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Posts posted by jbaldwin

  1. The title says all really, I usually send my passport to hull consulate of Thailand then get it back in a week. But now it looks like I have to go South Kensington on one day and come back next day to collect my passport. Anybody know if this is correct or am I misreading what I am seeing on the internet and I can still just send to hull?

    thanks if anybody can help or point me in right direction


    It is correct that Hull no longer accept postal applications.

    So three options:

    1) Apply in person at Hull. Tourist visa (but not other classes) are issued while you wait.

    2) Apply by post to London - report s suggest this normally takes 3-4 days and cost GBP 10 more than personal application.

    3) Apply in person at the London Embassy. I did this last month. You have have 1,2 or 3 entries. Download the form from the Internet. Take it with passport, 2 photos and gbp25 per entry - cash only - between 9.30 and 12.00. It took about 15 mins when I did it. Return the following day between 11.00 and 12.00 to collect. The Embassy is about 10 mins walk from South Ken tube.

  2. "The seven firms suspected of breaching the FBA are in tourism, restaurants, tour agencies, and property management. Most are in tourist-destination provinces, including Chon Buri, Chiang Mai, Trat and Phuket"

    It's about time Trat was recognized as a tourist-destination province !!

    Of course Ko Chang in Trat province in becoming a major tourist destination, which is why Bangkok Airways built the airport in Trat.



    No question that the inflation numbers are manipulated.  How can you have accurate numbers when excluding fuel and food and including housing which is manipulated upward by limiting supply?

    The word inflation in the title was actually the purest sarcasm, as it should be understood as greed.
    The herb cheese at 95 Baht cost 0,85 Euro (37 Baht) at their branches in France. Now I know there has to be calculated transport and import taxes, but taking in account that a 20' container can hold about 80.000 of these cheese packages, I doubt that transport costs 4.640.000 Baht for a 20' container.
    Here we go again. A price goes up, someone is greedy. If the market will bear the price, then from a business perspective it's the right price. Why would they sell something for less than they can get?
    If a lot of people like you stop buying this imported stuff because the price is too high they could lose money, so that's also not greedy because they will make less. They also don't need to base their price on their own costs just to give you the best deal they can. There's a lot of risk for these supermarkets to carry expensive lines of perishable items such as cheese, as they have limited shelf life. You should be thanking these shops for stocking items you crave for but don't need.
    Successful or not, It's business strategy to make the most profit they can. Back at home you probably call this profit taking. Here people are calling it greed. If the exchange rate improves and they get it cheaper, one thing is for sure, they are not going to drop the price. Would you? If they managed to ship it over here at a lower cost, should they drop the price to reflect this? Of course not. Why should they?
    Did you realize that Big C and Tesco have some kind of monopoly in Thailand ?
    So if they triple the price tomorrow people will still buy it because they can't get it somewhere else. And isn't that what is the death of Thailand that the majority of businesses in Thailand are owned by a handful of people.
    Take a look at that other western wholesaler, which has recently been acquired by the second richest man in Thailand, and watch how many of the quality products have disappeared from the assortment to make place for low quality high margin products.
    And you think this is not about greed?

    Are you staying that there is nowhere else that Thais can buy food other than BigC and Tesco. I would suggest that the majority of Thais have never been to either store. These comments make my wonder if you have ever been to anywhere outside Pattaya.
    Also Thai inflation is supposed to reflect cost increases in what an average Thai buy. The idea that inflation figures are manipulated because they do not reflect price increases in herb cheese is stupid. What proportion of the salary of a typical Thai is spent on cheese with herbs in it. Thailand is not just about what happens in falang enclaves.
  4. Hi. After being on 2 different ED visa's, a few triple entry tourist visa's in the beginning of my 4.5 year stay here I got refused entry yesterday. I'm waiting for my plane back to my home country.

    I understand I will get a denied stamp. Correct papers for a B visa are on its way already. However I worry a lot I will get refused again because of the denied stamp.

    Its no problem for me to take 100.000+ with me and all the paperwork. The reason I got refused extension yesterday was that my thai was not good enough and I didnt have much cash on me. I did however have my kasikorn bank card with almost a million in it and the keys for my car parked at the airport. It did not help.

    Was the purpose of your visit to Thailand to study Thai? If it was why did you have papers for a B visa? Based on what you have told us it seems immigration made the correct decision. I would be interested to know whether the OP agrees.
  5. I am the Chairman of a condo in Pattaya. We interviewed a filipina for a recent vacancy as Assistant Manager. She was a business graduate with experience in call centre dealing with US customers. In my opinion her ability to deal properly with queries from our, mainly falang, owners would have been far better than any Thai candidate. Her salary in her last job in the Philppines was slightly more than half the salary we finally offered to the Thai who is now doing the job.

    The main reason we did not recruit that filipina was that she would not be able to speak in Thai to suppliers. Initial advice we had from lawyers was that there would be no difficulties (but costs) in obtaining a work permit.

    Our Condo manager had worked with a filipina before - a receptionist when she was front office manager in a hotel.

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  6. This company is not traded on any stock exchange. What has changed is a price indication on over the counter message board. It has changed from one completely meaningless and irrelevant number to a higher meaningless and irrelevant number. It says nothing about real investment in real companies with real market exchange quotations

  7. Indonesian is based on the dialect of Malay spoken in Malacca, which was the first Dutch colony in the area.

    Malaysian and Indonesian speakers can understand each other but there are major spelling difference. The English and Dutch transliteration for the original script is very different.

    Javanese is the native language of more Indonesians than Indonesian.

  8. And......

    zero opinion as to whether the whole thing is a good or a bad idea. Just aimless musings about the idea.

    In some industries, Thailand is going to get quite a wake up call. I don't know how long it's going to take for employees in some industries to start moving, but I would imagine it might be quite quick.

    Tourism and say nursing will probably be first.

    Foreign nurses and doctors will still need to be able to speak Thai. Language requirement will be be removed.

    I am also not sure what "tourist" qualification will be accept as evidence that someone is skilled in that area.

  9. There you go. The AEC is no different to the EU.

    A bunch of countries who come together for mutual understanding, co-operation and trade......and who hate each other. laugh.png

    There is a big difference. The EU commission employees 24,000. The ASEAN secretariat 260.

    This is not the EU.

    The biggest change is Zero import duties on most good and services but currently its no more than 5% between the original ASEAN countries.

    There will be free movement of SKILLED workers but skilled workers have no problem getting work permit now.

    Nothing important changes.

  10. Cebu Pacific stopped flying from Bangkok to Clark last year, leaving Tiger as the only airline on the route. Then earlier this year Cebu Pacific bought the Filipino operations of Tiger. Initially they leased aircraft from Tiger and continued flying on all of the tiger routes...but the aircraft are due to be returned to Tiger and Cebu Pacific has to decide which routes it will continue using its own aircraft. I guess they have decided to stop against.

  11. I've just been at the Islamic Bank and opened a 12 months fixed deposit for 3.15%.

    In the end they told me that the current rates are only valid till tomorrow (13 June) and will drop from Monday to 3%. I assume this will affect other banks as well.

    The Bank of Thailand interest rate setting setting takes place on Wednesday 18th June. Rates are likely to be cut. It they are most bank will adjust their rates next week.

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