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Posts posted by Mentors

  1. Hi all,

    I'm relatively new to this website but lived in TH 27 yrs. 19 of which in Chiang Mai. We have 90 rai of rubber farms and 80 rai of golden teak trees.

    Just wondering how many more of you are growing either tree... :o

    Thanks in advance for your replies,


    my wife and me have around 100 rai with rubber trees in South Thailand :D

  2. Shortly i saw a Hummingbird outside of our house in the coutnryside of South Thailand.

    My wife put a lot of flowers and trees around our house and then it was the very small bird which visit the blossoms.

    It was not a moth or sunbird. (Sunbirds we have on some days too).

    The hummingbird was not much bigger as a butterfly. :o

  3. I am a resident in Thailand and read the thaivisa posts for quite a while already.

    What strikes me is that hardly no-one gets a straight answer. Everyone knows something.

    Same like in this post, where the poster bzalt is giving his specs and gets unrelated answers.

    He himself states that he gets confused by answers giving here. Looks like people like to believe they know something, but hardly anyone knows it all. The fact that I don't answer questions is that I also don't know it all, but I keep silent.

    I fully agree with you. Often, to read in this forum gives me a headache.

  4. I'm planning for marriage now and looking at the Affirmation of Freedom to Marry, which I have to get notarised at the UK Embassy in Bangkok. On this there is a section where I state my occupation and income, but nowhere does it state what proof is needed to support this.

    I'm living off savings in the UK - I just transfer over what I need and when, and get it through the ATM. I describe myself as retired, though I'm well under retirement age so am not eligible to receive a pension. A month ago I decided to transfer a lump sum of more than 40k baht each month to try to use that as my basic for proof of income when I apply for a marriage visa - there will be 3 consecutive monthly deposits of 1000ukp.

    But if I'm affirming that I am (essentially) retired and am giving myself an income of 1000ukp a month and that is notarised by the embassy and translated and all of the other doings, will I end up with something that can be used as proof of income for the marriage visa? And am I being accurate enough to not be outright lying on the affirmation?

    What haven't I considered? Suddenly it seems like it might be much easier than I thought, which makes me think I'm missing something...



    With respect to most of the replies to this subject, you are now way off the mark answering the original question. Visas and proof of income for retirement visas have nothing to do with the question.

    I got married yesterday in Bangkok and here are the facts as I encountered them.

    You go to the embassy with your affirmation with your monthly income stated. This is NOT checked, NOR did I have or need proof of the figure I gave them. (I am not saying I lied on the form, I am saying it was not checked in any way).

    You also of course need your passport and 3,600 bahts in cash or you can pay by Visa/Mastercard etc. If you are divorced you need your decree absolute papers as well.

    You are given a receipt and you can go back next day to collect your affirmation duly signed.

    In my case yesterday, I used the services of an agency, well worth the money in my opinion as we did everything the same day.

    After leaving the Embassy we were taken to the local "Register Office" and married. The agency had already made a translation into Thai of the affirmation, and the lady who 'married' us accepted the receipt from the Embassy as proof of the affirmation even though we did not have it.

    The agency collected the affirmation for us this morning and is posting it back to us together with my divorce paper.

    The whole thing took less than thre hours.

    Thy 'Register Office' official did not even ask for my passport/visa as my Passport number was on the Thai copy of my affirmation and was not interested in which visa I was using. (In my case it is a Non imm multiple O).

    The whole thing is VERY simple, and like most civilised countries love is the overriding factor in getting married and and not wealth.

    The information above is not a one off, I have two other friends who went through the process in exactly the same way as the one I have laid out.

    Can full agree, I'm married last month in Bkk, trough Swiss Embassy, going the same way you have written here,

  5. it's not that low at all).

    I believe the new regulations are not very fair. A retired European who has no interest in Thailand at all has the right to live there if he has 800.000 baht on an account. A younger european married with a Thai wife has no right to live there if he has the same amount on an account? Seems like age is a more serious reason to stay in Thailand than having a wife over there?

    PS. I meant 400K or 400.000 Baht (not 400.000 K :o )

    I 100% agreed with you. It is absolute unfair and makes no sense why someone under 50.

    married with a Thai and rather common with Thai society has bigger hurdle than someone who is over 50, but unmarried and often just sit around in the bar scene for example.

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