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blaze master

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  1. You said it was going to be a horror before even talking to the officer. Who cares how long you have been coming here.
  2. Seems like you went into the whole situation with a bad attitude. Why were you in horror at seeing an immigration officer. She had not even interacted with you yet but you already knew it would be a horror.
  3. Thai getting outraged about safety. What a hoot.
  4. I'm outraged at your comment. Now if this stupid woman on the sidewalk would move out of the way I could get past on my click.
  5. The pull out method has worked well for so many men over history. 🤣
  6. Did anyone see the vid just lately of Biden saying kamala would of won against Trump in the last election. Ahhhhhhh.
  7. Occasional lack of clarity ??? To put it mildly. There's dozens and dozens of videos on YouTube. Occasional hahaha
  8. Rude is the democratic establishment lying to the public for years. But you knew that.
  9. After doing it twice. Got it.
  10. Man the line. He can barely man a bowl of porridge. But glad you totally missed the point.
  11. Puffco and my own personal infused pre rolls.

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