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Posts posted by David006

  1. A sex tourist is someone who travels with the intent to pay for sex ...... a few golf outings would not make them a golfing tourist ! LOL

    Fair enough. I guess that would make Tiger Woods a sex tourist in America. :lol:

    Of course, it would also make any man who takes a women out on a date with the express purpose of having sex afterwards also a sex tourist. But not if she paid for her half of the cost of the date.

    ...don't know that there are too many guys that go on a date anyplace in the world without a secret hope of getting "lucky"...most western "dates" probably cost more in taxi fares than ......

    in response to OP ...I have a varied group of friends ( old and younger/families)that keep coming back..all love it here ..probably the younger guys do what young guys do anyplace. Must remember to ask 'em if they are influenced by CNN..lol

    Don't remember going on package tours to Italy/France/Spain or Balearic islands when young ...thinking "nah!! ..won't try to get my leg over..just want a tan and get smashed" yeah right...lol

    be interesting to know what effect all the recent violence and problems in Mexico have on tourism ..probably sod all.

    Think most people worry more about natural and man made "disasters"......

  2. Some of us have families we love, and make personal sacrifices to support them in Thailand. We did and do this happily, out of of love and respect for our families. Now that we are getting old, and want to retire, all we ask is the right to live quietly and peacefully with our loved ones, our families in Thailand. so, please, the next time you talk to your friends, just let them know there are a lot of foreigners who only want that to be possible...to live out our last years in Thailand with our families and friends.

    Once again, thanks for giving me and others a chance...no matter how futile...to

    respond to your questions.


    Hear him, hear him....

    ...thanks for succinct post mate....sure lots of expats feel the same. It would be so nice not to have to worry about visa issues...

    ..just let me live in peace with my family and friends ...contributing to the economy albeit in a small way and no strain on the resources of Thailand

    ...thanks to the OP also

  3. Just do it mate...if you don't you will blame your mum or ...for the rest of your life...especially if you end up stuck in some less than challenging lifestyle.

    Of course you will f up big time "sometimes" but bet there are very few on TV or.. ( regardless of age or circumstance) that have not made some "mistakes" in their lives...especially in foreign parts ( no pun..lol)....

    Good luck....

    ever heard of "sliding doors" ?

  4. Plakapong Kao, but might be labelled as Sea Bass or Sea Perch.

    Plakapong Khoa is not the same as a barramundi, it is more like a seabass.

    Barramundi and seabass are very simmilar, but there are differences. The meat of the sea bass is a little dryer than the barramundi.

    (talking about warm water fish) The nose of the sea bass is longer as well.

    Used to buy barra in the market..no idea what thai name is just bought it by apperance..maybe it was sea bass?

    Anyway since then started buying something the wife calls "Tomuk" ( spell?/pronounced phonetically)...lovely fish ...tastes and texture of sea perch used to buy frozen in Europe if I can remember lol..

    .worth a try... I think better than barra....and priced below barra at 130-160 baht/kilo

  5. don't know about your sleeping issue but I have noticed that the frogs/crickets in the "wet" tend to stop their racket when there is another noise ie clapping your hands , or traffic noise...starts again soon enough though...maybe some sort of noise generator, little radio or somesuch?

    bit of a problem....think I prefer the frogs to the speaker "thump thump" of a neighborhood wedding or wake party/karaoke though...guess we get used to anything EVENTUALLY...lol

  6. Since you have not been to Asia before maybe you should consider going to Malaysia first as a "toe in the water" experience...lot less hassles and and visa issues ( think it's 90 days visa on arrival for Americans??)and a great place to explore...can come and go to Thailand by land with 15day visas and by air 30 days???.... Just a thought

  7. Intercity luxury buses....overtake you on a double yellow line, horn blasting then stop for a pickup three or four hundred meters down the road......then speed through a country market ( m/cs/kids trucks, people all over the roadway) horn blasting. One slip and they could wipe out twenty odd people...absolutely crazy. And the police do zip to 'em while they sit by their road cones and florescent lights.

    oh yes and the black Fortuner riding in your trunk is a given...lol

    ever notice the kids in lowered trucks with fat exhausts and low profile tires seem to drive sedately????

    Yes, that's because they got them so low, any good size bump means a trip to the fiberglass shop. Ever watch them go over speed bumps? Even going slow they crunchs

    But hey, it's cool to be low.

    of course ...thought that after my post..well goodon'em..probably saving up for a FRIGIN Vigo...yes cool to be low..loved my old mini for that...hey they is kids right ...think we was the same ..but can't remember..lol

  8. Re-entry permits are used to keep alive your 'extensions' - you apply at the office who issued your extension. 1000 Baht single 3800 Baht for multi.

    One of the experts (not me) will give you further advice I am sure.

    They will need far more details of what you have in regards to visas etc.

    If you are a 'newbie ' to Thailand and not just ThaVisa I think you may be confused as to what you actually need.

    MMM me not newbie but hel_l if I know when one NEEDS a reentry permit?

    What is it...If one has a multi entry visa why the need??

    Thanks to the knowledgeable....

  9. Photo genuine or not ....this from News 24.com

    News24 and AP

    Cape Town - The Nelson Mandela Foundation on Thursday confirmed that fugitive former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was with Nelson Mandela last Friday.

    "He did see Mr Mandela," the foundation's spokesperson Sello Hatang told News24.

    "It was a courtesy call, no business was discussed," he said.

    oops ...duplicated..from previous...

  10. Any hardware store will have those plastic concertina type pumps ..long tube topped by a usually red concertina (size of small jamjar) with exit tube on the side..cheap and nasty but cheap as chips to buy. Alternatively I have also seen "tilting" metal frames to accommodate water bottles.

    We use an office type water cooler...worth considering...about 4000 baht I think.

  11. He borrwed my screw drive to unlock the tank cover and - well yes - it was due to be emptied sometime soon.

    you obviously don't know that you can't check visually whether a septic tank is "due to be emptied". simple reason: a septic tank is always full. only if the amount of solids exceed a certain height (which means the septic system does not work) the tank has to be emptied. a properly designed septic tank does not need to be emptied for up to two decades.

    this advice is free of charge! :lol:

    depends on activity within the septic tank as well of course, kill the microorganisms with bleach etc, and even a properly designed septic tank will need emptying...

    ditto FOC :D

    ...because it is nearly unavoidable that non-biodegradable material is flushed down the toilets, washbasins and sinks. if people would only add pee and <deleted> to the system it would become "perpetuum septicissimus" :lol:

    When I plumbed our house I did not connect gray water (showers, sinks, washer etc) to the septic tank..ie separate outlet.

    Granted we are on a hill on a farm but would not this method be better...maybe into separate tank for townies? I let the gray water run out to the farm in the wet and when its dry connect a hose to the outlet pipe and move it around the garden for flowers and veggies...don't smell of roses and contains rice, soap , hair and fish scales but the plants don't seem to care....

    always try to pee on the citrus trees too...lol

    googled you're pig ?"Latin" ..no joy... what it mean..forever poopy?? lol

  12. The correct name is a weatherproof enclosure (box) with clear lid. Polycarbonite with a removable metal plate for the mounting of equipment. IP56 rated minimum. Cables should be terminated in nylon glands.

    You could try Schnieder or any large electrical wholesaler for the electrical industry.

    Any switches mounted externally of the enclosure should be weatherproof IP56 rating.

    I used a gray (abs?) box with a ;little roof & seal on the door with separate internal back panel for an external breaker,GFI and utility outlet for my well/house pumps.

    Bottom conduit openings not sealed...bought in an electrical suppliers.. Had a problem with a little cobra taking residence for a while but otherwise seems to be okay..

    ...would not a completely sealed box be susceptible to condensation ??

  13. Intercity luxury buses....overtake you on a double yellow line, horn blasting then stop for a pickup three or four hundred meters down the road......then speed through a country market ( m/cs/kids trucks, people all over the roadway) horn blasting. One slip and they could wipe out twenty odd people...absolutely crazy. And the police do zip to 'em while they sit by their road cones and florescent lights.

    oh yes and the black Fortuner riding in your trunk is a given...lol

    ever notice the kids in lowered trucks with fat exhausts and low profile tires seem to drive sedately????

  14. our Thai builder told us our plastic 2000ltr septic tank should go for seven-ten years before needing "emptying".

    ..yes always full of liquid poo for sure lol..Tit..\

    lol bit like vinyl siding/motor vehicle/roof cleaning/repair maintenance scams in US/Canada

    builder told me there is some chemical you can add to extend life before needing emptying..up to 20 years?? not bothered meself ..will get a pump and slosh out down the hill to veggies and rubber trees in dry season..lol

  15. Is anyone else just a little more than tired of all the "do as I say not as I do" bureaucrats, politicians and demagogues in the world?

    Has it been so long that we have forgotten about ....

    - the UN oil for food scandal

    - the UN procurement contract scandal

    - profiteering by then UN head Kofi Annan's son and their cronies

    - UN "peacekeepers" mass rape of Congolese children

    - etc., etc., etc.

    A thoroughly corrupt organization trying to tell nations to stop corruption? Gimme a <deleted>' break! Let's start fixing global corruption by dissolving the UN.

    If Thailand wants to fix Thailand's problems with corruption, then it has to come from within, not from signing another worthless roll of UN toilet paper.

    I Concur,

    I keep repeating this like a mantra ..... "CORRUPTION STARTS AT HOME!"

    As long as many Thia kids see thier parents leading by example and accepting the 200 Baht/500 Baht from the Pu yai baan (spelling?), from the head of the Village to vote for him, corruption will never cease in Thailand.

    To the Farangs who complain about corruption in Thialand,

    YOU can do something ....especially those of you who live Upcountry or in a village elswhere.

    Those Falangs who just turn a blind eye to the Wife and her extended family are just as guilty as an accessory to the crime as the Wife and extended family are in accepting the bribe.

    YOU can help by education and persuation and hopefully preventing the start and social acceptance of corruption at home.

    Most Thais just dont see the acceptance of 200 Baht as something bad (its only 200 Baht after all, a days wages) if you dont point out the consequences of thier being bribed to them individually. and to thier Country otherwise.

    200 baht becomes 2,000 Baht, 2,000 Baht becomes 20,000 baht, 20,000 baht becomes 2 million Baht, 2 million Baht becomes 20 Million Baht, 20 Million Baht becomes 200 Million Baht, all same same!

    I thought it was "charity" began at home...ie family needs first ???

    Okay then if someone gave you a million bucks to vote for 'em there's a very good chance YOU would accept! ..same same just the price and value to the individual is different.

    Would depend on ones definition of corruption....is millions of dollars on election parties and $1000 a plate dinners in the west not also a form of "corruption"?

    Any "freebies" given in order to encourage a specific action could well be considered corruption. Never "tipped" a Maitre De or doorman for priority entry/a good table or bribed a kid brother of a girlfriend to zip it and get lost lol????

  16. this sounds like the best thing so far

    get ivermec

    give about .5 to 2 mg per dog in food once every 2 weeks

    (i think i will start with once a week for the first 2 doses)

    ok mai?

    so even though its for injection it works orally as well??

    thanks so much

    Just give it full strength until you see some results,once a week,it needs building up in the dog,easy to have relapse

    Thx Jori:

    Wifey bought some Ivermec powder in small sachet pack 50baht each, treating all our 5 dogs once a week in communal food mix.. only one, the female purebred Shepherd , has obvious recurring mange and has been treated twice before on courses of injections which the vet says were in fact Ivermec. Other 4 dogs are soi,x etc and responded well to injections and seem to be free of any mange now but have some dry patches with dandruff still which I assume maybe potential mange??

    thanks again


  17. i suppose the ultimate question in response to the op is why would you give a shit about what some anonymous numpty on the internet thinks of your wife, be she whore or angel?

    exactly! why do so many guys give so much credence to what other people think or don't think..how can some anonymous stranger know her nationality when overseas anyways...

    ..just maybe.... most guys, particularly those with overweight anemic wives or girlfriends will just look and think "lucky bastard" not giving a shit whether she has an MBA or pours(ed) beers..methinks

    oh and just a thought ..wonder how many "family" vacation trips to Thailand have resulted in divorce and air ticket back..lol maybe another thread looming?

    It's certainly fun watching the parade of family vacationers with the 'dad" stretching his neck muscles while the wifey looks at t-shirts for the kids... :D

  18. Wow "decades".....!

    ...well been around the south since 2003...can't say I have come across the behavior you describe..except from one particular Thai lady who has been attached to a Farang for some time...looking down her nose and ignoring other Thais.

    There have always been the Farangs who have that look of "I am very well off, busy and important and have no time for tourist or poor Farang plebs"

    ...well #$%^& them and the shiny black people carrier they road in on...lots of real nice long term expats around rich and poor...some of 'em are even on TV.. :whistling:

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