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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Recently and mainly because I've gotten bored with beer, I've been drinking (gasp horror) Sato Siam. Some say it's terrible and tastes like rocket fuel. I think it's more like Saki. Yes the Japanese rice wine. Initially I wasn't that fussed with it, but now I put it in the freezer till its really cold and drink it in a glass full of ice. It's grown on me and at 6.5% abv it can give a slight buzz. Lotus'sss sells it for 37 baht. So yes it's cheap plonk. Tried Lao Khao once... never again. Too bloody dangerous in many ways. Also tried a Indian whisky that's sold in Lotus'sss. Brown Barley Whisky 41% abv and it's actually not bad. 299 baht for 700ml. A little sweet and the oak flavour isn't as strong as brand name whiskeys. I'm usually a dark Rum drinker but Sang Som doesn't really cut it. Capt Morgan is just too sweet. Old Monk run from India is nice but I've not found it here. Love Belgium beers but not the cost in Thailand.
  2. How the hell does this cretin remain a teacher. Literally the writing is on the wall. Drunk, loud music, firearms... what a great combination. And yet fak all is done prior to this incident. No wonder there are so many disturbed young people out there. If they see this in their formative years, they probably think it's normal. His superiors should also be disciplined for a lack of previous action. Oh, they'll probably plead 'All care, no responsibility'
  3. “And don’t give me that ‘I’m only bird-watching’ line.”
  4. “The fuel light’s on, Frank! We’re all going to die! … Wait, wait. … Oh, my mistake—that’s the intercom light.”
  5. That is stupid money... but TiT. A very impractical car, but then I've got a KTM 690 SMC R back in NZ, and that's a very impractical motorbike. Fun to ride but terrible on long trips. Same possibly applies to this car is it's hot those annoying fat arse pipes on it.
  6. “Listen … I’m fed up with this ‘weeding out the sick and the old’ business. … I want something in its prime.
  7. Nissan Fairlady either 350Z or 370Z, not that expensive. From about NZ$14,000 (286k baht) to NZ$20,000 (400k baht).
  8. Dang, I didn't realise he was still alive! He's doing well for 83.
  9. Strange that you tie these two completely different topics together. I certainly didn't read anything in the OP about same sex marriages. Maybe the DTV is contributing to this grant too?
  10. Dang Stevie looks young in this video. I think she aged incredibly well... Bit like a fine wine!
  11. I just pick one according to where the winds blowing.... Is that really going to make a difference?
  12. Yes and no... He must know what he has done is wrong. This is the 3rd time in the same shop. Age is no excuse unless it can be proven there is a screw loose. If the find he is of reduced mental capacity then what? Who looks after him? Agreed that it's a minor offence when compared to all the other sh*t that occurs in the area, but the store owner is the victim here. So what should the penalty be? Restitution to the shop, and served a trespass notice? It's a difficult one but justice and a deterrent need to be seen.
  13. I agree. It's petty theft. It's still theft but on a very low scale (Yes it's still wrong). It certainly wouldn't make headlines in most western countries. But TiT and this being a website for falang, everything regarding foreigners seems to be reported. Silly old bugger, didn't he get told by his parents ' If you can't do the time then don't do the crime' I even educated my kids with that one. No convictions thus far.
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