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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. She obviously was double booked that week


    English man threatens suicide after domestic dispute in Central Pattaya.


    Pattaya’s Tourist Police Division received a call to attend the Simapat Apartment located just off Pattaya Second Road on Saturday Afternoon after receiving a report of a foreigner who was contemplating suicide.

    Tourist Police arrived and spoke with Mr. Michael John Walker aged 44 from Bolton in England. He had arrived here in Thailand 10 days ago and lived with his girlfriend; Khun Gaesarin aged 22 at the Apartments. The pair began arguing outside their apartment when Khun Gaesarin, who works at a local beer bar, told Mr. Walker that she needed to go back to her home for one week to see her parents.

    Mr. Walker did not take this news too well and became aggressive and smashed a mirror. He then perched himself near the edge of a balcony and it was at this point that the Police were called. Eventually Officers managed to persuade the man to come back down to the Ground floor where the couple spoke further.

    It appears that Mr. Walker thought that Khun Gaesarin was going to end their relationship which, according to her is not true. According to staff at the Apartment, Mr. Walker’s character has drastically changed over the last week and Police suspect he may have been under the influence of either alcohol or a narcotic.

    Officers decided not to pursue the case any further after a promise from Mr. Walker that he would remain calm from now on.

    -Pattaya City News

    Saturday 16th September 2006

  2. Hard to believe Pattaya is the home of the Legitimate businessmans club.

    Hey lets face it ,many of these chaps are the reason why these crackdowns are happening.

    So its the old story of the filthy few ruining it for the mindless many.

    Well they run there entire business like this and have done for years and years,

    So they've had years and years to establish the correct structures for long term immigration and they haven't.

    They only have their own lack of planning,organisational and foresight skills to blame.

  3. My question would be ,what is the amount you have to invest now?

    3m baht is about the price of a car in the UK where most "investors"seem to come from.

    Try and get into other developed countries with such limited funds?

    Is there a real plan to raise the stakes?or is it just another crackdown for the sake of a crackdown?


    I suspect that the marriage visa financial requirement will be doubled shortly as it is very low

    "very low" how much is it exactly ??

  4. My ladys been in Sydney 10 years

    Wont even think of moving (I want to retire in Thailand).

    However shes still only friends with Thais ,shops in Thaitown every day practicaly,and goes back to Bangkok several times a year for clothes shopping etc.

    As far as job prospects in the media ,your wife will need good english and some qualifications,depth of experience.


    I have some good contacts in Media etc they maybe able to help you. My wife will be coming out next year also and have wondered the same things you have. Send me an email and I give u my number , call me when you arrive.

    all the best


  5. A US man is suing a Thai dentist for $350,000 in damages for dropping a screw and a dental implant down his throat during a root canal operation.

    Robert Ramos, 56, said he had gone to Thailand last month to take advantage of its considerably cheaper dental costs.

    After dentist Kasidis Wachiraprakansakul lost the two metal items, he sent Mr Ramos for an X-ray and prescribed a laxative.

    Mr Ramos complained that he had suffered severe diarrhoea when he returned to New York and had to pay $8600 to complete the root canal work.

  6. Yep

    Would be unfortunate

    Why create another muslim ghetto???

    Why not just integrate peacefuly into the community???

    I am sure Bangkok needs a place like this?

    Just look at was these "communities" have done for parts of Sydney,Oslo,Amsterdam ,paris, etc etc

    Hideaways for the practice of making women third class citizens and a breeding ground for hypocritical males who use religion as an excuse to act like wild animals.

    <<Press release>>

    New for visitors to Bangkok

    A tour of Arabtown

    • Once past the security check-points, our purpose built double-deck bus allows tourists to see over the high walls and locked gates into genuine Arabic houses

    • See wives and daughters, indistinguishable from each other in their all-enveloping black Abiya’s, locked inside segregated sections of each building whilst husbands and sons head off to sample the exotic nightlife of Patpong and Soi Cowboy.

    • Thrill to the pounding of the 400 decibel ‘Call to Prayer’ in glorious surround-sound 5 times a day

    • Watch sheep die as their throats are slit over the roadside drains of this quaint, purpose built town.

    • See Asian household staff being molested, raped and generally degraded whilst working 20 hours a day 7 days a week in the hope that, one day, they may actually get paid.

    • Sadly, we can’t let you look inside their places of worship – it’s not allowed

    • Sadly, you will not be able visit a genuine Arabic house – it’s not allowed (unless all the women are locked away and you have a business deal in mind)

    • However, you may be lucky enough to witness the ritual stoning of a woman because her husband (tired and emotional after arriving home from Patpong in the early hours of the morning) suspects her of infidelity or see a thief’s right hand being surgically amputated or even a ceremonial beheading.

    You might not be able to visit Saudi Arabia as a tourist but now, thanks to some really far-sighted Thai businessmen, you’ll soon be able to see it all for real in beautiful downtown Bangkok.


    Note: It has been reported that the money for this proposed project comes in the main from Saudi Arabia. I hasten to add that Saudi Arabia is not at all representative of the other Gulf States. Bahrain, Qatar, the Emirates and the Oman with their liberal and tolerant attitudes are centuries ahead of the Saudi’s and are countries where it is a real pleasure to live

    PS. Got your flame thrower ready Taxexile?

  7. Well,ok ,was watching a fantastic doco on the History channel

    It was about the hijck of an american container ship in 1975 in the Coral sea.

    What became the last real action of the vietnam war was an op to get the crew back from a Khmer held island called Koh Tang?

    May 15th 1975 the lst 45 servicemen lost their lives.

    I suppose what prompts this post is they left from UTAPa0 airport.

    One salient comment from one of the poor unfortunate rescuers was Sir where am I?

    Captain says Utapao

    He says wheres that?

    Well I guess many readers have been thru Utapao on their way to their fun in Pattaya.

    I thought it was worth remembering after seeing this show ,that it had a very different role once.

    Btw Has anyone been to Koh tang???

  8. Excellent news

    These crooks have had a nice little earner last three years on this.

    Bout time someone acted.

    100 DSI, police officers raid Koh Samui, arrest Briton

    Koh Samui, Surat Thani: -- A team of 100 officers from the Crime Suppression Division, Anti-Money Laundering Office and Department of Investigation raided this tourist destination island Tuesday morning and arrested a Briton and three Thais.

    The Briton, Peter Watkinjones, 40, was accused of leading a multinational mafia gang which bribed land officials to gain access to public land on the island for sale to foreigners.

    The officers, divided into small teams, raided ten spots to try to arrest seven members of the so-called Bandidos gang.

    DSI spokesman Pol Col Dussadee Arayawutthi said the three Thai men were identified as Pramual Somwong, a land official, and two ordinary people - Samroeng Buanak and Prateep Muangkaew.

    He said a Briton and two Danish men were still elusive.

    He said the seven were suspected of using influence to pressure local businesses and people to sell business and land to them and they paid bribe to land officials to use land documents elsewhere to forge ownership of public land on the island and sold them to foreigners at steep prices.

    Dussadee said the sale contracts were undervalued as the buyers paid the rest of the money to the gang abroad.

    --The Nation 2006-07-18

  9. I am sure that target is well exceeded already,judging by the numbers of menus in my letterbox in sydney alone.

    Mr. Somkid said he has already assigned the Export Promotion Department (EPD), Food Institute and EXIM Bank to provide financial assistance and quality ingredients at low prices for entrepreneurs.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 13 July 2006

    Now that I've stopped laughing, all I can say is that there must be a ministerial university somewhere, purely for aspiring politicians to graduate in weird schemes.

    Imagine Tony Blair promoting a scheme to open more British restaurants in Thailand :o

  10. Well its not abnormal to sell with a guarantee.

    However is it worth the paper its printed on.?

    Common pratice around the world and many developers are building in Phuket again.

    Try for a gaurantee thats underwritten by a reputable insurance co or bank.

    Nett nett ,dont buy if you need the gaurantee its too risky

    I notice a hint of silence from the so called "Industry Professionals" that often use this forum ?..... :o

    Any comments ??

    Sure...they could only agree with your summary of the situation which is spot on. Wait and see next year the prices will have gone up by another 5 percent and as well as the guaranteed returns you will also get free curtains and a washing machine :D

    Perhaps in a year later you will also have the free services of a maid for the first year as well :D

  11. Yep

    Live here (au)

    Seen it

    Some girls are mercenary at best.

    Tell him.

    He knows deep down.

    They have a curious way of making this kind of activity ok.

    Well some anyway that I personally know

    One of my friend's friends is a prostititue in Bangkok. She has been going out with a Aussie guy for a long time. He has gifted her lots of money, pays her rent, and just bought her a business. The trouble is this girl is bad news. She has been lying to this guy, she has a live in Thai boyfriend who moves back into the apartment as soon as the Aussie goes home. She has 2 kids, he only knows about one and he thinks it is her sister! And she is out selling her body the moment he goes home.

    The girl is saying she is going to milk this guy for all his money, and then get rid of him when it runs out.

    It has nothing to do with me. I have never even met the Aussie. But I can't stand what she is doing to him :o

    Do you think I should tell him?



  12. All good for me

    But...Casino is the downside.

    And Thai friends.

    Ive been on this forum for about 6 months now and i always reading topic about posting bad things about there wifes/fiancee/TG. Topics like :She eats like a animal, she spends all my money, she doesnt spend my money and shes cheap, she stole my money, she cooks sh1t food, her inlaw's are from hel_l etc etc.

    I mean my Thai Fiancee I think is perfect, or very close.

    She spends her money on heaps of stuff

    She bring me surprise presents eg a polo shirt etc (not fake)

    Loves to cook me meals and even more satisfied when I like the meal.

    She loves watching Boxing with me

    She loves the footy and even has her own favourite team.

    She cooks Thai and Aussie food great.

    She has more money then me :o

    Bed, well lets not get into detail but she is clearly the best ive ever had and i been with quiet a few in my younger days, plus she wants it more then me.

    She lets me go out with the boys to get pissed and doesnt complain.

    When we go clubbing she lets me try picking up other girls on the dance floor (i have abit of an ego) and she gives me a challenge but Im not allowe3d to touch them, only tease.

    She probaly has more brains then me (and we all know that im an einstine)

    She has looks that can kill, turns heads, with a great body, with a GREAT personality.

    Only fault is that she buys too many shoes/clothes.

    Anyone else have a great Thai gf/fiancee/wife??

  13. Lets be controversial here

    He had he guts/passion to make a stand albeit senseless

    How may guys past their use by date think they are going to succeed with an investment in Pattaya ?

    Well yes sad and tragic,but a salutory lesson to the potentials that read this forum.

    Read the tone of the posts on this thread.

    We have a young lady dead. Thats a fact and that is sad and tragic.

    We have an older man who stated he did it and attempted suicide. Thats also very sad.

    I would probably guess that the old guy came to his senses and is very remorseful over what he apparently did.

    But again feel the tone of the retorts, replies and comments on this thread.

    All the holier than thou individuals, as usual I might add, ready to castrate, kill, hang shoot or draw and quarter the bloke.

    I am not a religious person, but it sure brings to mind some at least quasi religious thoughts. "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" might be one

    And maybe, There but for the grace of God , go I" might be another.

    Why as much venom in the posts, does it make each of us who post like that somewhat stronger or in some way superior? I kind of feel bad , because maybe someday I will find myself in such a prediciment..

    I do offer my condolences to the girls family.


    Ok Gang .... rip me apart

  14. Kiwis more patriotic than Poms, less than Aussies

    1.00pm Wednesday June 28, 2006

    New Zealanders are the world's ninth-most patriotic people, according to a survey.

    The United States, where Stars and Stripes flags are commonplace in back gardens, politicians regularly play the pariotism card and anti-terrorism legislation is even called the Patriot Act , unsurprisingly topped the poll.

    It was closely followed by Venezuela in the survey by the National Opinion Research Centre at the University of Chicago.

    Australia came in fifth in the study of 34 democracies. As in the US, where anything perceived as unpatriotic is often labelled "un-American", the name of the country has come to symbolise Australia's supposedly shared values - commentators and politicians talking of "un-Australian" behaviour.

    Britain, where national identity is most often associated with the soccer teams of the four home nations, was 11th in the poll. But it could move up the list if Gordon Brown, finance minister and possibly the country's next Prime Minister, has his way with the introduction of a national day.

    People in the survey rated how proud they were of their countries in areas such as political influence, economic success, sports and history.

    The organisers said ex-colonies and newer nations were more likely to rank high on the list.

    New Zealand ranked highly for pride in sporting achievement - second, behind Ireland.

    The country also ranked third for pride in the arts and literature, and fourth for pride in our armed forces.

    Top 10 rankings:

    1. United States

    2. Venezuela

    3. Ireland

    4. South Africa

    5. Australia

    6. Canada

    7. Philippines

    8. Austria


    10. Chile


    11. Great Britain

    12. Israel

    18. Japan

    19. France

    24. Russia

    27. Germany (West)

    31. Korea

    34. Germany (East)

  15. Wow thanx been there a few times and never found it.

    But thanx for the info ,sounds positive

    I've heard it said that Los Angeles has more Thai people than any other place outside of Thailand. There is a huge "Thai town" near Hollywood where you can find restaurant after restaurant specializing in different Thai foods, Thai grocers, Thai video rental stores, Thai comic book stores, etc.

    There are also nice Thai fusion restaurants in Los Angeles and plenty of regular Thai restaurants (meaning Thai-American or Thai-American-Chinese food).

    I don't know about the community but it seems to be vibrant. There are also subcultures of Thai students at the local universities, i.e. UCLA and USC, who use the services of Thai town but perhaps do not socialize with the non-student expat Thais so much. (Many of them are in the US on similar scholarship packages and have a lot of common experience to relate to one another.)

  16. I would be definitely targetting something thais like

    KFC OK...chicken ,deep fried works.

    But any fool and buy a frier and chuck some spice on.

    Maybe start your own??

    I have been served twice at sub on suk and its pretty average,I think its the way to dainty slices of meat and non english speaking staff.

    The bread also doesnt even taste like it tastes in Sydney.

    If you are selling to falangs feed them what they are used to.

    How many sales a day does a Subway have to make to stay in the black?

    You have to take the rent into consideration to do this kind of estimate. In almost any retail business, rent is the number one expense... Most other expenses are per product sold.

  17. Thais borrow constantly

    Repayment is only made by priority being

    1.people who are likely to lend again.

    2.people who harrass the most.

    3.people who can cause them embarassment...loss of face.

    If you dont fit these categories you will be low on the repayment list.

    From personal observation of my missuses network of friends,and some personal experience as the lender.

    This darn Bluecoat Filter on my network won't let me view 'Stewie' :D

  18. Something you gotta live with.

    Thais are all about face and image.

    The one thing that I can do to seriously p my missus off is to make her lose face in some way with her friends.

    Face = mechanism for protecting immature humans from the harsh realities of life.

    Time to grow up!

    I think you summed it up pretty well here. Bravo!!!!!!

  19. World Cup intellectual stimulation?

    Well I understand the problem the Thai gals life and priorities are different to ours.

    Prob the one thing that puts me off from moving to thailand is the thought of brain turning to mush and drinking even more than i do now.

    As for the food I occasiionaly cook Falang food ,but eat a LOT of thai,prob the missues fav dish is spag bol with mussells!!!

    Lack of any stimulating company,guess its understandable why Falangs make mountains over so many petty things when living in Thailand.

    Even in Falangland its similar ,my lady has her Thai friends she endlessly chats and eats with.

    I have a senior exec role which requires a lot of eating out etc,my lady gets upset I dont take her,but the reality is shes just eye candy to the other guests and a source of amusement and jealousy to the wifes.

    Sod the meal...I like talking to my fellow species on a one to one basis.

    Dont get me wrong.. I love my Wife..but if I want Intelectual stimulation...I turn to my Mates here............and we all do the same.

    Although I could be wrong here....but everyone I socialise with agrees that they Love thier Wives..but need the Farang Connection too

    what do our Wives know about the World Cup for example?

    I have to concur with TP here. If I want to have an intelligent conversation, I must talk to others. Of course, she doesn't like this and says I talk to my friends too much. Then accuses me of not wanting to pay attention to her. What are we to do???? :o

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