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Posts posted by onebir

  1. On 2/22/2021 at 10:16 AM, richard_smith237 said:

    Only one possible interpretation...  someone with connections opened a club. 

    Someone let the cat out of the bag. BiB came along and went through the motions but protected the owners identity. 

    Translation: all above board

    (Someone needs to work on their connections a bit, and next time the police won't even go!)

  2. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    Politicians were reserved for last place - just 0.48% thought they should get preferential treatment. 


    7 hours ago, chakatee said:

    While reading the whole article one could worry that this poll might affect political decisions. It took until the very last sentence to become aware that this poll will not be taken seriously by those in force, they might decide to just do the opposite.

    But there aren't that many politicians. They can ignore that bit*, and continue to curry favour with the masses by implementing popular bits.


    *There have already been scandals in several South American countries relating to politicians & their buddies 'somehow' getting access to vaccinations along with the legit first tier priority folks like medical workers.

  3. 40 minutes ago, webfact said:

    The popularity of coconut milk as an alternative to dairy milk has grown steadily during the past five years, says Avinash Desamangalam, research manager at Mordor Intelligence, a company based in India that studies the market for alternatives to dairy products.

    1) Good to see Sauron's keeping busy. I hope the pay and conditions for Avinash and the other orcs fulfill PETA's stringent standards.

    2) It does sound like the monkeys are being abused quite badly. But I wonder if there are ways to train and look after the monkeys humanely, that could be developed if PETA worked with the coconut farmers, rather than destroying their livelihoods. People are animals too, after all...

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  4. 13 hours ago, webfact said:

    It found that to date, the United States, the European Union, Britain, Australia, Canada and Japan have already secured more than 3 billion doses - over a billion more than the 2.06 billion needed to give their entire populations two doses.


    "This huge excess is the embodiment of vaccine nationalism," said Jenny Ottenhoff, ONE Campaign's senior director for policy.

    If 'secured' means 'to have in-country stored in a horde of fridges, surrounded by evil developed country exploiters rubbing their hands with glee' this is bad.


    If it means 'to have on order, as insurance against supply disruption, below par efficacy &/ failure to secure regulatory approval for use' this is just NGOs banging the inequality drum (donations that fund very nice champagne socialist lifestyles en route). And the countries with excess orders will release/donate them as the balance between supply & vaccination capacity/demand becomes clearer.

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  5. 8 hours ago, greenmonkey said:

    I recently tried a 25 baht hot latte from the local 7 eleven coffee station and was very pleasantly surprised. Quality coffee, tasted good and was hot!

    How is it being made? (I suspect those machines that take ground coffee capsules/sachets are easier to maintain than the 'real' espresso machines in Starbucks etc, and therefore produce more consistent results.)

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