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old wanderer

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Posts posted by old wanderer

  1. A few more fact please???

    Were your parents Thai??

    Do you have a Thai birthcertificate?

    It might be as easy as comming to Thailand and getting your ID card with proof of parents and birht certificate. Once you have the ID card, they will issue a passport.

    Best shot go and ask at the Thai consulate near you.

  2. I got a O multi based on marriage in Los Angleles. They needed a letter from my wife stating we were still married besides the other stuff listed on the Embassy web site. Read each thing and don't skip any. Drop the application in the AM and pick up your passport the next day. Cost $125 going up to $150 on 7/2.

  3. My wife just got a e passport 2 months ago. It took about 3 weeks to get after applied for. Her other passport which she got when she left Thailand 10 years ago to marry me had an endorcement in it showing her new married last name.

    When we went to apply for her e passport, she was issued a new passport in her maiden name. It could not be changed until she returned to her home ampur to change it. We paid the $15 fee for the consulate to issue all the appropriate papers, and she went to the Ampur near Surin to get her new ID card, BUT they would not change the last name because it did not have a green stamp from the Office of Consular Affairs in Bangkok. We simply ran out of time to accomplish this. We had the attorney get the proper stamp, so next time we go home she can get it changed.

    I tell you this , because you cannot believe what a PIA it was to try and get through airport security with her Passport in one name and her tickets in the other. (We carried her old passport as well as her drivers licenses and other documents in her married name.).

    One we get the new ID card we will again have to apply for a new e passport in her married name.

  4. Simon:

    Forget our B visa, what you need to do is have a continuous stay in Thailand to qualify for PR. Naturally you have other reasons.....

    Answer,.....Elite Visa.....

    It is the cheapest answer to your problems, and you can do it in the 10 days remaining....Leaving your home, business, family, etc will cost more than this permanent visa.

    (Yes I know almost everyone on this board hates this visa, but look at the practicality of the situation).

  5. Absolutely nothing will happen as long as you ride your bike around the big rock candy mountain, where the cops have wooden legs, .........

    Are you serious? The slightest incident on the road without license, nor insurance, nor any legal rights to ownership of motorized vehicle within the knigdom will cause you much wailing , weeping, and gnashing of teeth.

    You plonker.

    Buy a mirror instead of a bike and "have a quiet word" with yourself.

    Korp khun krap, Kohnjai mak....

  6. When I was in Thailand in April, I took one morning and went down and got a drivers license for auto and another for motorcycle. (If I could only figure out which is which??) It took from 9 AM to 12PM and I walked out with my 2 licenses....EASY..

    Quit talking about it and just go do it.

  7. I have to add my kudo's to Sunbelt.....I (my wife) recently purchased 38 rai of land. I had then do a title search to insure the seller was the real owner, and there were no leans on the property. Their representative then traveled to the land office (in Kaeg Koi) on the morning of he sale, knew when to just sit quietly, and when to intervene, read each document answered all my questions. We were done in a little over an hour. Left with the Chanote in hand.

    Why when people are investing some millions of baht in property why they do not involve professionals that work in this business everyday, and instead try to save some truly insignificant amount of baht by doing it themselves or relying on a wive/gr that has never owned a piece of property in their lives just totally baffles me.

    One of the interesting side notes of this transaction, some of the people that were involved with the seller, including one that was an attorney, everyone wanted to know "How much you pay for Bangkok attorney"?

    Finally my wife had to just bluntly tell them it was a Farang custom, and her husband says it is none of your business. Uniformly everyone told us, when we started with the title search....no problem, you do not need to pay money to an attorney...yada yada, yada....For me for the piece of mind it was an excellent investment.

    In our case everything was in order, but if it was not, I am sure they would have intervened, and we would not have lost any money.

  8. Here is one more special case:

    I went and applied for a multi-entry O visa, and left my passport at the consulate. Later that day I was notified of a job in Thailand that I was to preform....hence I need a B visa now.

    I was going to go to Thailand with my wife first and return an few weeks later for a short job. When I went the following day I asked the Consulate if it was possible to have both a O and B visa, both multi-entry and just declare the visa I needed each time I came into the Kingdom....

    Answer: If you apply for the B visa we will cancel your O visa even if you have not used it yet...(No refund either).

    So yes visa can be canceled.

  9. time to bash the guy guys..................!

    your chances of having a meaningful relationship with a Thai girl where both parties contribute and both love each other are slim and none and slim has just left the building.

    Boy, every time I read stories like this, I realize how lucky I am to have found a really good woman 10 years ago. It took me 4 other wives to quit being a trophy hunter, and just settle for somebody with Chia Dee....now I finally have my Quan Tah..... Out of all the people I know, there are only 4 with long term marriages to Thai women. The rest just blew up after a few months to a few years.

    Best advise I have seen is to contact the Immigration people and lay out your case on how you have been scammed in this marriage. Do not spend any time discussing it with her, actions are the truth, not words. believe your eyes.....ignore what you hear.

  10. SAP,

    My wife and I have some farm land near Wang Moung (Saraburi), with irrigation water available year round.While much smaller than what you are looking for at least it is in the right area as MF mentioned. I would be intrested next year to talk to you about contracting for some seed corn. Right now I have the land leased out for this year. I have about 10 years experience growing dry land and irrigated grains in the USA>

    Also working this month to close a deal on another small plot ajacent to gurarantee my access to the irrigation canal.

  11. Ive got some friends coming to Thailand soon and they have

    Asked me ….

    Are we allowed to bring 2 liters of alcohol per person into the country? ( Wine )

    And ……

    Cigarettes, Do you know how many per person we're allowed to take into the country??

    Ive got no idea…. So can any one tell me please…?

    Thanks …. Mumbo

    I believe your currency regulation is several years old. There are no currency restrictions on bringing into Thailand, only taking baht out of Thailand presently.


    Tobacco....................200 cigarettes

    Liquor.......................1 litre

    Cameras....................No restrictions

    Film...........................Reasonable amount for personal use

    Perfume.....................Reasonable amount for personal use

    Gifts...........................No duty free allowance

    Currency....................Must be declared on arrival

    Agriculture items.......Refer to consulate

    Tell them to stick strickly to this as the customs people are like vultures, waiting to nab anybody over the limit.

  12. I had taken my Nuvi 350 in 10 days ago to have the Thai maps loaded. I am leaving for the USA tomorrow, and they have not yet completed the job that was promised in 3 days. Now the sturggle is just to retreive my Nuvi 350.

    I paid 12000 baht for the map.....TIT....

    Wonderful what the internet will do. Got a call to pickup my completed unit tonight.....Would have been nice to have it while I was still in Thailand, but will use it in 7 weeks when I return.

  13. I had taken my Nuvi 350 in 10 days ago to have the Thai maps loaded. I am leaving for the USA tomorrow, and they have not yet completed the job that was promised in 3 days. No the sturggle is just to retreive my Nuvi 350.

    I paid 12000 baht for the map.....TIT....

    I will file a police report for theft tonight if they fail to reutrn my unit....

  14. No, I believe that this crash was due to rudder failure, attributed to incorrect training to pilots on how to correct turbulance caused by flying in another aircraft.s wake...

    I am a senior intructor for Boeing, and working in Bangkok helping a Thai airline at this moment. That "finding" was the biggest politcal sellout to Airbus that I ever heard by the USA NTSB.

    All aircraft were designed with rudder limiters to prevent overstressing of the rudder at full application. As a senior pilot with thousands of hours of experience, it has alway been the criteria: "Fly the Airplane" which simply translates into put what ever input into the controls that are necessarry to controlt he aircraft.

    When the copilot of the AA flight put ruddr force into the old Airbus to control the roll from the wake turbulance of the preceddeing aircraft, the rudder failed, and over 200 people paid with thier lives.

    Airbus in a clasic CYA move claimed "pilot error" and instead of fixing the problem with good engineering, instated new pilot training requirements, so that what was normal and natural in every other aircraft in the world, was not prohibited in the Airbus....

    Classic politics vs engineering....

  15. Hello,

    i am just in the process of buying a house, not being married myself. We use sunbelt asia, to have an usufruct registered on the chanote(landpaper). There is no disandvantage of being not married, at least thats how i understand the lawyers from sunbelt, as if married you would have to sign that the property is not part of the marriage deal, anyways. If you get married anytime after you bought the property, your wife only has to goe change the chanote and the land office.

    I reccomend you to see a good law firm about the usufruct process anyways.

    best regards


    Timo is right on.....go to SunBelt, get the usufruct, don't dink around with free advise on the forum....get some profesional help or don't come crying if you ignore it.

    I have 5 usufruct for 5 different pieces of property.....and would not consider any other way. In my case I have no worries about the wife (over 10 years married) if is the family that will show no mercy for the falang.

  16. I just open a Kasikorn bank account last week ( O Visa) because of the Los Angeles office. Since I lie in Los Angeles, I will just got to the bank and make a deposit or transfer to my account.

    However, after doing the intial opening of the account, I was then back in BKK where I went to Bank of Ayudya an asked to withdraw 500,000 b thinking I would walk up stairs at Future Pank and deposit it in my Kasikorn acct.

    1st, Limit of 300,000 withdrawl,s

    2. Deposited 350,000b in Kasikorn bank and was charged 1% (350b) because my bank was in a different city in Thailand.

    Never assume what you are used to in banking practices apply in Thailand.

    Call the Los Angeles bank and ask them the question directly.

  17. On April 19th I changed $120,000 without problem (except for the crappy exchange rate that day).

    Just carried my computer bag (without computer), I have been using the same driver for 5 years, so no problem there, and he dropped my right in front of "Money Gold" When they had verified my money, I was handed 4 1 million baht bank packs plus some. Called the driver, he stopped right in front again, and I was off.

    They say normally they get 1 or 2 $50,000 cash transactions a day from people buying export good at Patunam, and need baht.

    Just be aware of what is going on around and any loitering people that might be standing about. Delay if necessary. Also if you are coming from the USA, be sure to do the currency deceleration form and turn it in before you go through security. Don't screw up and decided to bring 4 bottles of wine or whiskey when you arrive or any other reason for the Thais to search your bags.

  18. Last week I opened accounts at Kassakorn Bank and Bank of Ayyudiya....O visa, Bangkok bank turned me down and I was standing there having just been handed 1,000,000b by a Thai. They said I needed a WP. Well they do not have my business.

  19. My wife and I found 38.6 rai next to a resort. The lady that owned it was "dificult" to deal with as she had been bothered for several years with people wanting pieces of the property.

    We convinced her to sell the whole thing, no hagling, and she would pay 100% of all fees.

    Went down to the land office on Kong Kean Friday, with a cahsiers check and 1 million baht in cash, and we now have a Chanote.

    Already had 4 offers that would double our money on 5 rai sections, but we started to plant crops for this year and let it simmer for a while. the value will only increase. The resort gets about 1.6 million per rai.

    Deals are available, and I will say I did retain Sunbelt to watch over the process and they did a great job for a very minor cost considering the amount of the investment.

    We will file a usefret to protect my intrest.

  20. Old Wanderer - I'm on the North East side of Phu Kradung National Park - I'll catch up with you early next week. Thank's for that brilliant meal you gave me in L.A.



    One last visit to Thai Consulate this AM, drop "Brownie" off with friends for his continued TLC, and then off to the airport. Will be busy days with the land purchase. All is ready to conclude the transaction however.

    I will PM you next week while we are in Thailand. Too bad I did not get a chance to show you my Futura, would match your bike pretty well. I crashed on Emerson and 87Pl. The bike will be ready when I return from Thailand in 2 weeks.



  21. I did go cruise around the area where he explined he lived, but saw nothing. Since I did not write down the address, but only know within a block of where he described, was unable to come up with anything.

    I am indeed fearful that there has been a major set-back in his recovery.

    I really wish him all the best. If anyone has a specific address, I still have 10 days before we leave for BKK and will take the time to go knock on a door.

  22. A K1 Fiancee visa is 1/2 the time of a 130 process. The key things are to read EVERY word of the application, do EVERY step EXACTLY, when you get your notice of apporval, take it to the embassy and get the paperwork they will mail her in about a month when they get the approval via diplomatic pouch...when you get the notice, apply for the interview, as you should have completed all the steps in the 30 days you were waiting for the embassy to get "the official" word.

    There is no issue of taking your child with a US passport, nothing additional is necessary. It might speed things up in Thailand if she got a Thai passport also, as she has no entry card.

    Choke dee.

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