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Holly Huntaway

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Posts posted by Holly Huntaway

  1. So you are saying that I have to buy the condo to have it registered in my name in order for me to sell it? I would probably be better off just walking away. Solicitor states that the paperwork has been accepted by the land office to transfer into my name and for me to pay the land office tax, BHT 12k.  How am I able to sell (within the year specified in the link) if I am not the registered owner?  Confused.com!

  2. I have inherited a 48sqm condo in Pattaya and basically want to dispose of it a.s.a.p. to cover legal fees.  A solicitor is dealing with registering the condo into my name and I will probably instruct them to sell the condo as a hassle free option, with a percentage of the sale as their fee.  Is this a thing, and if so, what would be a reasonable percentage?  Please no nasty comments (just scroll on by), as I'm having a bad enough time with dealing with the fallout from my dads death as it is.  Many thanks. 

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  3. ***UPDATE*** Dad organised with Solicitor to update Will, specifically stating that Wife not to have UK assets (with a supporting letter saying he had gifted properties to her which create rental income for her in Thailand). Wife totally lost it with Dad  with Dad ringing me up very upset.  Will yet again rewritten this week with her receiving ALL assets in UK and Thailand.  
    Feeling confused, upset and very let down by my Dad at present.  His explanation was that she needs a house to live in when she gets her Citizenship.  So trying to keep a stiff upper lip to support him through illness without wanting to throttling him at the same time!


    If you are in a situation where you have a new wife and children from a previous marriage PLEASE speak to ALL family members with regards to inheritance before sickness/old age takes over so they can get used to the idea beforehand of who gets what and your reasoning behind it.  AND make sure those Wills are up to date.


    Thank you all for taking the time to comment positive or negative as it enabled me to research and wrap my head around a few things.

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  4. ***UPDATE*** Dad organised with Solicitor to update Will, specifically stating that Wife not to have UK assets (with a supporting letter saying he had gifted properties to her which create rental income for her in Thailand). Wife totally lost it with Dad  with Dad ringing me up very upset.  Will yet again rewritten this week with her receiving ALL assets in UK and Thailand.  
    Feeling confused, upset and very let down by my Dad at present.  His explanation was that she needs a house to live in when she gets her Citizenship.  So trying to keep a stiff upper lip to support him through illness without wanting to throttling him at the same time!


    If you are in a situation where you have a new wife and children from a previous marriage PLEASE speak to ALL family members with regards to inheritance before sickness/old age takes over so they can get used to the idea beforehand of who gets what and your reasoning behind it.  AND make sure those Wills are up to date.


    Thank you all for taking the time to comment positive or negative as it enabled me to research and wrap my head around a few things.

  5. 4 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:

    Now the rubbish starts.


    Did you pay for that advice.


    I confirm that the original Will became invalid upon your father's marriage (assuming it was legally registered at a local amphur in Thailand. That marriage is legal everywhere in the world and any existing Wills are revoked.


    https://www.whnsolicitors.co.uk/newsroom/family/what-happens-to-my-will-if-i-get-married-or-divorced/#:~:text=Does getting married invalidate my,your assets will be divided.

    No I didn’t. But thanks for pointing me in the right direction with regards to getting it updated. ????

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  6. Any information or or experience would be appreciated with regards to the following, before I go down any legal channels?

    1. Dad married a Thai National in Thailand in 2012, 32 years his junior. 

    2. They both spend their time equally in the UK/Thailand.

    3. Dad recently diagnosed with a terminal illness.

    4. Dad purchased properties during their marriage consisting of 2 condos, a block of 12 one room apartments, their main residence when in Thailand and a rice paddy field for her family to farm (in wife’s name).

    5. He is adamant that the properties are in his name (apart from the paddy field). Which does not tally with my research to date!

    6. UK will written in 2010 bequeathing ALL whatever/wherever assets to me upon his death, Will confirmed as still legally standing.

    7. He wants (verbally) all Thai assets to be given to his wife (I have no issues with that and respect his decision).

    8. He has NO Thai will and will be unable to travel to Thailand to make one.

    9. I am unsure if he now has the mental capacity (due to a few incidents that have occurred) to rewrite his UK Will to update ALL Thai assets to go to wife.


    Not sure if I should get him to update his UK will regardless.  What really is the point as obviously ALL assets will be in her name anyway.  Do I just assume legally in Thailand it will go to her anyway and not mention Thai properties to avoid getting totally stung by legal fees this end by UK lawyers? Really at a loss with best way forward so she gets what she wants and I keep our family home?  I no longer have any other siblings nor my own children. She has two children by two previous Thai marriages and obviously is responsible (via dad) in supporting her parents and extended family. Not certain if these two factors are relevant?


    I am trying to sort out all of his affairs before he gets really Ill, so when he does die I can grieve his death and not deal with trying to get to grips with the state of his affairs.  Just to add, Thai wife has limited English (understands more than she can speak) and does not read English.


    If you have gotten this far, thank you!



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