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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. yes would be a good way to test the embassy drones policies.

    try and get a 45 year old thai woman in on visitor visa .

    Suspect I can guess the answer.

    I also think some of these fortunate "educated" thai females in the embassy truly look down upoun the BG s wanting to try and make a better life for themselves.

    Maybe they need a stint in Surin,Or Roiet to learn about life in thailand.

    I know the one I had the misfortune of dealing with would have no idea about realities of life for a poor family in ISSAN.

    I just hate the way they think they are so superior just because they had a rich daddy!

  2. yes agreed

    not a huge sucess rate of thai/aust marriages,the girls all dream of the better life in AU,UK,NZ,but reality is they get really homesick, Go stand in the queue in the aust embassy and see the number of lonely old falangs trying to get their bargirl into the country.I dont see why a three mth visa with maybe a reasonalbe say 3k bond should be so hard as they do in NZ

    that said a friend of mine married an east timorese girl she had his baby and they still had a tough job getting her in.

    Yet look at all the other chinese,middle eastern ,central european nationalities that come into aus in droves.

  3. i think this is my point

    take a cruise around the local houses of ill repute in sydney or melb and you will find a united nations of european girls working illegally.

    Why pick on thai or phillipiino????

    I think its the police who need to address the slavery issues not immigration.

    It is insensitive and predjudiced.

    Some of you expats know what a thai worker gets paid even in a shop or as a factory worker.

    5-6 k per mth.

    How can they possibly come for a holiday to aus without our help???

  4. Why do AUS immigration continualy pick on thailand?

    Just because of one high profile case of sex slavery out of melbourne they are using this to make it incredibly difficult for us to bring our thai friends to visit in AUST.

    Bascily anyone without a very large bank acct by thai standards will have a very hard job getting a three mth visa to aus.

    The interview process is degrading and insensitive.

    My experience is first hand and I can tell you the problem is not Thai ,it is the Chinese who by far have the largest operations in this area in AUS and NZ.

  5. I agree.

    The thai bueracracy needs to be corporatised and made accountable.

    Thaksin is the man to do it...but can he do it quickly?

    The problem is to do this these people need to be paid salaries that match competence.

    This means more fees as in the new residency permit charges etc.

    I dont think these are onerous given charges made by other desirable countries to live.

    Local people cant afford high taxes both direct and indirect as we have in many developed countries.

    This means he will need to be creative in how he encourages overseas investment and rewards it in a win win scenario.


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