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Posts posted by stuandchris

  1. It does get full, for me it lets it down because you can only have the huge pizza they serve, ask for a 9 inch and they look at you as if you are slightly retarded!

    Have to agree the blonde woman is a bit severe.

    The pizza's are good however but given a choice I would go to P Pizza an Phuket town and have two for half the price.

  2. Huggybear is right, keep a gun your fault, beat shit out of a burglar with a baseball bat, your fault. I would be more than happy to defend me and my family if I had a level playing field.

    I abide by Thai law in everything but if I abide by the law I expect the law to defend me.

    Basic human rights really, perhaps things will change when a farang gets a good hiding and survives then takes the whole thing to the UN claiming Thailand is contrevening their conventions by these double standards.

    In the meantime I have my pickaxe handle in the bedroom, Tyre iron in the car and don't ride the bike after midnight.

    Great way to live isn't it? I come from what is meant to be the roughest part of the UK but never in my wildest dreams did I have to do this.

    LOS, gentle people? Don't make me laugh.

  3. I know I have banged on about this in the past and got a bit of a beating about it.

    The idea of a few hundred farangs marching on the governers house strikes me as genius. Nothing Thai's hate more than confrontation and boy would it hit the press and wake our comfy consluates up.

    Lets do it, easy, half a day and scare the shit out our embassies and the uninterested authorities here.

    If we could organise this I could get foreign press to cover it to National level.

  4. For a short trip [1 to 2 hours] go through Kata towards Rawai, on the left after the viewpoint. Animals trearted well, helpful guides and the cutest two monkeys you will ever meet. Magic.

  5. Having watched with growing horror the disaster in Burma why don't the self proclaimed police of the world [uS,UK and the rest] do the right thing and bomb these inhumane gits out of power and send in aid.

    I think many people share your frustration.

    But you have to understand that the core of the issue is not the insane burmese junta... It's China.

    Burma is nothing but a colony of China.

    The status quo is defended by China, everywhere (North Korea, Darfur/Sudan, other delicious african didactorships....), when its interets are in stake.

    Therefore, you need to go until the end of the reasoning : China is the enemy.

    Now are you ready to fight China ? To declare war to China ?

    China is already struggling with the shit over the olympics, do you really think they would stop humanitarian aid to dying people? It would be the death knell to the olympics more than the Soviet /American farce twenty years ago.

    It seems everyone is kneeling to China, these people are dying, tell Beijing let us in or there is no olympics, we will restrict your trade in crap cheap goods and I will restrict your future investment. The change would be in hours.

    Time for the west to grow real balls instead of bombing pathetic targets.

    The answer is no.

    The western world has already lost its soul. Our politicians are kissing China's arse.

    It's over.

    The optimistic rozy, and other PC, people still think that China will change. How many times we read, ear this motto ?

    Sure, China changes. Apparently. Apparences. Buildings, modern life etc. But China doesn't change its core. Its regime is brutal, careless, and don't give a rat shit about human principles, justice and other western values.

    The fact that the current regime, since WWII is "communist" is totally irrelevant. That's a blip over China's history. This country was always been led by brutal regimes. A real change is very unlikely.

    Now I don't say that China is a threat for our vital interests. China won't attack us. But clearly, they are doing and will continue to do as they please in South East Asia.

    For that matter, Thailand will follow. It will be totally infeoded to China. And will act as... a garden for China. To grow food. Nothing more, nothing less.

    The evil pact that chinese leader "propose" to leaders of other asian countries is very simple : "You are corrupted like we are. You will remain free to do what you want in your country, to keep the power, to be authoritarian, even to kill your own people, we'll protect you. But in exchange, you'll have to protect our interests and to do as we say".

    RIP burmese people. They are lost.

  6. Having watched with growing horror the disaster in Burma why don't the self proclaimed police of the world [uS,UK and the rest] do the right thing and bomb these inhumane gits out of power and send in aid. It might even be good press for a change, we are happy to take out Afghanistan because of heroin, happy to invade Iraq cos daddy did'nt get it right last time and we get loads of oil.

    It makes me ashamed of being a 'rich' farang. I despair of my country.

    Well, let's see now, because it's an Asian crisis and it is up to Asia to come up with a solution. India, China, Bangladesh and Thailand have to step up. These countries have the means available to ensure aid is brought in. However, the oil and natural resources they salivate for are in the hands of their buddies the junta.

    Western countries can't invade countries in China's backyard. That's how you start a regional war with global consequences. China is looking for a reason to expand and nothing would give it greater joy then to send troops into Burma or to annex parts of Burma. That's what will happen if we encourage foreign military intervention.

    Leave the USA & UK populace out of it. They are weary of war and the cost of Iraq has pushed the USA into a debt crisis that it may never recover from. The USA is running on borrowed money and can't afford any more foreign adventures.

    Afghanistan was a training ground for terrorists and a safe haven from which attacks were launched. It wasn't drugs that caused the invasion. For the millionth time, the USA is not relying on oil from Iraq. The largest consumers both direct and indirect are China and certain EU nations (all of which are non contributors to the Iraq war such as Italy and Germany) The USA sources most of its oil and gas from Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuala and Nigeria. The USA and UK have neither the legal grounds nor the moral basis to justify a military intervention. Besides, it's gettiing close to national elections in the USA and UK. The voters are fed up with kids coming home from foreign lands maimed or in body bags.

    If you want to do something, then contribute to a reputable NGO or volunteer to help with the Burmese refugees in Thailand, or better yet, try not to support the people that exploit them.

    Good reply, whowever Afghanistan might might have been a training ground but all the bloodshed has done is move the training ground. The USA doesn't rely on oil form Iraq but it is the worlds most oil hungry nation on earth and if you don't believe that the Iraq war was all about oil you are either simple or American. It's helped George make mega bucks after all

  7. Oh for gods sake, I don't know about muggings elsewhere on the island but I know and everyone else does who is doing it in Rawai. There are a group of youths up the Soi from Nikitas and they have formed themselves into a little mafia.

    The police have been told many times but they don't care, it is only white man after all.

    There is one way to stop this, stop posting how awful these things are, write to your consulate in person or do a petition, these guys do f all but love the kudos, make the gits work for a living.

    I have said before I am happy to compile a petition but got shot down in flames, if one of these are next there will be hundreds of sympathy threads but nothing will get done.

    I understand no-one really wants to pop their heads over the parapet but I will, I need some names and add's though.

    I will kick ass up to the foreign office in my country if anyone can be really bothered to u2u me and give me ammo.

    Until then these how awful another hurt farang threads wil leave me cold as most people here seem to look after number one.

  8. Sorry Don but I disagree with you completely.

    Not sure whether it is the critisism your establishment received, but you also got a lot of support, thats life, some people hate things, some love it.

    I am with amanda, if no-one can speak their mind then that is a sad day for everyone. Discussion is a good thing although I agree abuse is wrong.

    Having said that I note that your post about people not knowing food etc etc was replied to but not answered by you.

    If you want to engage in debate then fine but don't ignore what you want and post new threads.

    Is this and I don't like to ask this really but it seems to be, I am now a sponsor and don't want bad press? Unfortunatley we are free thinkers and as is our right we can use our freedom of speech.

    If you want a lovey dovey the world is great web site then can I suggest a you start a new forum site. I can think of a name for you. www.everythinginphuketisperfectanddonsisthebestplaceintheworld.com

  9. Having watched with growing horror the disaster in Burma why don't the self proclaimed police of the world [uS,UK and the rest] do the right thing and bomb these inhumane gits out of power and send in aid. It might even be good press for a change, we are happy to take out Afghanistan because of heroin, happy to invade Iraq cos daddy did'nt get it right last time and we get loads of oil.

    Lets see these countries sort something out for the sake of human suffering instead of what me might get.

    I doubt anyone would mourn the passing of the Burmese junta, but then again there is no tactical reason to be in the country and they have no reserves worth a shit, therefore it is soundbites of concern and nothing gets done whilst hundreds of thousands die.

    It makes me ashamed of being a 'rich' farang. I despair of my country.

  10. This came up last season, I tried to organise a complaint for all embassies and consulates but got met with abuse and indiference, it seems the old guard here won't accept what is going on and the rest don't want to rock the boat.

    Platitudes galore when peolpe die but no real concerted action.

    I was told don't rock the status quo as it will f things up [that was by redted though].

    There is no point in posting these things here unless you are willing to get off your arse's and say enough is enough.

    If you want to do something U2U me it might be a start.

  11. Go through Kata towards rawai and the bar on that road has a great sunset over Kata Noi with reggae music, hang your feet over the jungle and watch the bats fly beneath you.

    For the best go to Panwa, take the steps down from the viewpoint and turn right, the restaurant there does the coldest softies and great ice cream, food is good and piped music to each table.

    Heaven on earth when there is a good sunset.

    For closer places the reggae bar at the South end of Kata beach is a cool place to watch the sun go down even though I am not a reggae fan.

    My house is great for sunsets, not over the sea but over the nearest hill next to the sea. Bring a couple of beers and you are welcome

  12. Can a few people tell me how much they pay for electric here in Phuket per unit? Everyone I talk to seems to pay different, anywhere between 2 and 8 Baht a unit.

    This is Gov power I am talking about, not temporary.


  13. Seen a few posts about the rain and what to do, can I suggest a newish place? Phuket sport and country cluhb.

    It has a championship standard tennis court, beach volley ball court with true white sand, a fishing pool, archery, as well as under cover petangue [a strange french game that we would call marbles], pool, darts, chess, backgammon, the food is basic farang but good and they have a Thai menu. They also have two huge BBQ's where you can bring your own food or they will sell you a pack.

    They have peacocks wandering the grounds and the whole place is fantastic.

    Before the cynics place posts, I have no affiliation in any way to this place

    If you go to the garage on Wiset road you will see signs, it is about 2KM inland from there but well signed.

    Take a chance, the owner {Stafford] will make you welcome.

  14. Met your wife at the risk of being crude there is a lot of entertainment there for you! [maybe not so much for her though lol] If you are really bored you are always welcome at our place as you know. You will have to brush up on you TT skills though.

  15. But Sir Burr these guys are trying to make the difference between outragous farang prices and trying to build a business selling good farang and Thai food at a small mark up. it will take them time to get things right but if any small supermarket has the forsight to sell ladypies and then think how can we make them better [by selling gravy sachets] shows some forsight . Not really something Thai's are renowned for. Most places would settle for we sell lady pies.

    Give this place a chance, it is only a small minimart but the owners are trying to make a difference and do something new for around here.

    If you do want to have a drink there u2u me I woud like to drop a couple with you, you seem intelligent and entertaining so you would have a good chat [once you are off the ship of course]

  16. Hi,

    I have to go to KL soon to apply for a new non o visa, I have been looking on the website for the embassy and flights etc. KL say they accept requests from 9.30 -11.30 and then issue them on the next day, howevere I can't seem to get a flight from Phuket that lands in time, this means a two nght stopover in KL. Go on day 1, apply on day 2 and return on day 3.

    Can it be done on a one night stopover?



  17. Go yo Nai Harn beach, go through the hotel [road underneath] there is a small beach [Ao Yang I think it is called], there are a row small beachside houses there and they are very cheap, ask at the restaurant, they rent them out. I think they are cool.

  18. Don I have to take issue with your reply.

    Whilst you have every right to defend your establishment your statements are incorrect. You have had complaints, I complained about my meal [chilli con carne] which had been nuked and was warm on the outside and stone cold in the middle. It was returned nuked some more and it tasted a bit strange but I put it down to me being leery after complaining. I spent the next two days looking down a toilet.

    Hand held computers do not guarentee good service.

    Everyone has an off day to deny this is purile. Also critisism is not slander.

    Finally I do know good food, I have eaten all over the world in the best restaurants and from the cheapest stalls in deepest Africa, I have no favourites and am not trying to promote any other establishment.

    Your suggestions from your post appear to blinkered and totally without any basis in fact. I hope this is not the case from all accounts you are a decent guy.

  19. Hi

    I have a flat on the fortuner and have no manual, could someone please run me through the routine to lower the wheel, eg where is the access hole etc?

    It is pissing down and I am totally pissed off!

    Many thanks in advance

  20. Marmite [vegemite to the aussies] is an aquired taste to say the least, you either love it or hate it, personally I think it is like spreading cow manure on your toast!

  21. Been there done that, cool couple, if you want something they don't have they will have it next time you go.

    Bit odd for Thailand but they seem to be customer orientated.

    Sit outside have a lady pie, read a paper whilst having a beer, hits my spots!

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