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Posts posted by Adumbration

  1. 11 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    No. You can NOT self medicate for depression in any valid way. That is what junkies, pot heads and alcholics are doing. It's not wrong but don't deceive yourself.

    Thanks for your input.  I do not drink and, with the exception of a few times as a student, have never used recreational drugs.  I do not smoke, am not overweight, and despite my health concerns am pretty fit for my age (mid fifties).

    • Like 2
  2. Sheryl.  I am located in a rural area of Phang Nga province.


    I am homozygous c282y and have missed a number of my phlebotomies due to lockdowns and travel restrictions.  I requested a letter (by email) from the treating doctor and tried to use it to get through roadblocks but was refused.  The bridge at Phuket has apparently reopened in the last few days so I should be able to catch up.


    I have not been able to access a lab for ages that could check my serum ferritin and ferritin transferance.  I can now get that done in Anda lab in Phuket town hopefully.


    A more pressing concern is that I have a morton's neuroma in my left foot.  I have not had access to proper facilities for detailed diagnosis, tried all available facilities and doctors in this area and they were all just twits.


    I have researched this matter online and am 100% sure this is the problem.  I have flat feet and a morgans toe.  I ordered some arch support inserts for my shoes and had have a marginal improvement.  But still have peripheral numbness in my toes.  From what I have researched online all of my symptoms are an exact fit.  Even the pebble underfoot or scrunched up sock feeling when walking in my shoes.


    Sheryl do you know of a doctor in phuket that would be able to properly diagnose and treat my foot.  Also I have read lots regarding cortisone injections but apparently this is just short term fix.  I note that surgery to remove the tumor must be guided by MRI.  Would that type of technology even be available here? 



    • Thanks 1
  3. Thank you everyone for your input.


    I do not have any issue sleeping.


    However I am suffering from fatigue, brain fog, utter lack of motivation.


    Some of this I am sure is psychological overlay.  I have a chronic genetic blood disease for which that is no cure no medication.  I also can barely walk due to the development of mortons neuroma in my left foot.


    Much is due to life problems.  No family support whatsoever.  No income. 


    So already depressed before Delta came along.  But it was definitely the icing on the cake.


    We were barricaded into our village for 21 days and were not even allowed out to buy food.


    Had to live off tinned fish and boiled rice.


    The travel bans have precluded me from getting to a decent hospital or doctor in Phuket.


    However the bridge is now open apparently in the last few days.


    Never taken antidepressants before.  I grew up poor and was told to get on with it.


    Looking back now with time to reflect I am sure there was clearly defined periods where I was significantly hobbled with depression....but I never sought help...


    I am at the stage now where I have to write a to do list and a flow chart just to complete the task required each day.


    My current situation is not sustainable.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 2
  4. I read this is another thread:


    One very workable option if the cause was insufficient funds in the bank is to use the monthly income method of 65,000 baht per month or more. I have been doing that for going on four years now. You just have to be able to produce a one year bank statement showing that income as a direct deposit. I use Transferwise. This would be the surest solution. I don't actually make that much, so every month I tack on an extra $700 US that I then transfer back to the US along with any other funds that need to go back. So in my case there is $700 tied up in order to go round in circles, meanwhile a deposit of 67,000 baht in a lump sum shows up like clockwork in my bank once a month. Kasikorn Bank has a phone app that very easily and cheaply makes international transfers back to your home country within 12 hours, it comes to your bank as a standard ACH deposit and does not trigger any fees at your bank. 


    Has anyone else used the Kbank app to transfer money out of Thailand.


    I have been here for over a decade.  Only did two large transfers out with Krungsri.  But that was a nightmare and require lots of paperwork.

    Have things really progressed that far.  Can I just download the Kbank app and then transfer baht out to my Australian bank account without and paperwork?

  5. Terrible day.  Cyclone hit blew 4 tiles off roof house flooding internally.  Made it through the flood waters at post office just as it had closed.  Apparently closed again tomorrow public holiday.  First day I can send is Thursday.  Has to make 31 Oct Deadline.  I don't think it will.

  6. Yes I didn't grow up with this guy but I have know him for years and he met his now wife while renting a room off me when he was just out of college.


    I thinks he has had some sort of break down or maybe marital problems.


    Completely drop the ball on me.  And now my life is in ruins...


    I didn't have any other choice than relying on this guy because I have no family back there I can rely on for support.


    So you should think carefully what the impact on your life would be here if you mate back home falls over....

    • Like 1
  7. I have left a message with someone in Oz via a friend here.  They should send me an SMS from OZ tomorrow.  If I receive that ok then it would appear the problems is from the banks end not the system or my phone.


    What interesting is today I tested my phone and got sms fine sent from kasikorn some thai friends and also from the Wise platform (dont know what country that is in but definitley outside of Thailand).


    Tomorrow I hope the bank with call me.  I am also waiting on a call back from True.


    If I don't get the personal SMS message sent from OZ tomorrow that would seem to indicate the True system is not receiving or is blocking message from the Oz side.



  8. Ok guys thanks very much for getting back to me.


    The number registered in my account is my Thai mobile which I have had for years.  When netbank says it has sent the message it displays the number.  Some of it is obscured by xxxx but I can see it is the correct number and that the country code for thailand is correct.  In any event I have used it before ok and not changed any details in the system since then.


    I don't have a debit card.  Only a Mastercard.  The one I have here has expired.  The new one is sent to a post box I have back in Oz that is checked by my accountant.  He sold his business and did not check my box. So I don't have my credit card either.  That is why I need to tx cash.


    I don't have an oz sim card.  Been here a long time and no family to provide support back in Oz either.


  9. I have been trying for over a week now to transfer myself some money from banks in Australia.


    I have an account with wise and have logged on and sent the small amount of funds that were already sitting there to my Thai account with Kasikorn.  No problems.  Wise system sent me sms to my phone and that was that.


    I now need to link my Commonwealth Net bank account to to Wise.  I log in and enter the details to add my wise account as a new payee and then of course i have to click to send me an SMS the the code to my phone.


    Before commenting please note the following:


    1. My SIM here in Thailand is with True H.  The number is already registered with my bank back in Oz including the +66 country code for Thailand.  I haven't transfered any money for a year or so but everything is the same as before and I could easily get the code to my phone.


    2. I can see on the Netbank page that it is confirming that the sms has been sent and to my correct number including the 66 country code. But nothing ever arrives at this end.


    3. The reception for the phone is fine (realme C3) and I have already tested and received incoming SMS from the offshore Wise system and from Kasiskorn and from a couple of my friends here.  No problem receiving any of these messages.


    4. I called True and ask them to help they asked me what the incoming number was.  How the hell would I know it is generated from the Net bank website.


    5. I have triple checked my phone to make sure there is no blacklisting or blocking in error issues.  I have rebooted my phone.


    6. I have been waiting now 24hrs for True to get back to me...


    7. Everyone I know in Australia is in bed now but tomorrow I will try to get someone to send my an SMS.  If I received that ok then it would appear the problem is the banks SMS system....


    I am at wits end here trying to get this resolved.  Any one got any helpful suggestions?

  10. Thanks for your reply.  The timing requirements are not really relevant are they  The money will still be here in thailand in my name.  It is just that the funds would be transfer out of one account that I always used for my extension and into another account.  But might also be the case fund are also converted into THB if into baht denominated account.


    SCB (and krungsri) does not charge a fee for incoming FCD deposits if they are sent by tx.

    But do charge a half a percent skim to transfer out plus 1000 baht for admin.  The skim for converting to baht is outrageous at around 2% (especially given current zero interest rate environment).


    I wonder if it is possible to transfer the funds from the FCD to wise and then tx back here in baht.  That would mean that I would only lose the .5% skim and would get a good market rate when tx the baht back here with wise.  Anyone done this?



  11. I have a Foreign Currency Deposit account with Krungsri.  


    I moved a while back and the town the I am in does not have a Krungsri branch in the fact the closest is now more than an hours drive away.


    I have a fair chunk of cash in the account is AUD and I use it each year to meet my retirement extension financial requirements.


    I dont want to cash it out and convert the AUD to THB just now because it seems that the AUD is on a strengthening trend against the baht.  


    I have an SCB branch not far from my new home and their staff are ok.


    So here are my questions:


    1. If I open another AUD FCD with SCB in my town.  Can I then tx my AUD from Krungsri to SCB.  Reading the krungsri fees and charges for FCDs on their website it looks like transfer between two account in the same name is free?  The link to that document is here:




    2. If I do manage an AUD tx from krungsri to SCB do you think it will effect my visa extension when I then seek to use the SCB FCD as my proof of finances


    3. In the event that I do liquidate the Krungsri fund into THB and then deposit a cash cheque into my THB account at SCB do you think that would effect my visa extension.

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