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Posts posted by Mentors

  1. The military are already on the streets of Bangkok in large numbers, he is clearly giving the Shins the option to step aside before the deployed troops move to the next stage in which they implement court orders and impose a change of PM and take out the key red shirt leaders. Are we hours away from the decisive move.?

    well well surprise surprise.... the end game. This is what the plan was from the first minute Yingluck was elected.

    These bast*rds will never rest until they're back in power.

    First it was the airport sit in then it was Suthep and his bunch of 1000 baht a day protesters.

    the military can't make it too obvious like last time... so they have to pretend they're going to stop a civil war.

    How can a few thousand paid protesters cause a civil war?

    Simple, throw a few grenades into the crowd. Block people from going about their lawful duties.

    Suthep is a paid puppet for the big Bangkok families. The OLD MONEY.

    And all you twits believe Suthep and his mob will suddenly morph into a corruption free government?

    Come on you don't really believe that do you?

    Silly silly.

    Exactly. And now we see a slow-motion Putsch. The only hope is that the Army is today really divided.

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