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Posts posted by haltes

  1. You are so right, this kind of thing would never happen in the north of England on a Friday night after the boys have a had a few too many pints.

    Just because it might happen somewhere in England (or elsewhere) does not make it right and is a very shallow argument.

  2. so get out of Thailand

    then u will never hear Farang word again

    and make sure there is no any Thais in yr neighborhood.

    I cant understand why on earth u guys think it's racist

    since i'm thai and i can say that it's NOT racist AT aLL...

    Some thai ppl say it cos they dnt even know the meaning!

    IT's true SOme thai ppl are uneducated... so what's wrong with that??

    Are they try to kill u or something?

    The normal racist reply (and reply of the ignorant) i.e. if you don't like it then leave.

    Don't you get it??? It doesn't matter what YOU think it means, it's what WE think it means. Enough of us don't like it. Enough of us think it is racist and not appropriate to use in this day and age. That should be enough I think!

    We contribute here, we work here, pay taxes here, even have children and partners here. We have few if any rights and this is constantly rammed down our throats with the words "farang" and even the word "foreigner". Go over to any civilized country and see how far you get calling people "foreigner" all the time. You will get your teeth knocked out and rightly so.

  3. sollieee misterrr... it's all my badddddd that i'm not born to be a native English Speaker or a westernerrrrr...

    My wife is Thai but she is educated enough to not use the term "farang". Oh yes, and her English is as good as most native speakers.

    What's your valid reason for presenting yourself as an uneducated buffoon?

    Proud to be Thai???? <deleted> does that mean, proud to not question or think about things. The power not to think critically about anything? It seems your lack of thought probably stems from the education system here so it's probably not your fault. Maybe you graduated from ABAC :o

  4. The difference is that Thai is not based on skin colour.

    You can be white skinned and Thai, dark skinned and Thai etc.

    Farang only denotes a white skinned person of European appearance.

    British/American/Australian do not denote skin colour do they?

    It's a racist term used by uneducated morons.

  5. Why don't u just tryna feel ok with being called as Farang?

    Why don't black people just accept being called "Nigger"?

    Would you like to be called a <deleted>, paki, chink, slope, gook, monkey etc? I don't think you would like it and you would be right to want to stop people using these very negative words to refer to you.

    The answer is that these words are not ok to use just like the word farang should not be used because it is racist and indicative of ignorance.

  6. I'm Thai and have to say this for about the millionth time here that "Farang" is NOT an impolite word. :yawn: If any of you wanna take offense whenevr you hear the word, then it's your own problem not anyone else's.

    In the end it doesn't matter what you think it means, it matters for those that are on the receiving end of it.

    For many we find it offensive, racist, demonstrative of a limited education. I.E. Some of don't us like it.

    End of story

    It is no longer appropriate to use many terms in polite socety and refer ot people in racial terms and farang is no exception IMHO.

  7. A high level of verification would be as follows: .........

    Unfortunately Thai schools do everything last minute and if they did actually follow what you recommend they would have no teachers left. We can only concude that the government and schools are just not that interested in this issue except when a news story goes global and brings attention to bear for about 5 minutes.

  8. 500k is ridiculous, hi-so thai chinese don't get this much.

    That's not true. 500,000 is probably the average price of sin sot at the moment for the middle classes and it's what I showed at my wedding to get married (it was all returned to me afterwards though).

    For a hi-so wedding it will be in the millions.

  9. Make sure you will get your deposit back if you leave or stop paying the rent now.

    If you stop paying the rent I would guarantee this would be mentioned in the lease agreement as being unacceptable and a surefire way to make sure the landlord tries to evict you early. Security deposits should never be used in this way and are a way to guranteeing there are no unpaid bills etc. What happens if the landlord gets a huge phone/electric bill after the tenant has vacated the property? It's for situations like this that a deposit is required.

    Deposits are normally returned minus costs for any damange and any unpaid bills.

  10. Of course this is a criminal case and the defendants will appeal to the Appeals Court and then the Supreme Court which could take years. I also doubt very much that any of them will ever serve any time in the clink but the sentence breaks new ground nevertheless.

    If she has been convicted surely she should be held in custody pending an appeal.

    Only those who have not been convicted or who have not yet been sentenced are normally given bail.....

  11. Wah, Wah, Wah is that all you guys do is p$ss, gripe, moan and complain. Oh, look out the shy is falling.

    You think immigration is tight in this country. Thy getting your wife into the US. Getting a green card is another story. How about at least a 12 month wait. Visa runs forget about it. Even with a 10 year US visa they threaten to take away if you come to often or don't stay away long enough. Oh you poor soul you have to take a trip out every ninty days. Wah Wah Wah. You must be living in the land of OZ if you think any of these reforms are going to affect you anytime soon. Like in this lifetime. Have fun, get real worked up and b$tch, B$tch, B$tch lol I love it. You provide me with more amusement than you can imagine. Thanks aloha Rick

    Strange that all the Thai wives and girlfriends of friends of mine have never had a problem getting a visa for anywhere. Maybe you have had problems because of the type of Thai woman you associate with?

  12. I don't hope it falls, I hope it plummets.

    Greed and willingness of banks to overextend themselves have caused this situation. If the FSA had had any balls they would have stopped banks lending such huge amounts and that would have stopped house prices rising to such unrealistically high levels.

    It's been a long time brewing but it's going to be a rough ride and hopefully prices might be more affordable for normal people.

  13. Nice questions PB but I prefer something a bit more meaty.

    Some more questions:

    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

    Is proletarianisation or embourgeousiement more appropriate to describe recent changes in western class structure? Why?

    Comment on the humour inherent in the quote " To lose one parent, Mr Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness."? Do you think it is funny? Why?

    To what extent is habeas corpus an inherent culural cornerstone in Western democracies? How and why has it been subverted?

    York is more than 2000 years old. What were the Roman and Viking names of this city?

    "The idea of hereditary legislators is as inconsistent as that of hereditary judges, or hereditary juries; and as absurd as a hereditary mathematician, or a hereditary wise man; and as ridiculous as a hereditary poet laureate." Discuss.

  14. We are a friendly, established language centre in Silom Road near the BTS and underground. We URGENTLY need 2 native english speakers to teach at our centre and at a boys school near China town. Up to 25 hours per week available. Email us at dos (at) excel-english if you are interested.

    No complete email address, no details/salary. All in all a thoroughly unprofessional advert.

  15. It all depends on the social class of the girl you are marrying, her education, on many factors.

    Our sin sot was 500,000 baht but it was all returned to us as agreed after the wedding and it was negotiated by my Thai representative who met with my wife's parents to discuss it (our arrangements were quite formal and quite traditional). Anyway my wife is very comfortably middle class and having seen quite a few of her friends get married as well, the sin sots are all round about the same figure and are always returned to the couple after the wedding with quite often a gift or two from the relatives. It's all a bit of showing off IMHO anyway. just to show that you can take care of your new bride. It is not to enrich your parents in law at the expense of the newly married couple!

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