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Posts posted by SuperSilverHaze

  1. Eating at the station... Guess this must be desk jockeys. Then again not surprised to find everyone returning to station for lunch together.


    Guess I know now best time to rob that bank, drive that truckload of meth into BKK... Lol


    I'd think there could be a spiff for police out on patrol. Say, 30b pd stipend. Those that eat at the station can bring their own <deleted> food.

  2. Just now, NextG said:


    Proof reading? I’m not correcting anyone else’s posts. Perhaps you can learn the meaning of a phrase before using it. 
    He has also posted 11k as a figure, but the intelligent among us understand that doesn’t fit with his original claim of 8 - 25(Mbps) at work and therefore understand that he means 17Mbps and 11Mbps respectively. Do you disagree?

    I disagree. How do you come up with that?!


    It's been 4. 7. 11. 17k. Up and down. Do you think the speed test always returns the same number?

  3. 3 minutes ago, FriendlyFarang said:

    Stopping foreigners first, just because they are foreigners, while letting Thai looking people who clearly break laws pass is just racism.

    Lol, hilarious


    You've no idea they weren't stopping all and sundry. You are just assuming.


    When you catch 44 lawbreakers I'd say job well done. Looks like farang are low hanging fruit AND prolly easy marks for a backhander

  4. 20 hours ago, 1FinickyOne said:

    Dieting is tough and usually not effective against time etc... I remember one time, starving myself and taking off 3 lbs in a month... then I had 1 hamburger and gained back 2 lbs... it becomes discouraging. One skinny friend once told me that he knew it was possible to lose weight because he saw holocaust pictures and they were all skinny. But we have food available everywhere and supermarkets and money... 


    It is always annoying when skinny guys are so critical and have stories of having a big dinner and gaining 2 lbs and then dieting to take it off... which is different than dieting for 30 years and occasionally losing hope... and it is not as bad being overweight as some people imagine. Skinny people are often unhealthy and fat people can be healthy...  I have a very skinny friend my age, he eats the same as I do, but he looks terrible. His face is drawn and very old looking... 

    You friend probably looks that way not by how much he eats but what he eats.


    Case in point many vegetarian look unhealthy


    Losing weight isn't easy that's why you shouldn't put it on. When I hit 82kg alarm bells go off and I get my weight down. I'm now 77.5kg.


    The only way for me to stay this weight is by watching what farang food I eat.


    Skinny girls are sexy af

  5. 23 hours ago, 1FinickyOne said:

    I don't personally have a sugar addiction and there are monk fruit sugars which though expensive surely do the trick... one of many problems is that they say that sugar is more addictive than opioids. Another problem is that it is in near everything in the supermarket - - further exacerbated by deceptive labelling manufacturers... and then, not all people are the same - - 


    I was skinny as a rail before I was 30 - my eating habits were formed then, and anything was ok and as much as you want... then I started putting on weight - just a little - 2 lbs a year... but 25 years later, which goes by all too quickly, and you are +50 lbs... and it does not come off easy... 



    I did this calculation many years ago. I realized if I *only* gained a pound every year I would be 15 pounds heavier by 30yo from high school weight. I am now 60 and 15 pounds heavier than HS.


    One pound a year (half kg) now at sixty one I'd have gained nearly 60lbs or 50kg thereabouts

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  6. On 2/9/2023 at 6:50 AM, nglodnig said:

    I DREAM of being that weight


    Here's a TRUE story - a colleague of mine used to make fun of my weight. His arms were like pipe stems, he only would only eat breakfast in the morning and ONCE A WEEK would have an evening meal (no lunch of course).


    Sad to say, he's had a kidney removed, is riddled with cancer and has COPD (smoking Capstan Full Strength instead of eating didn't help).


    Meanwhile I am overweight, some would way say obese - but I'm healthy.


    Weight in itself is not an indicator of bad health unless there are other symptoms.


    Which luckily so far I have none - blood pressure normal, for a start. I do exercise though but not a great deal and try and avoid carbs.

    So, you are directly linking kidney removal and cancer to eating minimally? Lol. Keep fooling yourself

  7. 8 hours ago, SheungWan said:


    AIS Smart is a wi-fi service made available in most major shopping malls to AiS post-paid customers. You just need a login p/w which only has to be entered once and then auto works. It is nothing to do with the AIS shop, so therefore I assume the OP (and/or others?) has not used this service to date. The service is very good.

    I don't hang out in malls so high speed connectivity in malls is useless to me

  8. 1 hour ago, 1FinickyOne said:

    It is the fat blokes who have had experience w/every diet out there... skinny people, bless their hearts, many of them can eat all they want, overload 3 plates at the buffet and then criticize people for getting fat.. 

    Not that simple. We see how fat people eat.


    I've seen a woman eat an entire cake in ninety minutes. I've seen a guy eat an entire large pizza.


    My fat boss years ago was choking down pizza so fast that she almost puked. Then she said... Uggh, I think I'm gonna be sick... Seriously, FTW! At work. She was way out of her league in that position. Hired by fat HR woman.

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  9. 11 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    I don’t see why you are complaining. There is never any guarantee of the speed you will get. It is always dependent on; where you are, if in a building- how it’s constructed, where the cell tower is, how many people are connecting to the node, how much bandwidth they are using, the time of day, passing traffic, the weather, and likely other factors.


    FWIW My connection varies between 31/80 to 325/374 on a 300/300 plan


    If you can’t be bothered to do due diligence and test the real world speeds in various conditions you only have your self to blame. It’s quite possible that no network will get good speeds in your workplace.


    You can hope that more cell sites will be installed 

    Except my work place is dead center Bangkok. I can't think of anywhere that should be faster.


    Due diligence lol. How can you check a sim before you purchase it?


    Had a lesser package, slower. That sim didn't have the higher end speeds but it never was 7.5-10 mid morning central Bangkok. If you don't see the issue you need your head examined

  10. 46 minutes ago, Orinoco said:

    Yes life is dangerous.

    If you chose to not live life to the full, that's your problem.

    Two dead i knew.  but do i stop life , no.

     ( Really stupid ) are those who don't live life. 


    What a laugh.


    The implication is unless you take needless and dangerous risk for cheap transportation or cheap thrills you're not living life to the fullest.



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