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Posts posted by David006


    Dear Sony,

    I represent a group of over 200 gamers in Thailand that are consistently having problems online with all games on the playstation network, for the last month this has been very apparent.

    It was recently announced that TOT and other ISP's have been throtteling torrents here in Thailand, now I know this is not Sony's concern, but it does affect online gaming. When playing online, packets of data are sent and received in the same way that torrents are sent and received, so these ISP's by choking people's downloads, they are also affecting the online gaming community in Thailand.

    If this continues you will find less purchases made for FPS games and you will lose out on money through the PSN for add ons for various games.

    Sony is a huge company, and although we are just a small group of gamers, I am sure that you can see that there is a pattern emerging which need to be addressed

    Is this a problem your end, or is the problem with The Thai ISP's throtteling torrents(this is basically how online runs is it not)


    Ian Harriss

    Good luck with Sony....

    The Sony BMG CD copy protection scandal concerns the copy protection measures included by Sony BMG on compact discs in 2005. Sony BMG included the Extended Copy Protection (XCP) and MediaMax CD-3 software on music CDs. XCP was put on 52 titles[1] and MediaMax was put on 50 titles.[2] This software was automatically installed on Windows desktop computers when customers tried to play the CDs. The software interferes with the normal way in which the Microsoft Windows operating system plays CDs by installing a rootkit which creates vulnerabilities for other malware to exploit. This was discovered and publicly revealed by Mark Russinovich on the Sysinternals blog. Other operating systems were not affected.

    As a result, a number of parties have filed lawsuits against Sony BMG; the company ended up recalling all the affected CDs; and greater public attention was drawn to the issue of commercially-backed spyware and rootkits. Additionally, further investigation revealed that Sony had created its copyright protection software, in part, using LAME code written by Jon Lech Johansen, violating the GNU Lesser General Public License.[3]

  2. I am beginning to think that all the whingeing about Thailand is not all about Thailand but about the discontent of the individual. Is it a symptom of the times?

    Always thinking the grass is greener and why do/don't they? why is it that? etc ...will drive you crazy.

    Just look at the life styles or lack thereof of people in places like Afghanistan/Iran/Iraq/African etc!

    Maybe time to start counting your blessings in Thailand or even sunny Lewisham....

    As other posters have said....life is what you make it...it will never be a paradise but like golf ...aiming near the hole not at it can sometimes give a good result. :jap:

  3. No ocean view that I know of but some good ones in Kata.for sure..Kata central has a few...check into one of the resorts (Andaman Canacia Resort and Spa...We were in that resort last week for our anniversary..nice and inexpensive this time of year) and then eat out..?

  4. Just heard via wife unit via daughter that Thai news item said there was a mini tsunami at Pak Meng beach south of Ko Lanta..apparently Tsunami alarms went off and evacuated everybody....no fatalities..my local beach for oysters and prawns....yum..very shallow beach.

    anyone in the Trang area heard this ???

  5. Just heard via wife unit via daughter that Thai news item said there was a mini tsunami at Pak Meng beach south of Ko Lanta..apparently Tsunami alarms went off and evacuated everybody....no fatalities..my local beach for oysters and prawns....yum..very shallow beach.

    anyone in the Trang area heard this

    ooops moved to s Thailand forum..

  6. An ignorant ask an ignorant's kind of question.

    I have known a japanese person who has never been to Thailand asking "Are there tall buildings in Thailand ?"

    So my question is, do you even read about science, technology, engineering, philosophy, history or any intellectual subjects in your expensive "spare time" ? I guess not

    With this sort of attitude, you probably don't even know basic mathematics or science. Please , don't pretend because you are from "the west" to represent Western science, inventions or any intellectual achievements, you have no qualification for it, I know real scientists and philosophers of very highest abilities and achievements and you are certainly not anywhere close to them.

    Before ranting on all these stuffs, why don't you go back and read some of Western classics, like Plato's The Republic, Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity.

    Otherwise, please shut up.

    Bit harsh!...How can anyone learn without asking a question?

    I was taught there are no dumb questions..funny, cute embarrassing ..yes maybe. I once had a California girl, with a perfectly straight face,ask me if I lived in an igloo in Vancouver ...

    Oh yes I am sure many people DO read the classics once we get time...I am just fighting my way through The Iliad,Rubicon, Alexander and Les Miserable..dictionary at my side .. :whistling:lol

    off topic but...Never knew that the Brits would have been wiped out at Waterloo if was not for the Prussians and the weather.. or even where Waterloo was! Its in Belgium! AND Hannibal was from North Africa..amazing them books!

    • Like 1
  7. Is there anything in this world that has actually been invented, discovered by the Thai's? I've been asking a few people, Thai and foreign and have yet to come up with anything from technology to food. As soon as someone comes up with something others can find a different source.

    One of the funniest I've heard was from a Thai friend who's convinced Thailand invented the spoon, and is very proud of the fact.

    Any ideas?

    With a question like this, you are bound to get another thread where Thais are lampooned as complete idiots incapable of inventing anything. And this is often from farangs who take credit from what their predecessors supposedly invented. Often the boasts are misleading or simply untrue. For example, the Scots like to claim that John Logie Baird invented the TV, when all he did was invent an unusable one that was not good enough to be commercialised, or even used as the fore-runner of the modern one. Another fallacy is that James Watt invented the steam engine, that Alfred Nobel invented gunpowder and that football was 'invented' in England. All used to show how western inventiveness is superior.

    What the Thais, and many developing country nationals are better at than us is adaptation and recycling, and I don't mean copying. They can make repairs on many things with the minimum of tools that farangs, with their throwaway cultures are now simply incapable of. I've seen small groups of Thai workers sink huge metal fence posts without any digging or hammers - using just a simple plank of wood - literally in seconds.

    I once tried to run a thread on examples of improvisation in Thailand, and it died a sudden death - the few responders simply assumed the thread was about invention, commercialisation and patenting, which shows the mind set that many farangs suffer from. I see lots of clever improvisation like this around Thailand, but I suspect many farangs never really open their eyes to such things. OK, bring it on........

    Totally agree mate...Thais may not lay claim to any specific inventions but their innovation is remarkable...

    a couple of things... minor but..

    - starting a fire with a bit of old inner tube...I do that now

    - concrete ...there seems to be nothing that they can't do with it! Not many cheap concrete houses in the west! Cement smooth interior stucco/plastering..marvelous

    - the million applications they have for plastic bags...closed with a rubber band...just wish I could work out how to undo the f..g things

    - great cheap efficient little barbecues in a bucket

    - cutting off one side of the top of old plastic oil containers as carry alls...got one for my tools now!

    - bamboo ladders...made one myself..a bit of an eyesore as far as craftsmanship but it works

    - using old flip flop soles as grout spreader

    - cutting tools ( machetes rubber cutting tools etc)and the like made from car chassis steel

    whereas these ideas probably exist in India Africa etc also.I suspect they were not copied

    Necessity is after all the mother of invention....

    ....always keeping my eyes open... :rolleyes:

  8. Ok, I think the toilet seat was invented in Thailand. Possibly in the early Auttaya period. The name and place, I am not sure of. It turns out that the toilet seat was later modified and improved by a falang in 17 something to include the hole in the middle.

    God your good!!...nearly p'd myself....

  9. So we have a few out there..hugh..I seem to remember there is still a commune on Vancouver island...complete with platted underarm hair and tie dye clothing...pendulous breasts and a distinct aroma..they seemed happy enough but pitied rightly or wrongly the kids on hips..

    Me... never was real hippy ( but loved the music..still don't understand Dillon..lol)...was more into being a "mod" you remember them.. on chromed up Vespers and Lambrettas...as against the "rockers" on motorbikes.

    Went as an observer to the "wars" in Brighton....our crowd was more like the "Wild Hogs" in the movie...wimps I guess..

  10. I think you are very confused. There are different levels of racism but they are ALL racism.

    I agree

    Ah well if we all agreed ...there would be no debate/babble on this or any other purely academic subject on TV la.

    You are correct I am certainly totally confused... must be the heat...

  11. How many hundred thousand Canucks are retired / semi retired in Arizona or Florida JT?

    To repeat, there is no retirement visa available in the US. PERIOD. For anyone! Yes they can stay part time on tourist visas, etc. and they CANNOT stay all year that way. Check your facts first, OK? Same deal with Canada. Americans cannot retire in Canada on a retirement visa, because such a visa option DOES NOT EXIST.

    a visa per se may not exist but there never was a time limit on Canadian citizens entering the US as tourists or snow birds as they call 'em..

    on topic.. I believe that the word racism is being used as a "catch all" to describe the mistreatment of one group of individuals by another regardless of ethnicity, race, colour or creed. Calling any one "country" racist is rather a misnomer.

    Lets face it some Jews ill treat the Muslims, some Muslims ill treat other creeds and some etc etc, some rich abuse the poor, some poor hate the rich, some classes hate other classes,I don't like you because you have zits,you're male/female,fat, thin, dark skinned, anemic,have a prettier younger wife, drive a bigger truck,live/come from or was born in that part of the town,country,world or support that sports team.... yadda yadda yadda...its the human animal condition! I don't think it is racism per se.

    Certainly discrimination maybe applies here in LOS but it does not apply to every individual and circumstance.

    :lol:...just as some orientals actually know how to drive and not all black people steal cars...

    ...as the saying goes...some of my best friends are Black/Jewish/Arab/Oriental/German/Brit/Aussie/idiots/boors etc..but wouldn't want 'em living next door or marrying my daughter.. :whistling:

  12. Sorry Warpy...don't know of any places in Thailand to buy such a thing but I'm sure they exist here.

    Further, deionised water uses a cheaper (& quicker) method of water purification compared to distillation. Distilled water is the best to use for batteries. Even better if it is double distilled. Deionising chemicals would be useless if used in water that is going to be distilled.

    More suggestions:

    1] Try to avoid using 'maintenance free' wet cells (in Thailand). All wet cells lose electrolyte, 'maintenance free' or not. The only difference is that with a 'normal' battery, you can top up the electrolyte, which can't easily be done with a maintenance free battery. Also, if you have a 'normal' battery, you can check the 'Specific Gravity' with a hydrometer, which can tell you a great deal about the battery.

    2] If you use a hydrometer, it should ideally read about 1.25 for a fully charged new battery (maybe a bit higher if the ambient is above 20 degrees Celsius). If the reading is lower, more acid (36% sulfuric acid) is required. If the reading is higher, more distilled water is required.

    3] It's a good idea to check your battery with a hydrometer about once a month.

    4] Higher 'constant' ambient temperatures (e.g. Thailand) will reduce battery life.

    Wet cell 'secondary' batteries are quite complex & their life is affected by many things.

    sound advice mate..you might add ....keep the terminals ( Vaselined is good) and the battery itself clean..

    .. one should be able to buy hydrometer in any "farming supply" type hardware store (you know the ones.. they sell rubber cups, lead pellets for homemade guns plus diapers, brooms and potato chips..lol)..a hydrometer is often used to test SG and hence concentration of latex...

    currently have a Thai battery ( can't remember manufacturer) in my old truck which is maintained conscientiously on a "whenever I think about it" basis...lol ..use rainwater to top up..its three years+ old and still going strong.....Now of course I will go out and try to start the truck and there will be the dreaded "click!" ....no I don't have a hydrometer.

    Had many so called "maintenance free" batteries ( deep cycle marine for "house" and truck type starter batteries) over the years in yachts.. .mostly only lasted about 2.5 years...never used gel type ..too expensive for little advantage and about the same life cycle per those that have tried 'em.

  13. I was just in Phuket and a Thai friends Thai male cousin ( maybe 24yo) was working for her...My Thai friend told me that the lad had just got out of jail ( 4 years!!) for sleeping with 14 year old.

    Apparently the girl went to his house uninvited..yada yada yada...

    So then the girls mother says pay up big money or marry her, he says no and so she dobbed him to the police.

    Looks like you better upstakes mate..the old lady sounds like a major potential blackmailer and you a great earner for her! Good luck..

  14. Economic distress must certainly have hit just about everyone in the expatriate community. If it isn't the collapsing investment portfolio and the threat of lost retirement benefits, it might be the brutal change in some currency exchange rates of recent months. Sometimes it is both!

    Some people are hunkering down; others are shipping out (or being shipped out by their companies). But it is very hard to get an overall view about what's going on. So, what do you know and what do you hear? I mean to include all expatriates in the discussion and the discussion to be about all expatriates, not just the Anglo- or Eurocentric. And I don't mean to include here discussion of the illegal Burmese worker problem, which is an issue of its own.

    I'll start it off:

    International schools have lost a fairly considerable number of students (around 50) from the Korean community.

    I have heard of repatriation of various managers of enterprises in the industrial estates south of town. Anyone have any sense of the extent?

    One hears of failing businesses. True? Are the owners still around?

    I am not in Thailand at the moment. I'll be back very soon though. Last year I got up to 31 baht for 1 Australian $.

    Right now, it's 22.94 or something. That's a huge drop...and it must be very difficult for people reliant on $ from abroad.

    I have been teaching in Australia and I know first hand that the overseas student market from Korea is way down. Korea is being hit very hard and the flow on from that will be much clearer in the next 12 months.

    $A is about 28baht now.... better than its ever been except for a few weeks where it was 30+...those hardest hit are familiar with much better rates for their Euro/Pound whatever.....sad but maybe it was over inflated before?

  15. It would be useful to tell us:-

    1. Your ISP
    2. Which sites you're having problems with.

    Hmmm.... wonder if this why I cannot get to wikileaks.org??..Firefox gives me "DONE"..and blank window.The "help" on Firefox says it may be worm/virus but nothing found...I am on a DTAC MBC

  16. The catfish is a bottom feeder and is indiscriminate in its diet.It will eat just about anything(dead animals, feces etc.)in fact bars of hand soap are an unusually effective lure. You have a healthy looking cat but for table fare this species is not for my taste. Anyway thank you for your post and continued success in your fishing endeavors.

    not sure of your logic on that mate...if we avoided eating fauna that ate junk think we would starve or become veggie....I hate to think what all "chemicals" are fed to domestic animals and farmed fish etc in the name of high yield..maybe mid level fishes eat catfish poop?...and what about crustaceans.. what do they eat, I always used rotting meat in my crab traps..?..lol

    I suppose you know also that poop and dead stuff is an extremely effective fertilizer.

    ....each to his own though.. :jap:

    .....that certainly is a great fish!

  17. I wish I understood more about what a patent on a procedure means?

    I understand when a patent covers something for sale, or in a movie, or other productions. But if scientist read a book that tells them to fly planes in a certain way and seed clouds in a certain way, and then the scientist fly out and follow that procedure, how does the patent cover that?

    Can a basketball player patent a slam dunk that prevents another player from going to the rim? can a dancer patent a disco move I see on mtv and stop me from busting that move on the dance floor? How does that work?

    I am not trying to take anything away from his accomplishments. HM the King is obviously a kind, intelligent and considerate man who focused on very relative issues for his country. I just don't understand how a patent of this sort is enforced or interpreted.

    exactly my thoughts.patents do expire think its up to 20 years depending on the type?...

    ..there is a lot of contention in the Australian scientific community as to the effectiveness of the ground based technology..certainly kudos is due to HM for his hands on support of the Thai development..the "patent" was probably to advertise the Thai contribution and rightly so.the "letter" would seem to be a highly respectful request to further enhance and secure the excellent Thai Australian relations.

    Lets hope that the Thai approach will bring some relief to the "lucky" country....

  18. Just reading a thread re protecting electronics from surges induced by lightning...so went to google and found essentially that there is enough of significant delay (to electronics) in operation of VOM type protection and even gas or air gap protection to affect electronic equipment.

    Seems the only sure way to protect all your STUFF may be to unplug it. ..So then I thought about a mate in a Singapore marina had all his electronic gear go tits up by a lightning strike not in the immediate vicinity...with no shore power connected....maybe it was electromagnetic induction? One article on google mentioned that EMI can come out of a clear blue sky!

    Comments?? ....if you have nothing better to do..lol

    edit: oops meant MOV not VOM...

  19. This is certainly an interesting topic. We are, not unique but, slightly different in that we are a British-British couple living and working out here (my wife teaches at an Anuban and I do some small scale marketing consultancy so as not to stress myself out). We have been out of England for 5 years now and living in Thailand for 2.5 but we know that one day we will return to England, but not until we have financial control. So, like many of you here, we have come to achieve what we couldn't achieve in England (even with 2 well paid jobs) all that time....savings whilst having a decent quality of life. For us Thailand is a means to an end and a very lovely one at that. We will leave here one day full of beautiful memories (that no-one can take away), a more balanced view of the world (this isn't the only country we've lived in) and our savings.

    So, we're not that different to most people here, but we had each other before we came and this stops us having to "settle" here. We are settled with each other. Maybe this is why people have such strong feelings about this country, it isn't the country, but your love of your partner (and them being Thai) that helps you fall deeper into this than us. For all that I've said I know that we will miss our friends, community, food, culture and the sun.....but then again I am missing the food, culture, friends, family and settling down in front of the fire on a crisp winter's night with my loved one and a DECENT carry-out beer from some obscure brewery..... and then I'll be missing the sun, food, etc (see the pattern).

    Whatever your story make sure that you enjoy it for everything it is whilst you are here :)

    Nice one mate...I was getting a bit depressed by all the "heart pouring" ..totally agree..

    ...apart from the selfish reasons of escapism, weather and food etc..my prime reason for being here is my darling wife...never been happier.

    I have three citizenships thus so called "home countries" to which I/we could potentially "return"...not likely in the near term, maybe Australia one day...just for the BBQ'ed centre cut lamb chops and a VB..lol

  20. The TAT is notoriously infamous for the numbers it presents.

    They ALWAYS give some positive feedback and they have to do so because of the budgets they receive from the Ministry of Tourism.

    If Phuket is 40% up versus last year it doesn't say anything yet.

    When Phuket tourism in 2009 was down 30% versus 2008 and let's say 1 million tourist arrivals (probably more) it was down to 700.000.

    A PLUS of 40% and Phuket tourism is back to 980.000....still down from 2008.

    They mention that they "expect" tourism to be more than 14 million in 2010 but they don't tell you that more than 3-4 million visitors/tourists are from Malaysia (with repeating visitors and some 1,5 Million in total), Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and the expat border runners PLUS the tourists who travel to Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos and cross the borders also multiple times.

    It adds up.


    for sure..one has to wonder the methodology of the "count"

    ...just been down to the Malaysian border for my 3 monthly... there were at least 12 bus loads of Malaysians visiting the market on the Thai side..This happens every weekend apparently.... a lot of padding for the "tourist" count...

    just a guesstimate but at 30 odd seats times 12 times 2 day weekends times say 45 weeks.... 30 odd thousand entry stamps..just one boarder

    Maybe TOT have a belief in self fulfilling prophecy...

  21. There has also been at least 1 report that Brisbane refused to issue an O-A visa (to an Australian).

    The O-A may have been refused because the applicant was not an Australian citizen or a permanent resident of Australia or he did not meet the criteria for the visa

    Thai Consulate Perth closing means no more Non-Immigrant-O on the basis of visiting friends/relatives for those of us who are under the age of 50 :realangry: . Hull, England is it - but too far for me.

    Just called Thai Consulate in Brisbane and talked to a nice Thai lady named TIM - she said They will issue Non-Immigrant-O with multiple entries (Cost AUD$225.00) valid for 12 months (you can stretch it to 15 months) - with the following proof of docs (Copies):

    1. Title to your condo here in Thailand with your name on it

    2. 2 photos

    3. Your passport

    4. Thai Bank Statement or Bank Book - no required amount but the more the merrier.

    5. Fill out application

    Guess where I'll be flying in November :P ?

    Just one more year and I'll be 50 -

    So exactly the same as Perth ( only one photo in Perth and copy of wife's passport and house book.)

    .goodonya mate for your post

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