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Posts posted by HonkieH

  1. Renewed Thai Driver License and lost with wallet. Is it worth my time to go and apply for a new one since their office is 48 km (round trip) away. 

    No problems for parking in shopping malls but airport security would not accept photo version on my phone.

  2. 1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:



    Thanks for the info.

    And, as for me, when living in Hong Kong, I rarely saw police officers walking around with guns.

    Batons, yes.

    Guns, no.

    That would have been from 1979, onwards.

    After the commies marched in, I very seldom returned.


    The Royal Hong Kong police walked their beats with guns since the sixties and had to return their guns after their shifts while CIDs carried their guns even after work and this is a fact until present times.

  3. 19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    OK.. so 100% agree that the Singaporean is in the wrong for riding without a licence and without a helmet and should pay the approriate fines. 

    He should also be fined for attacking a police officer.


    BUT... why did he react this way ?


    Did he see numerous Thai's riding without a helmet and get annoyed because he was 'singled out'  ??

    Did he see the duplicity with which the Police in Phuket target and fine foreigners compared to Thai's ??


    Its long been established that in area's such as Phuket the Police know foreigners are stupid enough to make themselves easy pickings (low hanging fruit) for the BiB and foreigners can always pay their on the spot fines ?


    Sure... Don't do anything illegal then, and I'd quite agree...


    BUT... surely if the BiB are doing their job effectively, all the Thai's have bene fined so many times for not wearing a helmet that they'd all be wearing a helmet by now... right ??



    I can see the Singaporean getting insulted at the unequal treatment he perceives as being unfair - he's still in the wrong though. 


    If think if I lived in Phuket I'd get annoyed at the amount of Police checkpoints wasting my time with so many checks because they're looking to profit from foreigners. 

    Are you telling us a Thai police can tell the difference between a Thai Chinese and a Singapore Chinese riding a bike?

    • Agree 1
  4. 8 hours ago, 2baht said:

    Yes, clean up those bloody foreigners! They're everywhere! Easily identified by the color of their hair! (and mostly taller than locals). :jap:

    Have we actually read the piece? Why was the Chinese Cosulate-General involved and got in the photo shoot as well? Can you really tell the difference by their hair colour and height ( Locals and Chinese)?

  5. 3 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

    I just get the non-o visa at mukhadan or hanoi (by showing money, you can borrow it from anyone and not need to be international transfer too). By the entire stupidity is, I used to have 5 months total, now only 3, as you can also not get a 30 day extension on a non-o visa. So it is all in all just a mess again.

    I will eventually just get a yearly visa again via another city or province, maybe just using a agent again too, then I not need to keep money free doing nothing. Just pisses me off, they can see 5 years of history in my actual passport, where they stamped this, my son is even with me when we are there, including my girlfriend / mother.

    Thailand is getting desperate anyway, I somehow also hope to still see the 90 day on arrival coming, then I could mix it around a bit. A non-o visa, then a 90 day, 2 border runs, whatever. If my girlfriend only agreed; I'd leave CM permanently already for a long time, and move to the south. 

    How far South? Hatyai? Less than 1.5 hour  drive to the border. Immigration officiers here are more "user friendly".

     However living costs are higher than CM. Also if GF don't want to tag along, get a new one, mate.

  6. No point to go through all the loops to apply for one. Had it for donkeys years already but it is NEVER accepted as an individual document. The banks would not accept it as an id, anything to do with the government, you need your passport, driving license, house registration, etc. The only pro is that it is cheap tp acquire one.


  7. It's not the safety of Thailand that is the concern of Chinese tourists, the average mainlanders  are simply struggling with  with their bills and Xi has been telling his people to spend their money domestically. Gone are the days of zero Rmb tours and those who still can afford prefer Japan or better still, Europe, etc.

    Youtubers, Tiktokers from China had been belittling and giving false informations just for hits.

    Thailand, after Hong Kong is still a tourist destination for the average mainlanders.



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  8. How much will it cost to set up a she'll company in Thailand?  

    Asking for friend as this guy is being ripped off by his Thai partner (business).  Mr X put up most of the capital and all expenses but only have 32 percent of the company. His Thai friend just put 30 percent of the money but hold 68 percent. 

    Mr X now wants to close the company, freeze the assets and start a new company. 

    Any experts here can advise? 

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