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Jeff the Chef

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Posts posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. 37 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

    If you want to eat at a very good restaurant, walk down to *Pen's Bungalows* next door to KC (not to be confused with penny's not in white sand) you can breakfast there also, but don't expect service till at least 9.30am

    Cheers for that, I'll check it out, we have Breakfast included in the deal, her Ladyship is the food buff, after being in the trade I'm happy with chips and egg.

  2. 22 hours ago, ballpoint said:

    Brian Cox discusses this very question, and gives a number of possible reasons as to why alien life has yet to be discovered (if ever).  His personal favourite of them rather contradicts the OP, but, as he says, he'd be delighted to be proven wrong.  Because that's what science is all about.


    (The link works, it just doesn't play in its own window).


    Why haven’t we found aliens? A physicist shares the most popular theories. | Brian Cox


    Excellent post, I mentioned this earlier but I had read about it only on the web while looking for something else, for the life of me I can't remember what.

    Brian Cox explains it all brilliantly imho. Thanks.

    • Like 1
  3. Ingredients


    STEP 1

    Sift the plain flour into a large bowl or the largest bowl of a food processor. Add the diced butter and either rub in with your fingertips, or, if using a food processor, pulse until until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add the salt and mix again.

    STEP 2

    Gradually add the liquid by starting with 1 tbsp milk or water, then adding a little more until the mixture comes together to form a dough.

    STEP 3

    Tip the mixture onto a surface and gently bring it together with your hands, then shape into a disc.

    STEP 4

    Wrap in cling film and chill for at least 20 minutes before using.

    • Like 1
  4. I have no doubt that we have been visited by aliens from another world but they took one look at us and said F/that they can't get on with themselves what chance have we got.


    There is also the Fermi Paradox which first came to light in the 1950's, well worth a read.


    My favourite theory is whenever a civilisation has evolved enough for space travel they have exhausted the planets resources before conquering the technology required or they simply fight among themselves until they collapse out of existence.

    • Like 1
  5. I tried the same experiment with a 620cl bottle of Chang in a brand new measuring jug from Macro, even took a picture on my phone so I could show the result but then it looked so good I had to drink it, sadly my computer skills for loading said picture on to laptop are lacking so I can't show the result. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    Good morning to everyone who has commented or emojied (is that a word) my OP. And thank you for your varying replies, correct, off topic or whatever.

    In reply to terryq's reply, I have just put my measuring jug on my kitchen digital scales and put water in until 620 gm. It came up to the 600ml line. So yes, my lab standard coffee jug is incorrect. I apologise for any sleepless night anyone may have had worrying about my so called trolling, I am NOT one of those, and cannot compete in that subject with the several  other who frequent this forum.

    Once again, good morning and thanks for your concern. 


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