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Posts posted by Foxx

  1. 1 hour ago, Lopburikid said:

    The guy confessed.


    Given the Thai police propensity for interrogating very enthusiastically, I suspect pretty much anyone would confess - particularly with a black plastic bag over their head*.


    The article actual reads "Initially, the suspect reportedly confessed" which suggests that he may well have recanted his confession, even if the actual report is accurate.



    * OK, Jirapong Thanapat didn't confess.  He simply died from suffocation.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Mike Lister said:

    The waiting time for probate almost doubled from April 2022 to April 2023, with reports citing cases of probate taking more than eleven months


    (1) That is old news.  Since then they've hired and trained more staff.


    (2) Of course some cases take more than eleven months, because people don't fill in the forms correctly.

    To quote from the official website:


    You’ll usually get the grant of probate or letters of administration within 16 weeks of submitting your application. It can take longer if you need to provide additional information.

    https://www.gov.uk/applying-for-probate/after-youve-applied#:~:text=You'll usually get the,arrive than your UK copy.


    As I said, it took me only 2 months, and that was in May last year.

  3. 1 hour ago, Mike Lister said:

    I have read that probate in the UK is running to over a year in some cases because of the lack of poorly trained staff.


    Went through probate last year.  It was granted in two months, though four months is more typical.  Delays are most commonly caused by the paperwork being completed incorrectly.  (There's a lot of it, and it's pretty complex.  I had to fill in sixteen different forms for a relatively simple estate.)  Submitting through a solicitor should avoid such problems.

  4. (1) The UK IHT nil rate band is £325,000 - far less than US$3 million.  It's a bit over $400,000 USD.


    (2) If the brokerage is in the USA and you have invested in US instruments, there may be a US death tax liability.


    (3) You will probably be regarded as UK domiciled, so your worldwide estate will be taxable under UK inheritance tax rules, and your estate will need to go through the UK probate process.  (UK domicile is extremely difficult to lose.  Note that domicile is not the same as residence for tax purposes.)

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  5. 2 hours ago, Morch said:

    Hamas's policy is that any male Israeli of fighting age is a combatant. I'm not arguing for this position, which is obviously bogus, just giving some relevant background on how Hamas frames things.


    That is not Hamas' own policy, it's the policy of Islam, as exemplified by the perfect man and role model, Islam's "prophet" Mohammed.  At Banu Qurayza (a Jewish village) Mohammed authorised the slaughter of all post-pubescent boys and men.  Hundreds were murdered.  This was in 627 CE, and it is still the duty of Muslim men to act likewise in the footsteps of their role model and inspiration.

  6. 1 hour ago, sandyf said:

    The only thing you should do is go to the bank and change the passport, otherwise it would have to be done at the bank before you get the docs for your extension.


    No passport number on the bank letter (at least with Krung Sri).  And no problem getting the letter with a mismatching passport.

    That said, the bank will be notified at some point to avoid service delays in the future.

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  7. 20 minutes ago, lordgrinz said:

    I wonder how many Palestinians visit Thailand and spend equivalently.


    The GDP per capita of the West Bank is US$5,600, and that of Israel is US$42,100 according to the CIA World Factbook so, on average, Palestinians are much, much poorer than Israelis.  That makes them less likely to visit Thailand.  That said, there's a number of extremely wealthy Palestinians - primarily from embezzlement.  There are at least 600 dollar millionaires.  At least one (Munib al-Masri) is worth over US$1 billion.  He could probably afford a fortnight in Bangkok.

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  8. Drawing conclusions based upon 8 treated female rates seems a bit weak.


    Also note that the scientists were all Turkish.  Not sure that Turkey is particularly famed for the quality of its biomedical research.


    Finally, with their being Turkish and (presumably) Muslim, I'm reminded of the religious objections that many Muslims have to all forms of vaccine which may have tainted the researchers' objectivity.

  9. 1 hour ago, Mike Lister said:

    XE is a pretty large organization and very well respected. Do you have any evidence or links to the contrary on this issue?


    XE is not tax specialists and has no special knowledge of Thailand.  The various Thai accountancy sites that I've previously looked at make no mention that money brought to Thailand is automatically liable for income tax.  For a start, it may not even be income, but rather capital.

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