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Posts posted by nycjoe

  1. I volunteered to work with the mayors office as a volunteer and was given the job of keeping farangs off of the thae pae gate (they didn't want anyone to be higher than the monks), farangs would come by and aim high powered water pistols at my eyes and on the way to my post ice water was poured (with the ice) on my open air vehicle. If I had a gun I would have put these drunken asses out of their misery. Instead I left Thailand early this year and had a pleasant weekend figuring out my taxes for my uncle sam and experiencing the cold wet weather of early spring in New York. It has turned into a celebration of mean spirited people and an excuse to get stinking stupid drunk and drive your motorcycle into a wall. :o

  2. Hello Nigel,

    Joe Evans here, I live in Mae Jo and I am looking for a Judo/ BJJ, class here in chiang Mai, let me know if you here of anything or choose to take side work, I am a member of fitness thailand and exercise there daily. my number is 0857142550. Thanks and Cheers, Joe

  3. I did get my sleep apnea machine ripped off at suv, I guess they thought it was a computer, anyway to get a new one had it sent from the states, customs held it for 3 weeks and I had to pay 3.5k to get it. sucky.

    Taxi Driver

    If you have luggage in the boot - make sure the driver gets out before you do. I saw an elderly couple get out and the taxi drive off. So a couple of old timers spend a holiday here, probably spent half their time and savings on buying things for the family back home - and one bastard ruins it. May he rot in hel_l.

    Duty Free

    This is a long story but worth reading thru - told be a close friend of her friend. I'll try and keep it simple. HK girl buys cosmetics from Duty Free. Uses her card. Walks to gate. gets stopped by police claiming she didn't pay. She's unable to find her receipt. Police agree to let her get on the flight for USD3000. She tells em 'no way'. Insists on going back to shop to verify. Instead they take her for an interview. (a falang is also undergoing a similar experience there). She tells em she'll call HSBC to verify transaction. They claim it is not enough proof. She stands her ground. And then gets put in a cell for 48 hours. Her passport and belongings, including phone, are withdrawn. 48 hours later she's given a list of solicitors and is allowed to call one. Price tag: THB30K for his services. Another THB3K for bail. Passport not returned. No option but to remain in Thailand for an indefinite period. Receives statement from HSBC - lo and behold - value of transaction is lower than the price of the goods that she 'paid' for. No legs to stand on. Solicitor asks for a further THB30K to arrange for her to get the case dropped and passport returned. This whole story lasted 6 weeks. She's currently taking legal action. So, it seems, there's a nice network within the realms of the airport. Am surprised it took em so long to get the system going.

    Lock yer Bags

    The baggage handlers may go through your bag eventually. G/F works for TG. The stories are endless. Including bags rifled through from the overhead cabins. Not just on TG.


    Granted - he was in the wrong. Tried bringing through 6 cartons of cigarettes. And got stumped for a THB25K fine. Did at least manage to salvage a carton! Which he probably went through as soon as he got out of the airport. Furthermore - I now understand that once getting past customs you might encounter a couple of 'customs officers' waiting for you at the other side.

    Great adverts for tourism/business.

    Any other warnings out there?

  4. I have been getting my retirement visa renewed in Chiang Mai for the last two years and I go to the American embassy get a letter stating my pension and SS income and a letter from the bank and a copy of my bank statement fill out the official paperwork and bring them in to the office with my passport. I payed 1900 baht for that and an additional amount I forget how much but it was quite a bit for a multiple re-entry stamp. The whole thing came to around $100 US. I heard from my Aussie buddies that they wouldn't take their pension papers and that they had to show 800,000 in the bank, but I am not sure because the system seems to be arbitrary to each station on any particular day. Like anywhere there are folks sitting around a table trying to make themselves look good by coming up with crazy schemes.

  5. Hi,

    I will go for holiday in Thailand in october. I do not know if I could find clothes of my size as thais does not have the same size than europeans. I'm overweight. Do you know if it is easy to find clothes for large and big men.



    I have my clothes made at Rickys fashion house, on sukomvit at soi 3 nana. great stuff, custom made, good prices. Been getting things there for 5 years and have been very happy.

  6. Sorry to see all of the anti-american sentiment, you guys are getting really cranky in your old age. But I have always found that there are those who have to step on someone's head to stand a little taller. I live in New York, half of the year and Chiang Mai the other half. I judge a place by how many folks want to get there and the US is still yearned for by many. Hope that your pissy attitude changes, for your own happiness. Joe

  7. I am taking Eva air out of NYC this year, I was looking forward to the Thai non stop, but if they gave up their slot at JFK, they won't be getting it back. Eva is a two stopper and then BKK to Chiang Mai is another.

    The world is changing and it is not going to be pretty. Bring back the bicycle, I for one could lose a few stone.

    www.humbletraveler.com is my photo site.

  8. I am taking Eva air out of NYC this year, I was looking forward to the Thai non stop, but if they gave up their slot at JFK, they won't be getting it back. Eva is a two stopper and then BKK to Chiang Mai is another.

    The world is changing and it is not going to be pretty. Bring back the bicycle, I for one could lose a few stone.

    www.humbletraveler.com is my photo site.

  9. I have heard that the Swedes, have a deal where they have pay $1000us a month and for that they get a two bedroom bungalow, all food, maid service and massage. Down by the beaches somewhere, never have to leave the compound. I am sure that in the community there is assisted living of some sort. good Idea though if run right, but of course there's the rub.

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