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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. IF it was 50/50 then his insurance pays for his own damage and your wifes insurance pays for her own damage.

    However, your wife doesn't have her own insurance. It's her own fault that she is not fully covered.

    That said, if the car is older than 10 years, it's difficult to get 1st class insurance, but the repairs are theoretically cheaper anyway.

    Should his 1st class insurance pay for your wifes car? There is no reason why he should, but only your neighbor can decide if he is feeling generous enough to accept 100% of the blame or not.

    Legally – his insurance company are under no obligation to cover someone else who does not have their own 1st class or fully comprehensive insurance unless blame is placed on your neighbour.

    Just a simple tip for the bonehead drivers who just ain't a clue ,Always and I mean always reverse into your driveway as you will never be hit by on coming traffic when engaging reverse gear ,you have to use reverse gear whatever the circumstances when driving in or reversing out ,so why not use it when it is totally impossible to get hit by an oncoming vehicle when your vision may well be impaired.
  2. He abused the power to benefit himself ? YES. But he sucessfully spread the wealth to MAJORITY of Thais. That's more important.

    I must of slept through that bit.

    yeah this is the great misnomer ,people often say yeah but Thaksin helped the rural poor ,well I came here full time in April 04 and up till 2 years ago me and my Geordie mate Chris used to do over 225 kms a week (5x25 2x50) on our mountain bikes ,getting really off the "beaten tracks" the squalor and deprivation what we saw these people living in was truly beyond belief, old corrugated iron shacks with earth floors and no running water ,when the well ran dry many had to go long distances with their big ceramic pots to get diluted buffalo piss from the nearest lake or water hole,oh yeah seen what Thaksin did for the poor in very graphic detail,I also spoke to some who had lost loved ones during his WOD in 03 later on when accompanied with another friend who spoke good Thai .
  3. In the next general election, the Dems should promise "a solid gold Mercedes and a 7 bedroom house for everyone!"

    After all, there is no obligation to fulfil your election promises, they can just wait 2 months and then say "oh, we looked at that, but it wasn't viable after all, sorry!" - then if anyone tried to take them to court over it, they can just claim double standards as the PTP government did exactly the same thing.

    No accountability, promise the moon-on-a-stick then deliver nothing. Yay for the red government, they care only about bringing back a criminal and 200,000b lunches

    You Bounder!, you have just made me spit my morning coffee all over my keyboard in hysterics, I will give you a 5.9 for wit , :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. Then I'm sure Israel must be very proud the world considers them just as bad as their arch enemy. :lol:

    I think you'll find Israelis feel survival to be a greater moral purpose than pride.

    If that is so then they should afford the same moral purpose to the Palestinians.

    Fair enough. Palestinians accepting the very existence of the Jewish state of Israel would be a good start towards peace.

    Quite correct Jingthing however as long as there is the brain washing of young Hamas children as young as 4 years old to kill the Israelis I do not hold out much hope of a lasting peace.
  5. It is a worldwide political axiom that it is better to ask for forgiveness (after the act) than for permission (before). Why is this news? Politics is about winning and power, not justice and equality. No different here than any other country?

    it's true, sure what promises did abhisit make when he was touring the country on his election campaign before the public voted him in? ... oh, right.

    but seriously, you're right....this is the same in every 'democratic' country.... a party will always oversell themselves during the campaign trail, always.

    Is it really relevant what Abhisit promised, since he isn't in a position to implement them anyway?

    IF he had got into government, do you think a PTP opposition would be just sitting back and letting him get away with not implementing them, or, more stupidly, saying it was "just campaigning and not real promises"? (given PTP's efforts in opposition, the answer to that might be "probably".)

    But the Democrats aren't in government. The PTP are. And they are there mainly because they promised to do a lot of things for the poor, many of which they are now reneging on. They are even back tracking on their promise that getting Thaksin back was not a priority.

    I see the much heralded discounted price of diesel will be almost back to what it was before the PTP got into power as from tomorrow,it did'nt last long did it!. :bah: :bah:
  6. Anyone know the difference between Chapter VI and Chapter VII resolutions in the UN?

    I'd love to see a two-state solution in Israel/Palestine. I just don't believe for one nano-second that the leaders of the Palestinian people could be peaceful neighbors of Israel (again, look at Gaza). Most Palestinians have been brainwashed since childhood to hate the Jews (Sesame Jihad Street) so I see little hope in the future. It is a shame that such blatant hatred not only exists but is blindly accepted by the useful idiots in the West.

    There was a programme on TV a while ago that went into Palestinian and Israeli schools and brought together a gang of 12 year olds from both sides for a few days. They were quite surprised that after they got to know each other how well they got on.

    What you say is true. Palestinian school teachers were pumping hatred into their students. Exactly the same thing was true of the Israeli schools. Israeli school teachers were pumping hated into their students too.

    As long as that keeps happening there'll never be a solution to the problem.

    12 Year olds?, nay lad it starts long before that ,why not go on to YOU TUBE "Children of Hamas", I wonder why there is no corresponding Video on a similar vein "Children of Israel"
  7. She expressed her wish to see as many supporters as possible, saying the event would aim to make a stance against coup d'états and to inform the world of their damages in political, economic and social aspects.

    Nobel cause, but aren't there real issues which should be addressed? Social inequality? Decent salary levels? Healthy ecological environment? Flood prevention by planting lots of trees?

    Rallying at Democracy Monument is fun and like party time, but apart from that ?

    A totally SICK get together, Better most of them get working for a living, instead of all this <deleted>.

    These days the Thai people get far more for protesting or supporting different groups ,red or yellow than they would spending a day up to their knee,s in shit planting rice! :lol: :lol:
  8. why was there no reporting of a lady who told Abhisit not to teach Yingluck on how to run the country; and to explain where did the money go previously budgeted for the floods during his administration

    Hey Sul thanks for the laugh ,Of Course public funds were never ever misused or simply just disappeared under Thaksin's administration were they , Why not try Thaksins "soft loan to Burma" for openers :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. I think your story stinks. I was there yesterday at the exact same time for my 90-day also. When I got my queue card there was also 40 ahead of me. But the numbers went so quickly that I was out of there in less than 20 minutes. A lot of the numbers called were for people that took queue cards then left. Almost every other number was a "no show".

    There are always agents approaching the counter with many, many passports. Many of them are Chinese or Burmese. I observed a couple times in the past that these agents don't bother with queue cards. I noticed yesterday that one guy was handling all of them and there were two others handling the queue. I was amazed at how efficient the process was.

    Sorry, are you calling me a liar? My story doesnt stink its true, so stop being so rude. I got there at 2.15 and waited over 90 minutes, OK? I am not an idiot, nor a liar, so stop being so damned offensive whoever you are.

    Relax. I didn't say you were a liar or an idiot. I got there at 14:15 also. I just had a much different experience. I was out in 15-20 minutes.

    Yeah fair comment ,but just cos you turned out of a side road with your car onto the main road and the road was clear of traffic yesterday does not mean its going be just the same the next day does it?, simply meaning every day is different ;) ;)
  10. I think your story stinks. I was there yesterday at the exact same time for my 90-day also. When I got my queue card there was also 40 ahead of me. But the numbers went so quickly that I was out of there in less than 20 minutes. A lot of the numbers called were for people that took queue cards then left. Almost every other number was a "no show".

    There are always agents approaching the counter with many, many passports. Many of them are Chinese or Burmese. I observed a couple times in the past that these agents don't bother with queue cards. I noticed yesterday that one guy was handling all of them and there were two others handling the queue. I was amazed at how efficient the process was.

    Sorry, are you calling me a liar? My story doesnt stink its true, so stop being so rude. I got there at 2.15 and waited over 90 minutes, OK? I am not an idiot, nor a liar, so stop being so damned offensive whoever you are.

    Relax. I didn't say you were a liar or an idiot. I got there at 14:15 also. I just had a much different experience. I was out in 15-20 minutes.

    You said my story "stinks". Thats not a nice word to use, as you are clearly implying a lack of truth on my part. If you dont intend to offend, dont use words like that, OK?

    I can sympathize with your situation Pat I hate que jumpers too, however it may help if you do as I do when leaving the Immigration always ask for another 90 day report form , then you can fill it out at your leisure at your residence before going to the Immigration for me it works a treat and now all farangs in this area (Buriram) have adopted the same procedure :) :)
  11. Why should Thaksin have a problem with free and fair elections since the parties he's associated with are able to win them so comfortably?

    If he can win them so comfortably why does PTP persist in rampant vote buying?

    As i have already said, jayboy's rationale is exactly the same sort of rationale we heard before Thaksin became PM, concerning why he would be less corrupt (or perhaps even not corrupt at all) - because he didn't need to be - he was already rich.

    Just as already rich people still cheat to get more money, already popular people still cheat to get more votes. At least they do when they are of Thaksin's moral fibre.

    I was,nt aware that Thaksin had any morals, fibre or otherwise , :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. "Some people say a man is made outta mud

    A poor man's made outta muscle and blood

    Muscle and blood and skin and bones

    A mind that's a-weak and a back that's strong

    You load sixteen tons, what do you get

    Another day older and deeper in debt

    Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go

    I owe my soul to the company store"

    *1955, Tennessee Ernie Ford

    Nice one, but instead of St Peter it should be "say Buddha don't you call me" :lol: :lol:
  13. Apart from facing the challenge of successfully delivering her party's promises, the premier also has to face a very tough rival - the opposition Democrat Party.

    These guys at The Nation are a laugh a minute...

    But they DO stick to their script.


    Any one with half a brain should be able to drive a coach a horses through the PTP's crazy un costed pre election promise's and insane spending plans such as the tablet computers ,the 300baht MW ,and the one that is primed to explode quite soon ,the rice pledging scheme!!! which will undoubtedly come back to haunt them in the coming months . :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. The vultures are gathering ready to suck the financial blood out of Thailand and its people, led of course by ,Thaksin and his family and all their little brown nosed acolytes.

    Indeed the Thai people have offered their country and themselves up into debt bondage and as vassals to the corrupt few who preached equality yet are in fact the biggest group of a so called elite intent only on preserving and protecting all they have pilfered so far.

    That group is now setting their sights on yet more pillaging of the country and its peoples, indeed a sad state of affairs, which is going to end in trouble with many innocent deaths along with the ruination of Thailand and its finances and its people.


    "As you sow so shall your reap" yeah the electorate are going to reap a bitter harvest no doubt about it. :realangry:
  15. When these people earn middle class incomes to match their middle class jobs, then Thailand will begin to become a healthy democracy where no one needs to accept or expect bribes.

    I disagree with that ...

    Corruption is a state of mind, and it is NOT associated with the income level !

    Here, the richest are the most corrupt, mafia-style ...

    The richest people are corrupt Mafia!, that's a ridiculous Statement! I do not believe a word :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. "Dual pricing for anything other than national parks etc is unacceptable"

    Sorry, I'm new here. Why is it acceptable at national parks?

    New here ?

    Since 2005 ?

    A slow learner perhaps.

    Where property is owned by "the nation" it is not unreasonable for the inhabitants of that country to enjoy free (or at worst, nominal fees) access. Equally, it is not unreasonable for a foreign visitor to pay a higher fee for the same privilege.

    Not rocket science.

    This is based on skin colour and race , if you are Cambodian ,Chinese ,Lao,or Burmese providing you keep your mouth closed you will get in to a National park at Thai price! :realangry:
  17. You just can't go past that John Howard from Australia on this one , you had to watch honest John, you either had a promise and a core promise, now there is a big difference apparently.:bah:

    Of course you much prefer the present Ozzy PM "no carbon tax" "Juliar" Gillard ,one thing about Howard he did 3 terms,by the looks of Ozzy politic's Juliar is going to struggle to finish one :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. Just thought I would write something positive about the negative aspects of holidaying in Phuket!,LOL.

    I hope you are not one of the people who come to Thailand once or twice a year on a cheap package holiday, drinking

    cheap booze and enjoying bar ladies company and think they know a lot about Thailand

    There again you could be a troll as mentioned before on this thread :whistling:

    Nah My friend been living here full time in Issan (buriram) since Nov 04 but been all over Thailand from Had Yai in the South to Chang Ri in the North ,even been to Phuket 3 times , the last time showed me how times had changed for the worse since I first went there in 92 ,not only does one read about the many scams and tourists being assaulted but in many cases the police are "in on it " too , anyway the post was just meant as a light hearted joke, in view of the well deserved bad publicity Phuket has been receiving over the last year or so. ;)
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