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Posts posted by Mentors

  1. what a pile of complete nonsense

    what exactly is their goal - does anyone really know apart from getting Thaksin back on Thai soil with all charges dropped

    and what on earth is a UDD political school - sounds like something straight out of N. Korea

    If these people get any traction it will be the end of Thailand as we know it

    These red leaders talk the talk while the money is filling their bank accounts - but can they walk the walk or is it all hot air

    The main aim is to protect the democratic government of Thailand. They have seen all but one of the democratic governments over the last 10 years ended by either military or judicial coups.

    It is true that many of them would like to see Taksin back as they believe that he was unjustly removed by the Amart people in Bangkok.

    I agree that it will be the end of Thailand as we know it. It will lead to the end of the Amart control and allow Thailand to become a real democracy.


    Many silent people hope for this. Me too

  2. I don't get it ! The elected government calls an election, the opposition knowing that they are going to loose, boycotts the said election and do everything possible to disrupt it. Then the Pro Opposition constitutional court are called on to rule wether or not the election was legal.

    This could go on forever if they find in favour of the opposition, setting a future example for any party that cannot win the election.

    It appears obvious that the opposition with the help of the Constitutional Panel will get this election found not legal.

    The Yellows try everything to not loosing more power. But anyway, the time of this old guard is numbered.

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  3. Yingluck.... Take a look at this picture.

    These are your exterminators.

    Time is up for these old dinosaurs.

    The interconnected, multimedia, smart phone owning, internet savvy younger generations cannot be kept in the dark and fed the same BS their grandparents were raised on.

    Access to information abounds, no more secrets for anyone - not even the CIA can keep its dirty laundry hidden anymore.

    This diaper wearing geriatric generation of appointed civil servants should do the country a favour and shuffle off to spend their remaining years on earth enjoying the vast quantities of "brown paper bag" money they've accumulated over their decades of malfeasant service.

    Yingluck has nothing to worry about from these old plodders.

    Exactly, the time is running out for the sauriers incl. "the invisible hands" and they know this.

  4. For me, a man in charge of an army that would happily shoot its own citizens, a man that leads an army that rules the country with an iron fist, should not be speaking of honour. What we are talking about here is power, raw and naked...

    in how many countries on this planet the Army chief can talk to media and the people on a daily base...? That says all.

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