play.

  13. 1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:

    No, that's just a trolling deflection. Here's just a couple of examples of your apologist rhetoric that makes listening to your opinions worthless to me. 


    It seems Israel has forgotten a very important lesson:

    Fancy behaving so atrociously that large swathes of the world sees you as Hamas’s equal in depravity, criminality and inhumanity.


    Murder is what Hamas did.

    Murder is what the IDF is doing


    The more you compare the atrocities carried out  by Hamas as being the same as Israel the more you expose yourself for what you really are.



    Only to those suffering from an extreme aversion to seeing Israel for what they are.

    Rational folks are well aware that condemning Israel is not the same as supporting Hamas.


    Both quotes you have provided are factual and condemn both Hamas and Israel.


    Don’t worry, the days of comparing the two are nearly over and the days of Israel being outright worse than Hamas are coming as the civilian death toll approaches 10,000.

  14. 1 minute ago, Hawaiian said:

    I think the advantages of meaningful learning outweigh those of rote learning.  I guess it depends what you are trying to achieve.

    One step at a time.

    We all had to learn to crawl before we could walk.

  15. 6 minutes ago, proton said:

    The Quran calls Jews the worst of people and specifically calls for them to be killed, Mohammad was poisoned by a Jew after he had killed her whole family. He turned against jews after he failed to get them to follow his new religion, thats why he made several concessions at first to attract them, not eating pork, fasting, alms giving etc, Islam has always had a problem with Jews.

    Islam requires Muslims to respect people of all faiths and this clearly includes followers of Judaism. Jews are regarded as one of the groups of people described as ‘People of the Book’. This is a title given to two groups of people; the Jews and the Christians, both of which were given guidelines directly by their founders, Moses(as) and Jesus(as) respectively.




    Some Muslims, in reaction to the manifesto, argued that a literal reading of the Quran is the reason for misunderstanding its attitude towards Jews; modern-day Muslims, they claim, should read the Quran symbolically not literally. However, the real problem concerns the cherry picking and misinterpretation of certain verses about Jews while turning a blind eye to others which praise Jews. A proper and thorough reading of the Quran — one that takes into account all of the verses on the subject — shows that the Quran is not anti-Semitic.

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