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Posts posted by CharlieKo

  1. 17 minutes ago, noobexpat said:


    Not sure about diminishing ...maybe GDP is useful data for this??  

    Imagine oil and banks and our giant service industry has a great year - bumper corporation tax, for example.


    All into one big pot. As long as the books balance, the status quo can largely continue.


    Maybe the younger generation won't feel so entitled to state pensions and then something can change.


    Judging by what is happening in the EU and UK, I would say GDP hasn't been as good as wanted the printing of money etc doesn't help. I understand the UK is in dept for over 1 trillion GBP. This all has to be paid back. Higher taxes, cutting back of services etc. At some stage it will all come to a shuddering halt. Governments are the worse managers of finance.  

    • Agree 2
  2. 59 minutes ago, noobexpat said:

    Largely irrelevant.

    Its just re-shuffling of government revenue

    Which is basically diminishing funds. Which in turn means it can't go on indefinitely. Sooner or later funds run dry and the only way to keep  funding is through insurance for NHS and Pensions. Or money printing! But the UK government still thinks it is an international player, so is funding lost causes like Ukraine and yes throwing money at illegal immigrants rather than turning the boats around. Or pissing money away on things like the HS2 or what ever it's called.


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  3. 25 minutes ago, noobexpat said:


    Many smaller employers are paying the minimum contribution into "auto-enrolment" schemes. The combined total is a measly 8% of qualifying earnings.


    For average folks this will not amount to much in retirement and therefore state pension can't be abolished. It has periodically been reducing in value over many years though.


    With 28 years until my state pension, who knows what it will look like. But luckily i don't particularly care.



    Tell me if I'm wrong, But aren't National insurance contributions around 2% or qualified earnings? As for the pension can't be abolished! I beg to disagree. The same with the NHS at some stage the government will have to look at other funding methods. I think people will have to take out some sort of insurance to cover any medical needs. The government can't just keep poring funds into a black hole which both the NHS and state pension is. They just don't have the ball's to be honest with the people.

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  4. 2 hours ago, sirineou said:

    To say that Brexit has nothing to do with the poverty issue , simply makes no sense. Perhaps if you said "little to do" I might agree.

       I don't think there is anyone in the world that argues Brexit helped the UK economically. Poverty is an economic issue.

    The war in the Ukraine did not help , but the war in the Ukraine is not affecting the UK only it is affecting the whole of Europe . The whole of Europe is having its own issues, but not as bad as the UK , So what is the contributing factor that is making things more difficult in the UK? 

    I would argue Brexit.

    If you look at what is really happening in the EU, UK and USA. They are all committing suicide. They all placed sanctions on Russia but they are cutting their own wrists!


    The problems are mass uncontrolled immigration, Getting involved in Sanctions that do not work, and funding a war against Russia which the Ukraine could never win. And by sending arms to Ukraine have effectively disarmed ourselves. Our politicians are idiots who should never have been voted into Parliament! 


    Brexit was a few years ago now. Judging by how bad things are in the EU. Their economy down the drain etc. Do you really think re-joining would help the UK. I wonder how much more funding we would have had to contribute to the failed EU. We are better on our own. The biggest joke is the west sanctioned Russian oil and gas. But the UK, EU and even the USa, buy it, but through India. Confiscating Russian assets in the west has made the rest of the world take notice. They are stopping to use the $. I think the economic power is shifting away from the west to Asia. 



    • Agree 1
  5. On 3/22/2024 at 8:14 AM, sirineou said:

    The chickens are coming home to roost.

    First the self inflicted wound of brexit. Then the support of the american proxy war in Ukraine .  

    Self inflicted is right, but Brexit had nothing to do with it. It was the sanctions they enacted against Russia that affected them more than it did/does the Russians. 

  6. 29 minutes ago, fulhamster said:

    Most relevant would be regarding pensions and the double tax agreement.


    The UK state pension is not included in the DTA. So yes you could end up paying tax on it here in Thailand. Having looked at The Thai RD regs. With all the allowances they give. You probably won't pay tax if for example you were to bring upto 600,000 THB. Above this you would probably pay some tax.  

  7. 8 minutes ago, transam said:

    I thought the owner looked Turkish. I had Turkish friends who had fish & chip shops for many years in S. London, excellent wing of skate and chips made to order.....:licklips:

    Yes he could be Turkish. I was just guessing. Maybe it shows the contradiction of woke madness. If he's Turkish, He's probably a muslim. Yet he or muslims are one of the reasons why he has been asked to take the mural down In the name of inclusiveness! LOL.


  8. Just now, transam said:

    Maybe depends on the religion or nationality background, history of the bloke in charge, plus their political persuasion.........🤔

    Take Sadiq Khan, for instance, making a right mess for Londoners...🤢

    The owner sounds Italian. But when you have a sign with "British fish and chips" with the national flag incorporated. The woke's look at it as racist. And that is the only reason. Also Riski is doing his bit to ruin the country. It's the madness that grips the west in general.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, transam said:

    Eh.......?  🤔

    We are discussing a sign on a chip shop in Greenwich, chum..............😋

     Well Chum, in case you didn't notice, It's a mural with the Union Jack incorporated into it. He hasn't been ordered take it down because of the fish!


    If you flew a union Jack from your house, how long before you would be told to take it down?

    • Confused 1
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