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Posts posted by Mentors

  1. The mobile phone companies and all the fancy shops will suffer as first...

    The little village shop/house is the first to close up. as Lao Kao and cigarettes -Acha-Chang-Leo-sales slump. In small villages there can be up to 2 in every street.

    The village M/Cycle repair man-hand pump gasoline bye bye.

    The monk at 6am will not be receiving his normal sticky rice.

    The village head man will be out of favour, as the money he gets from his red shirt village will have dried up.

    MORE YOUNG CHILDREN from villages will be pressured into getting MONEY from the illegal trade ( Pattaya )to help MAMA,

    Just a few of the many side effects of the hardship.

    As recent i said to a friend of mine": count the prostitutes in an afternoon a long Sukhumvit in Bkk. If the number is rising, the economy is going downhill."
    • Like 2
  2. So, who's planning to leave Thailand. I already have a Plan B. Will probably leave for a while anyway, as it's just getting worse and worse and could explode at any time. I don't want to be around when that happens.

    If you left, where would you go. My next choice has always been Phnom Penh, but that seems to be going the same way.

    Malaysia maybe or Europe for a while. Oh, hang on, there's a civil war about to start there as well.

    im leaving in a couple of days back to Europe for a while. I live here since some years as a Guest. Now the guest has enough. The guest takes a plane out of this mess. And the guest is looking forward to other options.
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